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Saadat ALBORZ B9 Operator's Manual page 215

Patient monitor


Chapter 15: BFA Monitoring
This window is a special page for BFA display to show detail information of BFA parameters in
lager area and also you can change the different settings of BFA on it.
To enable or disable trend graph of BS parameter:
Pick the most left item to enable or disable the BS trend.
To enable or disable trend graph of SQI parameter:
Pick the second left item to enable or disable the SQI trend.
To enable or disable trend graph of EMG parameter:
Pick the third left item to enable or disable the EMG trend.
The BFI parameter trend always shows on this page and the user is not able to
disable displaying of it.
To select how long the trend graph is displayed:
Pick the fourth left item, available options are 15min, 30min and 1, 2 and 4 H.
As long as the cursor line is not moved in BFA large page, every click on the fourth left item will
change the x -axis based on the selected interval.
Moving the cursor to choose a specific time and pressing trend time interval item (the forth left
item), x -axis will be zoomed in and zoomed out equal to the trend interval according to the
specific time the cursor line shows.
To obtain trend data of specific time:
The cursor line in trend graph shows specific time. Click on the fifth left item and turn the rotary
to set the interval on 15, 30 min and 2 H. The specific time to which the cursor points will
change and numeric parameters of this time will be displayed on the right side of the BFA large
To select time interval of trend in x-axis:
(the sixth left item) to adjust the start time and end time of x-axis. By every click on
, the x- axis will change to extent of the adjusted time in the fourth left item.
To change EEG gain:
Pick "EEG GAIN" (the seventh left item) to set gain of EEG signal. The Y-axis of EEG signal
changes according to the selected gain. Available options are 25µV and 50-250µV by step of
User Manual

