Setting Default Access - HindlePower ATevo Series Operations

Float battery charger phase input–group ii (30-100 adc output)
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HindlePower Inc

8.4.3. Setting Default Access

Setting Default Access
The DEFAULT ACCESS setting determines the authorization and password level when there is no
log in. If you do not wish to implement password security, DEFAULT ACCESS should be set to
ADMINISTRATOR, the default factory setting.
8.4.4. Logging into a Password
Logging into a Password
Authorization Level
Authorization Level
If you attempt to access a feature or change a parameter that is configured at a higher
privilege level than DEFAULT ACCESS (or the present level), ATevo will prevent the action. You
will need to log in at the configured privilege level (or higher) to proceed.
To LOG IN to a privilege level, select 'LOG IN', select the level you wish to access, and enter the
Copyright HindlePower Inc. 2021
ATevo Operations–Single Phase Input–Group II (30-100 Adc Output) - 1_en
Last modified: 1 March 2021
Last modified: 11 February 2021
Page 83 of 171


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