Infra Tab - Lightware UBEX Series User Manual

Matrix application mode, av over ip multimedia extender
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8. Lightware Device Controller
8. Lightware Device Controller
Sending Message via RS-232 Interface
The Send message is for sending a command message in ASCII-format. This
method allows escaping the control characters.
Escaping the Control Characters

An escape sequence is a sequence of characters that does not represent itself when used
inside a character or string literal, but is translated into another character or a sequence of characters.
The message can contain characters that are used as control characters in the protocol. They must be
escaped. The escape character is the backslash ('\') and escaping means injecting a backslash before the
given character (like in C language).
Control characters are the followings: \ { } # % ( ) \r \n \t
A typical usage when a message is sent and it contains such a character that must be escaped.
The original message:
The escaped message:
The above case is a typical example: the UBEX endpoint device is directed to send out a message over one
of its port. The round brackets in the message are escaped.
Using Hexadecimal Codes
Hexadecimal codes can be inserted in the ASCII message when using:
C00: the message.
\x: indicates that the following is a hexadecimal code.
0D: the hexadecimal code (Carriage Return).
See more serial message sending method using LW3 protocol commands in the
format) via Serial
Sending a Binary Message (HEX-format) via Serial
(ASCII-format) via Serial Port
Applied F-series endpoint firmware package: v1.4.1 | Applied R-series endpoint firmware package: v1.4.1 | Applied MMU firmware package: v1.2.1 | LDC software: v1.34.0b2
Sending a Text (ASCII-
Port, and
Sending a Message
UBEX series – Matrix Application Mode – User's Manual
UBEX series – Matrix Application Mode – User's Manual
8.14.3. Infra Tab

Only the UBEX-PRO20-HDMI-F110 model has built with Infrared interface ports.
Clicking on a Infra port icon results opening the Port properties. The most important settings are available
on the panel.
#infra #ir #message
Available settings and tools:
Port naming;
Enable/disable the port;
Command injection port;
Enable command Injection (enable / disable);
Send message (for IR out ports only): sending pronto hex message in little-endian format on the Infra
output port.

The device has no built-in Infrared receiver and transmitter. For the complete usage attach
an IR emitter unit to the IR OUT and an IR detector unit to the IR IN connectors.

You can send pronto hex message in big-endian format as well using LW3 protocol command. See
the details in the
Infra tab in the Control menu
Sending Hex Codes in Big-endian Format via IR Port


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