Alcatel-Lucent 7950 Quality Of Service Manual page 63

Extensible routing system
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Customer Service Level Agreement (SLA)
The router implementation of hierarchical QoS allows a common set of virtual schedulers to
govern bandwidth over a set of customer services that is considered to be from the same site.
Different service types purchased from a single customer can be aggregately accounted and billed
based on a single Service Level Agreement.
By configuring multi-service sites within a customer context, the customer site can be used as an
anchor point to create an ingress and egress virtual scheduler hierarchy.
Once a site is created, it must be assigned to the chassis slot or a port. This allows the system to
allocate the resources necessary to create the virtual schedulers defined in the ingress and egress
scheduler policies. This also acts as verification that each SAP assigned to the site exists within the
context of the customer ID and that the SAP was created on the correct slot. The specified slot or
port must already be pre-provisioned (configured) on the system.
When scheduler policies are defined for ingress and egress, the scheduler names contained in each
policy are created according to the parameters defined in the policy. Multi-service customer sites
are configured only to create a virtual scheduler hierarchy and make it available to queues on
multiple SAPs.
Scheduler Policies Applied to Multi-Service Sites
Only an existing scheduler policy and scheduler policy names can be applied to create the ingress
or egress schedulers used by SAP queues associated with a customer's multi-service site. The
schedulers defined in the scheduler policy can only be created after the customer site has been
appropriately assigned to a chassis port, or slot. Once a multi-service customer site is created,
SAPs owned by the customer must be explicitly included in the site. The SAP must be owned by
the customer the site was created within and the site assignment parameter must include the
physical locale of the SAP.
7950 XRS Quality of Service Guide
QoS Policies
Page 63


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