Chrysler 2005 Crossfire SRT6 Service Manual page 4230

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CAUTION: Liquid refrigerant is corrosive to metal surfaces. Follow the operating instructions supplied with
the service equipment being used.
Never add R-12 to a refrigerant system designed to use R-134a. Damage to the system will result.
R-12 refrigerant oil must not be mixed with R-134a refrigerant oil. They are not compatible.
Do not use R-12 equipment or parts on the R-134a system. Damage to the system will result.
Do not overcharge the refrigerant system. This will cause excessive compressor head pressure and can
cause noise and system failure.
Recover the refrigerant before opening any fitting or connection. Open the fittings with caution, even after
the system has been discharged. Never open or loosen a connection before recovering the refrigerant.
The refrigerant system must always be evacuated before charging.
Do not open the refrigerant system or uncap a replacement component until you are ready to service the
system. This will prevent contamination in the system.
Before disconnecting a component, clean the outside of the fittings thoroughly to prevent contamination
from entering the refrigerant system.
Immediately after disconnecting a component from the refrigerant system, seal the open fittings with a cap
or plug.
Before connecting an open refrigerant fitting, always install a new seal or gasket. Coat the fitting and seal
with clean refrigerant oil before connecting.
Do not remove the sealing caps from a replacement component until it is to be installed.
When installing a refrigerant line, avoid sharp bends that may restrict refrigerant flow. Position the refrig-
erant lines away from exhaust system components or any sharp edges, which may damage the line.
Tighten refrigerant fittings only to the specified torque. The aluminum fittings used in the refrigerant system
will not tolerate overtightening.
When disconnecting a refrigerant fitting, use a wrench on both halves of the fitting. This will prevent twist-
ing of the refrigerant lines or tubes.
Refrigerant oil will absorb moisture from the atmosphere if left uncapped. Do not open a container of refrig-
erant oil until you are ready to use it. Replace the cap on the oil container immediately after using. Store
refrigerant oil only in a clean, airtight, and moisture-free container.
Keep service tools and the work area clean. Contamination of the refrigerant system through careless work
habits must be avoided.
1. Disconnect the negative battery cable.
2. Evacuate the refrigerant from the A/C system.
CAUTION: Do not open cooling system unless
coolant temperature is below 90° C. Open cap
slowly and release the pressure. Do not pour cool-
ant into beverage bottles. Wear protective gloves,
protective clothing and eye protection.
3. Relieve the pressure in the cooling system by turn-
ing the cap on supply reservoir to catch "1" and
then tightening it back to its rest position.
4. Drain the coolant from the engine cooling system.
5. Remove the hot water hose clamp (1) located
inboard from the brake booster on the bulkhead,
then remove and plug off the hot water hose.


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