Figure 203: Jm Egg Turn Setup - Jamesway Sentry Manual

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Appendix D: Turn Setup on JM Incubators
The JM turn system has two
modes of operation: mode one
performs a rack turn and mode
two senses a rack turn. To
perform a rack turn, the machine
controller changes the direction
relay, then activates the turn
relay for one minute. This
applies 220Vac to the actuators
left or right turn motor winding,
depending on the direction relay.
The turn relay deactivates after
one minute, and depending on
whether the racks were turned to
the left or right, a 12Vdc signal or
0Vdc signal is applied to both
motor windings.
In order for the controller to determine if there is an egg turn failure, the controller must know how many racks
are connected inside the cabinet (it knows the maximum number that can be connected by reading the DIP
switch settings). Whenever the number of racks is changed in the machine, the machine must be
reprogrammed. There are two slightly different ways this is done, depending on whether 'Confirm rack setup'
is set to 'Yes' or 'No' (under the 'Turn Setup' function in the 'Machine Setup' menu).
1. If Confirm rack setup is set to 'No' the rack setup will be programmed automatically whenever the following
sequence occurs:
A. Level the racks by pressing the TURN button for 3 seconds.
B. Change the racks around.
C. Start the machine and press and release the TURN button to perform a manual egg turn (or wait
D. When the turn relay is deactivated, the machine will scan the racks and store each of the racks
detected in its memory.
Note: This mode of operation will accept whatever setup it finds after the first rack turn. If there are 8 racks in
the machine but it only senses 7, then it will only check those 7 racks for an egg turn failure. Therefore, it is
safer to use the manual method described in the next paragraph.
2. If Confirm rack setup is set to 'Yes' the rack setup will be programmed only after the operator verifies that
the setup is correct after the following sequence occurs:
A. Level the racks by pressing the TURN button for 3 seconds.
B. Change the racks around.
C. Start the machine and press and release the TURN button to perform a manual egg turn (or wait
D. When the turn relay is deactivated, wait a few seconds. Then acknowledge the machines alarms
E. A dialog box will show how many racks were detected. If the number is correct, choose 'Accept
Note: If all racks are inside the machine and all are sensed, then the dialog box will not be shown and the
operator will not be asked to confirm rack setup.
122 Sentry Control System
until the machine performs an automatic turn).
until machine performs an automatic turn).
(even if there are no alarms) from a display panel.
rack setup' and press ENTER.

Figure 203: JM Egg Turn Setup


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