Figure 23: Selecting Profiles To Store; Figure 24: Send Profile - Jamesway Sentry Manual

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NOTE: Having multiple setpoints with the same 'Day' value can produce unpredictable results and must
therefore be avoided. There will be no error message if this occurs.
Pressing "ENTER" will start the process of storing the profile. The profile must contain at least one
setpoint line, and there must be a line with a 'Day' value of 0.00 before the operator can go on to the
next step.
Pressing the "EXIT" key will abort any changes to the profile without making any changes on the
machine. If the profile was modified in any way, a box is shown asking the operator for confirmation.
This action will cause all changes to be lost.
When all editing is complete,
press "ENTER" and a dialog
box appears asking which slots
the edited profile is to be
stored in. By default, the
original selected slot is chosen,
shown by the diamond to the
left of the slot. Multiple slots
can be selected by moving the
cursor to the slot number and
pressing the "SELECT" key,
toggling the diamond beside it.
This feature provides a quick
method of establishing profiles
that have only minor
differences. After storing the
profile to multiple slots, the
operator can go back and modify a particular profile rather than reenter all the data. Once all slots have
been selected, pressing "ENTER" continues on to the next step.
NOTE: Profile 1 is hardcoded and cannot be changed. To modify this profile copy it into another slot
and then edit this new profile.
Before the profiles are sent to
the machine, a dialog box will
appear asking if the operation
is to be aborted, or if the
profiles are to be sent to the
machine. Selecting 'Abort'
will return to the profile edit
screen without storing the
profile, selecting 'Send
Profile' will store the profile in
the requested slots and return
to the machine selection
screen. The desired option can
be selected using the "UP" and
"DOWN" arrow keys to
highlight the choice, and then
pressing "ENTER". Pressing
the "EXIT" key will have the same effect as selecting 'Abort'.
20 Sentry Control System

Figure 23: Selecting Profiles to Store

Figure 24: Send Profile


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