Figure 35: Machine List; Figure 36: Alarm Setup Editing - Jamesway Sentry Manual

Display panel
Table of Contents


When the 'Alarm Setup'
function is selected, the
operator is asked to select the
machine for which they would
like to change the alarm setup.
The cursor can be moved one
machine at a time using the
arrow keys, or moved a full
screen using the "PAGE UP/
DOWN" keys. The "HOME"
and "END" keys move the
cursor to the corresponding
point in the machine list.
When the desired machine is
highlighted, press "ENTER" to
edit the alarm setup for the
selected machine, or press
"EXIT" to abort the function.
The Alarm Setup screen allows
the operator to view or change
the setup of a machine. The
screen consists of four
columns. The first column lists
all the alarms that can occur on
the selected machine. The
second column shows the
amount of time after the
machine controller first detects
an alarm condition until it
transmits the alarm to the
display panel. This 'Delay
Before Alarming' field can be
set to any value from 0.0 to
25.5 minutes. It is
recommended that the delays
be set to at least 0.1 minutes (6 seconds) to avoid spurious alarms. To change a field, use the arrow keys
to move the cursor to the desired location and press one of the numeric keys to start entering a new
number. A flashing cursor indicates edit mode. Pressing "ENTER" in edit mode accepts the new value,
but does not actually store the new value at the machine controller until requested to do so as explained
below. Pressing "EXIT" in edit mode reverts the field back to the previous value. The "CLEAR" key
moves the flashing cursor left by one character, deleting one digit.
The third column indicates how long an alarm remains acknowledged before it returns to the alarming
state. This field can also be programmed for a range of 0.0 to 25.5 minutes. Note: If it is programmed to
be 0.0, this alarm cannot be acknowledged and therefore remains in the alarming state until the alarm
condition is corrected. This field is edited in the same way as described above.
26 Sentry Control System

Figure 35: Machine List

Figure 36: Alarm Setup Editing


Table of Contents

Table of Contents