Dc2 'I' N Select Bit Image Scan Method; Dc2 '=' N Select Image Lsb/Msb - Seiko RP-F10 Series Technical Reference

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DC2 'I' n
12H 49H n
Definition Range
n = 0 (Column scan)
Function Specifies whether to transfer bit image registration with column scan or row scan data.
When n = <*******0>B, column scan is specified.
When n = <*******1>B, row scan is specified.
Only the LSB is valid for n.
The command affected by this setting is as follows:
Register Downloaded Bit Image (GS '*')
DC2 '=' n
12H 3DH n
Definition Range
n = 1
Function When the row scan method is selected as the bit image scan method, the command selects
whether the left edge of the print image is the LSB or MSB of the bit image data.
When n = <*******0>B, the LSB is the left edge or top.
When n = <*******1>B, the MSB is the left edge or top.
Only the LSB is valid for n.
The commands affected by this setting are as follows:
Register NV Graphics Data
( (1)GS '(' 'L' pL pH '0' fn '0' kc1 kc2 b xL xH yL yH '1' [d]k
(2)GS '8' 'L' p1 p2 p3 p4 '0' fn '0' kc1 kc2 b xL xH yL yH '1' [d]k)
Store Graphics Data in Print Buffer
( (1) GS '(' 'L' pL pH '0' fn '0' bx by '1' xL xH yL yH [d]k
(2) GS '8' 'L' p1 p2 p3 p4 '0' fn '0' bx by '1' xL xH yL yH [d]k)
Register Downloaded Bit Image (GS '*')
Print Raster Bit Image (GS 'v' '0')
Write Ruled Line Image (DC3 'v')
Fill Ruled Line Pattern (DC3 'F')
When 64 ≤ m ≤ 67 or 192 ≤ m ≤ 195 is set in the "Print Raster Bit Image" command (GS 'v'),
only the internal flag operation of the printer is executed.
When this command is input while the column scan is selected, only the internal flag
operation of the printer is executed.
Related Commands DC2 'I'
0 ≤ n ≤ 255
0 ≤ n ≤ 255
Select Bit Image Scan Method
Select Image LSB/MSB


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