Feedline Light Operation - ABB FlexMT Product Manual

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5.5.1 FeedLine Light operation

The ModCam1.mod module for FeedLine Light operation contains part specific
movement, option handling and machine tool handling.
It contains the following base procedures and functions:
PROC InitializeCam()
PROC MainRoutine()
PROC MoveRobotTo(num
PROC Pick()
PROC RefPosIn()
PROC RefPosOut()
PROC GripDetail(\switch
PROC ReleaseDetail()
FUNC string StateLogic()
PROC StopRoutine()
PROC LeaveFeederOut()
It contains the following option handling procedures and functions.
PROC AirCleanDetail()
PROC DeburrDetail()
PROC LeaveSampleOut-
PROC MarkDetail()
PROC TurnDetail()
3HAC051768-001 Revision: -
The handling routines are called for each part. Make sure your code is good for
all parts, else activate the option "special robot program" from PickMT.
© Copyright 2014-2014 ABB. All rights reserved.
Initializes camera and part specific data.
This is the main routine for FeedLine Light
It checks for entry request, maintenance request and other
production breaking conditions. Then it calls the state logic to
decide what to do next.
This routine moves the robot to a selected zone.
Argument: nTargetZone, to where the robot should move.
This routine performs the actual picking of a detail from belt at
camera position.
This routine is called to approach camera belt before picking.
This is an intermediate position used when leaving the picking
area. Update this position to suite the current application.
This procedure close the gripper on the active tool.
This procedure releases the gripper on the active tool. It will
also set correct information for gripper, what is carried, mass
and center of gravity. Also it will call load compensation calcula-
Checks setup and machine condition and selects correct state
in main program flow. I.e. this function handles the main program
This procedure is executed when PickMT is stopped
Leave detail on out belt. This routine uses help functions in
FeederOut.sys, to make those work the SetUpFeederOut must
be called during initialization.
Note! Position that is sent as argument to CalcFeederOut-
LeaveTarget is overwritten with next leave position.
Example code to air clean solid cylindrical parts.
Example code for deburring.
Example code for leaving the finished detail in the statistical
Example code for marking detail.
Example code for turning detail before loading machine.
5 Robot program
5.5.1 FeedLine Light operation
Continues on next page


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