Extended Parameters - Operating Mode; Extended Parameters - Used Movement Detection; Extended Parameters - Slave Sent - Busch-Jaeger mini KNX 6131/20 series Technical Manual

Presence detector knx
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11.4.12 Extended parameters — Operating mode
Automatic = automatic switch-on and switch-off.
In "Automatic" mode, in case it is too dark, the presence detector switches on automatically
when detecting a movement. The switch-off is effected after the set switch-off delay
beginning from the most recent detection.
Automatic switch-off = manual switch-on and automatic switch-off.
In "Automatic switch-off" mode, the presence detector must be switched on manually using
the "automatic/manual" object. The switch-off is effected automatically under consideration
of the switch-off delay.
Operation independent of movement = switch-on and switch-off independent of brightness.
In the "Operation independent of movement" mode, the presence detector switches on and
off only on the basis of brightness ± hysteresis. Activation / deactivation via object
"automatic/manual off".
11.4.13 Extended parameters — Used movement detection
Only internal: The presence detector responds only to movement measured internally.
Only external: The presence detector responds only to telegrams that are received via the
"slave" object (input).
Internal and external: The presence detector responds to movements measured internally
and to external telegrams that are received via the "slave" object (input).
11.4.14 Extended parameters — Slave sent
Cyclic On telegram: The presence detector, which is connected to the master as slave,
sends only On telegrams cyclically.
On/Off telegram: The presence detector, which is connected to the master as slave, sends
only On/Off telegrams.
KNX Technical Manual 2CKA001473B8667 │ 06.02.2017
Description of application and parameters
Automatic mode
Automatic switch-off
Movement-dependent operation
Internal only
External only
Internal and external
Cyclic On telegram
On/off telegram
Constant light switch application


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