Table 6-1 Memory Area After Initialization - Seiko RP-F10 Series Technical Reference

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For user-defined characters and downloaded characters, the memory area is allocated at the shipping
and initialization of the user area.
For optional fonts, macros, NV graphics, downloaded bit images, User page 1-byte fonts, and User
page international characters, the memory area is not allocated at the shipping and initialization of the
user area, but the area is automatically allocated when the corresponding commands are input.
When registering these, check beforehand that there is sufficient memory remaining capacity.
The remaining memory capacity can be confirmed by the "Send Remaining User Area" command (DC2
'*' '2').
This memory area can be released/allocated with a command, so the memory remaining capacity can
be increased for registering other functions.
When the command is normal and the memory area has been allocated, the data is registered.
In the following cases, the data is not correctly registered.
(a) When the command is not normal, that is, when the parameter is out of the definition range, the
subsequent data is processed as normal data.
(b) When the command is normal, but the memory area is not allocated or the memory remaining
capacity is insufficient, the operation with each command is as follows:
"Register User-Defined Character" command (FS '2')
Up to FS '2' is ignored, and the subsequent data is processed as normal data.
"Register Downloaded Character" command (ESC '&')
Up to ESC '&' is ignored, and the subsequent data is processed as normal data.
"Register Optional Font" command (DC2 'P')
Up to DC2 'P' s e y x is ignored, and the subsequent data is processed as normal data.
"Register Downloaded Bit Image" command (GS '*')
Up to GS '*' x y is ignored, and the subsequent data is processed as normal data.
"Register NV Graphics Data" command (GS '(' 'L', GS '8' 'L')
All data including the subsequent data is ignored.
"Start/End Macro Definition" command (GS ':')
・When the data is registered more than the allocated memory area
The data beyond the area is processed as normal data.
・When the memory remaining capacity is less than 4 bytes
Up to GS ':' is ignored, and the subsequent data is processed as normal data.

Table 6-1 Memory Area After Initialization

User-defined characters
Downloaded characters
Optional fonts
NV graphics
Downloaded bit images
User page 1-byte fonts
User page international characters
Capacity (Bytes)


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