Command Description - Seiko RP-F10 Series Technical Reference

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This chapter describes the commands in each function.
× ×
Definition Range
Related Commands Describes commands related to this command operation.
The meanings of the terms are described below.
• Buffer full
It signifies the line buffer is in a full state. During buffer full in the standard mode, the printer prints
data in the line buffer and feeds paper 1 dot-line when new print data is input. The operation is the
same as the "Line Feed" command (LF). During buffer full in page mode, the printer shifts the
mapping start position to the beginning of the next line and then maps the data when new print
data is input.
• Beginning of line
The beginning of line signifies a state satisfying the following conditions:
・ No print data (including spaces and the portion skipped by the "Horizontal Tab" command
(HT)) exists in the current line buffer.
・ The print position is not specified by the "Specify Absolute Position" command (ESC '$') or
"Specify Relative Position" command (ESC '\').
• Printable area
This area is X direction maximum width defined by paper width setting. See "6.3.2 Page Mode" for
the paper width setting. In page mode, Y direction maximum width is defined by the "Select Print
Direction in Page Mode" command (ESC 'T').
• Print area
This is a printing range set with the "Set Print Area Width" command (GS 'W') and the "Set Print
Area in Page Mode" command (ESC 'W'). The print area cannot be set beyond the printable area.
• Ignore
This is a state of discarding all codes including parameters and not doing anything.
• Inch
Unit of length. 1 inch = approx. 25.4 mm
LSB represents the least significant bit and MSB represents the most significant bit.
• Realtime command
This is a command that executes processing when receiving data.
Indicates the hexadecimal code ( H).
Shows the parameter and the settable data range.
Describes the default value for the command involving parameter.
Shows the function of the command.
Describes notes about the command as needed.
× × × ×
The name of the command


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