Making A Call Through The L2W-323 Gateway - RADVision L2W-323 User Manual

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Making a Call Through the L2W-323 Gateway

The Gateway is now ready for basic operation. Follow the steps below to make a trial call
through the Gateway. If the call is successful, proceed to Chapter 6, "Advanced Gatekeeper
Configuration" to set advanced Gatekeeper configuration options. Otherwise, refer to
Chapter 9 "Troubleshooting the L2W-323 Gateway" to see why you cannot make the call.
To make a trial LAN-to-WAN voice call through the Gateway
1. Register an endpoint to the gatekeeper.
2. From this endpoint, dial the Gateway service for a voice call followed by the phone
number of a phone on the WAN; for example, dial
9 6455399
where 9 is the Gateway service for a voice call and 6455399 is the phone number of
the destination phone.
To make a trial LAN-to-WAN video call through the Gateway
1. Register an endpoint to the Gatekeeper. For information on endpoint registration, see
"H.323 Endpoint Registration" in Chapter 2, "Overview."
2. From this endpoint, dial the Gateway service for a video call, followed by the phone
number of a terminal on the WAN; for example, dial
82 6457332 *
where 82 is the Gateway service for a basic rate data call, 6457332 is the ISDN phone
number of the destination WAN terminal and * is the second number delimiter,
indicating that this is a 2B call.
Note: This User Guide does not cover configuration procedures relating to H.323 or H.320
videoconferencing applications. For more information, refer to their documentation.
To make a trial WAN-to-LAN call through the Gateway
1. From a WAN terminal, dial the phone number of the Gateway. If you did not register
one of the LAN endpoints to the Gatekeeper with this phone number, the IVR service
should respond.
2. Follow the recorded IVR messages; when prompted, dial the extension number of the
LAN endpoint you want to reach and the pound (#) sign.
For more information, see Chapter 7 "Using the L2W-323 Gateway."
Making a Call Through the L2W-323 Gateway


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