Importing Aanalyst 200 Into Microsoft Excel - PerkinElmer aanalyst 200 User Manual

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Importing AAnalyst 200 into Microsoft Excel

AAnalyst 200 stores data in flash memory as long as the instrument is powered on. Using the
procedure below, data stored on the AAnalyst 200 can be imported into Microsoft Excel for
permanent storage or for custom printing and reporting.
: If Microsoft Office is not available, this procedure can also be used to open results using
Windows Notepad or Wordpad.
To import data into Microsoft Excel:
1. Insert the AAnalyst 200 Quick Start CD into the CD-ROM drive.
2. In the Main menu of the AAnalyst 200 Quick Start program, click on Quit in the lower right
part of the window. This will exit the AAnalyst 200 Quick Start program.
3. Use the Windows Explorer to search for MSASYNC.EXE file. It is located in the
D:\download directory\MSASYNC.EXE. (Where the D is the letter of your CD-ROM drive).
4. Double click on the MSASYNC.EXE file. A dialog will appear indicating that MS Active
Sync is being extracted.
5. Following extraction of MS Active Sync, a Setup dialog will appear.
6. Proceed with the setup, by clicking Next on each page that appears.
7. Connect the serial cable (part number 0941-0063) to the serial connections on the front of the
AAnalyst 200 E-Box and at the rear of the computer.
Screen 7- 35 Microsoft ActiveSync Install Shield
AAnalyst 200 User's Guide


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