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Ricoh V-C3 Technical Training Manual page 26


Color Weakness Management Mode
Color Barrier-free mgn mode
< < < < doc. appearance for people
without color weakness> > > >
2 blue colors are
distingui shable
! This mode can be selected at the printer driver to help
people with color weakness to distinguish between red and
Slide 26
# Color weakness is also known as partial color blindness. For example, some
people cannot distinguish red from green; both colors appear as a yellowish
brown, as shown on the slide.
$ It is said that between 5 and 10% of Caucasian males are red-green color
$ There is another form of color weakness, involving yellow and blue, but this
is more rare.
# This feature is available with PCL6 or PS3, operating on MS Office 2007.
Color Barrier-free mgn mode
< < < < doc. appearance for people
< < < < doc. appearance for
without color weakness > > > >
people with D type
color weakness> > > >
Not much difference between
Red and Green
Pale light blue
・ ・ ・ ・ Photo: : : : no change
Not easy to distingui sh 2 colors
・ ・ ・ ・ Graphic: : : : can be adjusted
・ ・ ・ ・ Letters: : : : can be adjusted
Adjusted result does not give
uncomfortable co lor result to
people without color weakness
< < < < doc. appearance for
Orange red
people with D type color
weakness > > > >
Possible to di stingui sh
those two colors
Easy to di stinguish 2
V-C3 Training

