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SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V Fujitsu Limited Release 1.0, 1 July 2002 Fujitsu Limited 4-1-1 Kamikodanaka Nahahara-ku, Kawasaki, 211-8588 Japan Part No. 806-6755-1.0...
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This product and related documentation are protected by copyright and distributed under licenses restricting their use, copying, distribution, and decompilation. No part of this product or related documentation may be reproduced in any form by any means without prior written authorization of Fujitsu Limited and its licensors, if any.
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SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
F. C H A P T E R Contents Overview 1 Navigating the SPARC64 V Implementation Supplement 1 Fonts and Notational Conventions 1 The SPARC64 V processor 2 Component Overview 4 Instruction Control Unit (IU) 6 Execution Unit (EU) 6 Storage Unit (SU) 7 Secondary Cache and External Access Unit (SXU) 8 Definitions 9...
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Trap Type (TT) 38 Details of Supported Traps 39 Trap Processing 39 Exception and Interrupt Descriptions 39 SPARC V9 Implementation-Dependent, Optional Traps That Are Mandatory in SPARC JPS1 39 SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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SPARC JPS1 Implementation-Dependent Traps 39 Memory Models 41 Overview 42 SPARC V9 Memory Model 42 Mode Control 42 Synchronizing Instruction and Data Memory 42 A. Instruction Definitions: SPARC64 V Extensions 45 Block Load and Store Instructions (VIS I) 47 Call and Link 49 Implementation-Dependent Instructions 49 Floating-Point Multiply-Add/Subtract 50 Jump and Link 53...
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Special Memory Access ASIs 119 Barrier Assist for Parallel Processing 121 Interface Definition 121 ASI Registers 122 M. Cache Organization 125 Cache Types 125 Level-1 Instruction Cache (L1I Cache) 126 SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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Level-1 Data Cache (L1D Cache) 127 Level-2 Unified Cache (L2 Cache) 127 Cache Coherency Protocols 128 Cache Control/Status Instructions 128 Flush Level-1 Instruction Cache (ASI_FLUSH_L1I) 129 Level-2 Cache Control Register (ASI_L2_CTRL) 130 L2 Diagnostics Tag Read (ASI_L2_DIAG_TAG_READ) 130 L2 Diagnostics Tag Read Registers (ASI_L2_DIAG_TAG_READ_REG) 131 N.
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Handling of a D1 Cache Data Error 190 Handling of a U2 Cache Data Error 192 Automatic Way Reduction of I1 Cache, D1 Cache, and U2 Cache 193 SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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TLB Error Handling 195 Handling of TLB Entry Errors 195 Automatic Way Reduction of sTLB 196 Handling of Extended UPA Bus Interface Error 197 Handling of Extended UPA Address Bus Error 197 Handling of Extended UPA Data Bus Error 197 Q.
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SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
F. C H A P T E R Overview Navigating the SPARC64 V Implementation Supplement We suggest that you approach this Implementation Supplement SPARC Joint Programming Specification as follows. 1. Familiarize yourself with the SPARC64 V processor and its components by reading these sections: The SPARC64 V processor on page 2 Component Overview on page 4...
It contributes to higher reliability by eliminating the external connections for level-2 cache. High Reliability and High Integrity SPARC64 V implements the following advanced RAS features for reliability and integrity beyond that of ordinary microprocessors. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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1. Advanced RAS features for caches Strong cache error protection: ECC protection for D1 (Data level 1) cache data, U2 (unified level 2) cache data, and the U2 cache tag. Parity protection for I1 (Instruction level 1) cache data. Parity protection and duplication for the I1 cache tag and the D1 cache tag. Automatic correction of all types of single-bit error: Automatic single-bit error correction for the ECC protected data.
Instruction control Unit (IU) Execution Unit (EU) Storage Unit (SU) Secondary cache and eXternal access Unit (SXU) illustrates the major units; the following subsections describe them. FIGURE 1-1 SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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Extended UPA Bus SX-Unit E-Unit UPA interface logic MoveOut buffer MoveIn buffer U2$ data ALUs 2M 4-way Input Registers S-Unit interface Output Registers S-Unit EAGA EAGB SX interface SX order queue Store queue I-TLB data D-TLB data 2048 2048 Level-1 I cache Level-1 D cache + 32 + 32...
Execution Unit Major Blocks (Continued) TABLE 1-2 Name Description Interface registers Input/output registers to other units. Two integer execution pipelines 64-bit ALU and shifters. (EXA, EXB) Two floating-point and graphics Each floating-point execution pipeline can execute floating execution pipelines (FLA, FLB) point multiply, floating point add/sub, floating-point multiply and add, floating point div/sqrt, and floating- point graphics instruction.
