Humidity; Figure 171: Humidity Option; Figure 172: Humidity Units - Jamesway Sentry Manual

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6.2 Humidity

The 'Humidity' function is
used to select the units used
for displaying and editing of
humidity values. The operator
can choose to display the
humidity values in relative
humidity (% RH) or in degrees
wet bulb.
NOTE: The relative humidity
and degrees wet bulb have a
non-linear relationship,
therefore humidity conversion
is not completely accurate. In
fact the converted value may
be off by as much as 0.5
degrees. These conversion
errors only occur if the
humidity preference is set to be different than the type of humidity sensor the sensor module.
Humidity on the display can be
in relative humidity or degrees
wet bulb. This also applies to
entering of setpoints. If
degrees wet bulb is selected,
the temperature preference will
be used for units of display.
Move the cursor to desired
preference and press
"ENTER", or "EXIT" to leave
the preference unchanged.
NOTE: An ACI machine
controller will always control
in units of relative humidity,
thus it is possible that with
degrees wet bulb selected it
could appear, as if the
humidity is not controlled to the correct set point. Also there could be a high humidity alarm even
though the actual wet bulb temperature is less than the setpoint, because in fact the relative actual is
higher. It is recommended to use relative humidity for units of display.

Figure 171: Humidity Option

Figure 172: Humidity Units

Sentry Control System 95


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