HP Aruba JL253A Management And Configuration Manual page 537

For arubaos-switch 16.08
Table of Contents


copy <source> show-tech
Specifies the operational and configuration data from one or more source files to be displayed by the show tech
command. Enter the command once for each data file that you want to include in the display.
Default: Displays data from all source files, where <source> can be any one of the following values:
command-output "<command>"
crash-data [slot-id | master]
crash-log [slot-id | master]
Chapter 13 Troubleshooting
Includes the output of a specified command in show-tech
command output.
Enter the command name between double-quotation marks,
For example, copy "show system" show-tech.
Includes the crash data from all management and interface
modules in show tech command output.
To limit the amount of crash data displayed, specify an
installed module or management modules, where:
slot-id: Includes the crash data from an installed
module. Valid slot IDs are the letters a through h.
master: Includes the crash data from both management
Includes the crash logs from all management and interface
modules in show tech command output.
To limit the amount of crash-log data displayed, specify an
installed module or management modules, where:
slot-id: Includes the crash log from an installed module.
Valid slot IDs are the letters a through h.
master: Includes the crash log from both management
Copies the contents of the Event Log to show tech
command output.
Includes the contents of the running configuration file in show
tech command output
Includes the contents of the startup configuration file in show
tech command output.
Table Continued


Table of Contents

Table of Contents