HindlePower ATevo Series Operations page 154

Float battery charger phase input–group ii (30-100 adc output)
Table of Contents


HindlePower Inc
15.5. FLS in Combination with Other
FLS in Combination with Other
Charger Features
Charger Features
Each heading below will describe recommended practices for Forced Load Sharing while using
another feature of the ATevo charger:
Temperature Compensation with Forced Load Sharing
Temperature Compensation with Forced Load Sharing
The recommended practice for an ATevo Forced Load Sharing application, which uses
temperature compensation, is for each ATevo to have a battery temperature probe (A10) and
have temperature compensation initiated.
Battery Open Alarm for Forced Load Sharing
Battery Open Alarm for Forced Load Sharing
The recommended practice for Forced Load Sharing which employs periodic Open Battery
Testing is to only enable the test on the Primary ATevo. During load sharing, the Primary ATevo
will dictate the battery open test voltage setting to all Secondary chargers when a scheduled
test runs. It is always possible to manually start a Battery Open Test from a Primary or
Secondary when load sharing is active.
Timed Equalize with Forced Load Sharing
Timed Equalize with Forced Load Sharing
If a timed equalize is in progress, all ATevos sharing load will depict the Equalize Time
Remaining, alternating with the Volt/Ammeter display. If the ATevos go independent while timed
equalize is active, they will continue timed equalize. If a Primary ATevo goes offline, the
Secondary ATevo will continue in equalize mode until the Primary ATevo come back on-line. The
Primary ATevo and all Secondary ATevos will switch back to float mode after the Primary ATevo
Auto-Equalize with Forced Load Sharing
Auto-Equalize with Forced Load Sharing
If desired, Auto-Equalize mode only needs to be configured on the Primary ATevo. Secondary
ATevos can also enable Auto-Equalize mode, but it will only matter if the Primary ATevo is
Firmware Updates with Forced Load Sharing
Firmware Updates with Forced Load Sharing
The recommended order to update firmware on ATevos sharing load is to update Secondary
chargers first, and Primary chargers last. If a communications issue occurs after the upgrade,
reset the Primary ATevo or rerun discover mode on the Primary ATevo.
Copyright HindlePower Inc. 2021
ATevo Operations–Single Phase Input–Group II (30-100 Adc Output) - 1_en
Last modified: 3 March 2021
Last modified: 3 March 2021
Page 152 of 171


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