Appendix B: Debugging; Finding Help On - Xilinx LogiCORE IP AXI Product Manual

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This appendix provides information for using the resources available on the Xilinx®
Support website, debug tools, and other step-by-step processes for debugging designs
that use the AXI Bridge for PCI Express core.

Finding Help on

To help in the design and debug process when using the AXI Bridge for PCI Express core, the
Xilinx Support web page
documentation, release notes, answer records, information about known issues, and links
for opening a Technical Support WebCase.
This product puide is the main document associated with the AXI Bridge for PCI Express
core. This guide, along with documentation related to all products that aid in the design
process, can be found on the Xilinx Support web page ( or by using
the Xilinx Documentation Navigator.
You can download the Xilinx Documentation Navigator from the Design Tools tab on the
Downloads page ( For more information about this tool and the
features available, see the online help after installation.
Solution Centers
See the
Xilinx Solution Centers
property at all stages of the design cycle. Topics include design assistance, advisories, and
troubleshooting tips.
The PCI Express Solution Center is located at
Extensive debugging collateral is available in AR: 56802.
Answer Records
Answer Records include information about commonly encountered problems, helpful
information on how to resolve these problems, and any known issues with a Xilinx product.
AXI Bridge for PCI Express v2.4
PG055 June 4, 2014
( contains key resources such as product
for support on devices, software tools, and intellectual
Xilinx Solution Center for PCI
Appendix B
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