HindlePower ATevo Series Operations page 44

Float battery charger phase input–group ii (30-100 adc output)
Table of Contents


HindlePower Inc
toggles below for more details:
The HOME screen is the primary ATevo display, and is active most of the time ATevo is
energized. Other screens are displayed during configuration changes, during testing, when the
user requests more detailed status than what is provided on the HOME screen, or when the
user wishes to utilize one of the advanced ATevo features.
• The Factory Default HOME Screen displays the output voltage (Vdc) and output
current (Adc) in a large font for easy reading.
• 'Float' or 'Equalize' will appear on the left side of the top of the display to indicate
that the charger is actively in either FLOAT or EQUALIZE CHARGE MODE.
• 'Eqlz Mthd: Man' or 'Eqlz Mthd: Auto' will appear on the right side of the top of the
display to indicate that the EQUALIZE METHOD is presently configured for MANUAL
• If a Temperature Compensation (TempCo) Probe option is installed and enabled, the
present battery temperature and normalized voltage set point will also appear on the
display (see
Configuration Scr
Configuration Screens
These screens are used for changing ATevo set points and configuration. Many of these screens
will be described in
installed options will be described later in their respective installed option sections.
Status Scr
Status Screens
ATevo Status screens do not permit any system changes, and are used only for viewing
information. Most of the status screens (e.g. Event Log and Active Alarm List) are covered in
Section 8, Advanced
Screen in that it can indicate dc output voltage (Vdc), dc output current (Adc), and status of
Equalize/Float mode and method.
Hindle Health System Scr
Hindle Health System Screens
Hindle Health System screens are associated with the Hindle Health button (HH). When (HH) is
pressed, ATevo enters a user-assisted self-diagnostic mode. Screens prompt the user to
participate in a series of tests that confirm that ATevo is operating correctly. For more
information on the Hindle Health System, see
Copyright HindlePower Inc. 2021
ATevo Operations–Single Phase Input–Group II (30-100 Adc Output) - 1_en
Section 12
for more details on the TempCo option and display).
Section 6, Startup and
Operation. The HOME screen can be thought of as a 'special' Status
Configuration. Other configuration screens for
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Table of Contents

Table of Contents