Archiving And Ftp Recovery; Generality; Overview - Safran CORTEX Series User Manual

High data rate receiver
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Archiving and FTP Recovery



The main objective of the functionality is to record the down-link data coming from a satellite during its
successive passes and to place them at the disposal of different Users.
The data are recorded at the frame level after the Reed-Solomon decoding if used (CADU). The data
are recorded on an external DAS archiving system connected with the CORTEX HDR unit.
Before being recorded, successive filtering and sorting operations can be applied on specific words
inside the incoming data frames in order to store into dedicated directories the frames which are useful
for the Users. Nevertheless the other frames are temporary recorded in a specific "trash" directory.
These operations are fully programmable and can be individually selected or not.
There are basically 6 successive filtering and sorting operations:
 RS filtering, allows to discard or not the Reed-Solomon code blocks declared as non-corrected,
 Filter A,
 Sort A,
 Sort B,
 Sort C.
The filtered and sorted frames are recorded inside binary files. To be easily recovered by the Users,
the binary files are written inside specific dedicated directories of which tree construction and names
are fully programmable and are in relation with the successive filtering and sorting operations.
For each recording session, a pass report file is created. At the end of a recording session, the
corresponding text file provides information about the recorded data files. These report files are also
placed at the disposal of the Users in a dedicated directory.
The names of the files are automatically defined at the starting of a recording session. The names are
divided into several fields providing the start date of the recording session, specific markers and
programmable characters strings associated with the different filtering and sorting operations.
The HDR unit is fitted with a standard FTP server "FileZillaServer" and the users can recover the useful
files from the dedicated directories using a standard remote FTP client in a simple read operations.
The files storage durations are programmable and depend on the directory type: the directories
containing useful data files have a nominal storage duration and the "trash" directories have a
temporary storage duration.
For the setting and operation of the functionality basically there are two steps. The first step is the static
set-up and it is done one time for the mission of the unit,. The static set-up consists in the definition of
the partition of the memory space for data and report directories, the definition of the rules to construct
the dedicated directories and the definition of the roots of the files names. A static set-up is defined
inside a set of configuration files which are text files, there can be several different sets of configuration
files. The second step is the dynamic set-up and it is done before a pass of a given satellite. It consists
in selecting the filtering and sorting operations for the given pass, its set of configuration files and if
necessary the generation of the associated directories tree, in programming fields to complete the
construction of the files names, in giving a start and a stop dates for the recording. This dynamic set-up
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DTU 100782
June 1, 2021
Safran Data Systems
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