6 How to Use the Motor condition monitoring Tool
Parameter name
Degradation level 1
failure warning
Degradation level 1
failure critical
Degradation level 2
failure warning
Degradation level 2
failure critical
Transistor output
Monitoring delay
Current moving
average times
Degradation level 1
moving average
Degradation level 2
moving average
Vibration & temperature type (K6CM-VB)
Parameter name
Display value type
Trigger mode
Trigger type
Trigger level
Monitoring time
Alarm latch
6 - 20
Setting range
0 to 9999
0 to 9999
0 to 9999
0 to 9999
0: Normally Close
1: Normally Open
0.0 to 600.0 seconds
0: OFF
1: 2 times
2: 4 times
3: 8 times
4: 16 times
5: 32 times
0: OFF
1: 2 times
2: 4 times
3: 8 times
4: 16 times
5: 32 times
0: OFF
1: 2 times
2: 4 times
3: 8 times
4: 16 times
5: 32 times
Setting range
0: PV (Present value)
1: MIN
2: MAX
0: Free run
1: External trigger
2: Internal trigger
0: Rising edge
1: Falling edge
2: Level
Current range 5 A: 0.00 to 99.99
Other current range: 0.0 to 999.9
0.1 to 600.0
0: Disable
1: Enable
Set a threshold value for outputting individual
alarm warning of the degradation level 1.
Set a threshold value for outputting individual
alarm critical of the degradation level 1.
Set a threshold value for outputting individual
alarm warning of the degradation level 2.
Set a threshold value for outputting individual
alarm critical of the degradation level 2.
Select transistor output method.
Set the delay time from the trigger input to the
start of measurement.
Set the current moving average times.
Set the degradation level 1 moving average
Set the degradation level 2 moving average
Set which measurement value is displayed in
the 7 segment display on the front of the
K6CM device.
Set the measurement mode.
Set the trigger measurement start condition.
Setting is not required when the trigger mode
is "Free run".
For "Internal trigger", set the measurement
value to start trigger measurement. Setting is
not required when the trigger mode is "Free
run" or "External trigger".
Set the time to continue the measurement
when the trigger mode is set to "External trig-
ger" or "Internal trigger" with the trigger type
"Rising edge" or "Falling edge". Setting is not
required when the trigger mode is "Free run"
or the trigger type is "Level".
Set the latch function when an alarm is
K6CM Motor Condition Monitoring Device User's Manual (N219)
0: Normally Close
0: OFF
3: 8 times
0: OFF
0: PV (Present
0: Free run
0: Rising edge
1: Enable