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Saadat ALBORZ B9 Operator's Manual page 142

Patient monitor


Chapter 12: IBP Monitoring
Do not use the sterile supplied IBP transducers if the packaging or the transducer is
damaged and return them to the vendor.
Verify transducer cables fault detection prior to the start of monitoring phase. Unplug the
transducer of the channel 1 from the socket, the screen will display the error message
"IBP1 NO SENSOR" and the audible alarm is activated with level 2. Next channel is the
Preparatory steps for IBP measurement (Figure 9-1):
1. Plug the pressure cable into corresponding socket.
2. Prepare the pressure tube and transducer by flushing through the tubing system with normal
saline solution. Ensure that the tubing system is free of air bubbles.
3. Connect the patient catheter to the pressure line, making sure that there is no air present
in the catheter or pressure line.
If there are air bubbles in the pressure line or the transducer, you should flush the solution
to the system.
4. Place the transducer at the same level with the patient's heart.
5. Check if you have selected the correct label name. See the next chapter for details.
6. Zero the transducer. See the next section for details.
7. Calibrate the IBP monitor with a reference pressure if you have changed the transducer or if
you are not sure about the accuracy.See the next section for details.
User Manual

