Hitachi PC-ARF Technical Catalogue page 608

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6 Building air conditioning controls
Create zones
You can find Zone in Edit menu. Zone options can also be found using the right button on a zone inside the installation tree.
A zone is a slide where we can add all shapes that we want. On a zone we can choose a background image and edit this.
Zone has different options:
New: create new zone. This zone will be child of selected zone on tree.
Edit: modify selected zone.
Cut: copy to clipboard selected zone. When we paste this zone will disappear from original parent.
Copy: clone the zone to allow you to paste where you want.
Paste: copy the zone stored on clipboard as a child of the selected zone. Remember that root zone is not allowed to
be deleted.
Delete: delete current zone. When you choose this option a dialogue will appear where you can choose between delete
all children from selected zone or move children to parent of the selected zone.
Creating new zone or editing an existing one will appear the zone dialogue to set the information of the zone. Each zone
must to have a specific information to identify the zone. The name of the zone must to be unique.
In each zone you can insert one background image. In the image tab are different buttons that allows you to modify the
background image:
Block image: block transformations to your image to ban the possibility of transform without want it.
Load image: open file dialogue to choose an image.
Delete image: delete current background image.
Reset image: restart all the transformations of the image.
Rotate: rotate the current image.
TCGB0106 rev.0 - 12/2014


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