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Keysight FieldFox B Series User Manual page 333


Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) Measurements – Option 361
EMI Measurements Mode Settings
hardkeys or re-assigned to measure a different value on the trace by using the
Trace 6 hardkey (e.g., you can re-assign trace 1 to measure Quasi-peak or EMI
averaging). These detector choices are inactive when the EMI measurement
type is set to, Fast SA Scan or APD Statistics. (i.e., APD statistics does not uses
detection; it uses inputs. Refer to
Softkeys" on page 333
Learn more, see
CISPR Band Scan, CISPR Zoom Scan, and APD Statistics)" on page
These softkeys are inactive when the EMI measurement choices are Fast
SA Scan or APD Statistics. Learn more, see
Measurements)" on page
Measure 1 Hardkey – EMI 'Convenience' Softkeys
When you press the Measure 1 hardkey a softkey menu is displayed and
has, as a convenience, fixed values for Trace 1 (PosPeak T1), Trace 2
(QuasiPeak T2), Trace 3 (EMIAverage T3) assigned. While the softkey
labels cannot be re-assigned, the trace values can be changed manually
under the Traces 6 hardkey using the Detector softkey. Learn more, refer
— Press Measure 1 then choose:
Keysight N9938-90006 User's Guide
"How to Set the EMI Measurement Settings (Fast SA Scan,
"How to set Detection Method" on page
PosPeak T1
– Enable/Disable trace 1 to display positive peak data
and retains the peak value of a signal, indicating the worst-case
summary data (Default = on).
is inactive, when APD Statics is ON.
QuasiPeak T2
– Enable/Disable trace 2 to display quasi-Peak data
that weighs each component based on its repetition rate: the faster
repetition rate, the higher the weight given to that component
(Default = on). Q annotation is displayed. This softkey is inactive,
when APD Statics is ON and or CISPR Band E is selected.
EMIAverage T3
– Enable/Disable trace 3 to display EMI average data
displays the average amplitude of each signal component across its
period (Default = on). A annotation is displayed. This softkey is
inactive, when APD Statics is ON.
"Measure 1 Hardkey – EMI 'Convenience'
"Input – (Trace Input for APD Measurements)" on
"Input – (Trace Input for APD
annotation is displayed. This softkey

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