Eight entries, 64-bytes/entry; holds writeback data. A maximum of 8 outstanding writeback requests can be issued. Extended UPA interface Send/receive transaction packets to/from Extended UPA control logic interface connected to the system. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
F. C H A P T E R Definitions This chapter defines concepts unique to the SPARC64 V, the Fujitsu implementation of SPARC JPS1. For definition of terms that are common to all implementations, please refer to Chapter 2 of Commonality.
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Before instructions are issued, source and destination registers are mapped onto this set of rename registers. This allows instructions that normally would be blocked, waiting for an architected register, to proceed SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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in parallel. When instructions are committed, results in renamed registers are posted to the architected registers in the proper sequence to produce the correct program results. scan A method used to initialize all of the machine state within a chip. In a chip that has been designed to be scannable, all of the machine state is connected in one or several loops called “scan rings.”...
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SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
F. C H A P T E R Registers The SPARC64 V processor includes two types of registers: general-purpose—that is, working, data, control/status—and ASI registers. The SPARC V9 architecture also defines two implementation-dependent registers: the IU Deferred-Trap Queue and the Floating-Point Deferred-Trap Queue (FQ); SPARC64 V does not need or contain either queue.
In SPARC64 V, the cexc bits are set according to the following pseudocode: if (<LDFSR or LDXFSR commits>) <update using data from LDFSR or LDXFSR>; else if (<FPop commits with ftt = 0>) <update using value from FPU> SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
else if (<FPop commits with IEEE_754_exception>) <set one bit in the CEXC field as supplied by FPU>; else if (<FPop commits with unfinished_FPop error>) <no change>; else if (<FPop commits with unimplemented_FPop error>) <no change>; else <no change>; FSR Conformance SPARC V9 allows the TEM, cexc, and aexc fields to be implemented in hardware in either of two ways (both of which comply with IEEE Std 754-1985).
The manuf field contains Fujitsu’s 8-bit JEDEC code in the lower 8 bits and zeroes in the upper 8 bits. The manuf, impl, and mask fields are implemented so that they may change in future SPARC64 V processor versions. The mask field is incremented by 1 any time a programmer-visible revision is made to the processor.
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The Performance Control Register in SPARC64 V is illustrated in FIGURE 5-1 described in TABLE 5-2 OVRO ULRO UT ST PRIV 10 9 SPARC64 V Performance Control Register (PCR) (ASR 16) FIGURE 5-1 Bit Description TABLE 5-2 Field Description 47:32 Overflow Clear/Set/Status.
The functions include Instruction, Prefetch, write and data caches, MMUs, and watchpoint setting. SPARC64 V implements most of DCUCUR’s functions described in Section 5.2.12 of Commonality. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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After a power-on reset (POR), all fields of DCUCR, including implementation- dependent fields, are set to 0. After a WDR, XIR, or SIR reset, all fields of DCUCR, including implementation-dependent fields, are set to 0. The Data Cache Unit Control Register is illustrated in and described in FIGURE 5-2 .
An attempt to read FQ with an RDPR instruction generates an illegal_instruction exception (impl. dep. #25). 5.2.14 IU Deferred-Trap Queue SPARC64 V neither has nor needs an IU deferred-trap queue (impl. dep. #16) SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
F. C H A P T E R Instructions This chapter presents SPARC64 V implementation-specific instruction details and the processor pipeline information in these subsections: Instruction Execution on page 25 Instruction Formats and Fields on page 28 Instruction Categories on page 29 Processor Pipeline on page 31 For additional, general information, please see parallel subsections of Chapter 6 in Commonality.
(in program order) have been committed. 1. Hardware errors and other asynchronous errors may generate a trap even if the instruction that caused the trap is never committed. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
6.1.3 Syncing Instructions SPARC64 V has instructions, called syncing instructions, that stop execution for the number of cycles it takes to clear the pipeline and to synchronize the processor. There are two types of synchronization, pre and post. A presyncing instruction waits for all previous instructions to commit, commits by itself, and then issues successive instructions.
This 2-bit field specifies which specific operation (variation) to perform for the floating-point multiply-add and multiply-subtract instructions This 2-bit field specifies the size of the operands for the floating-point size multiply-add and multiply-subtract instructions. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
Since = 00 is not IMPDEP2B and since size = 11 assumed quad operations but size is not implemented in SPARC64 V, the instruction with size = 00 or 11 generates an exception in SPARC64 V. illegal_instruction Instruction Categories SPARC V9 instructions comprise the categories listed below. All categories are described in Section 6.3 of Commonality.
SPARC V9 architecture, the operating system does not supply software emulation routines for the quad versions of these instructions. SPARC64 V uses the IMPDEP1 instruction to implement the graphics acceleration instructions. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
Processor Pipeline The pipeline of SPARC64 V consists of fifteen stages, shown in FIGURE 6-2. Each stage is referenced by one or two letters as follows: 6.4.1 Instruction Fetch Stages IA (Instruction Address generation) — Calculate fetch target address. IT (Instruction TLB Tag access) — Instruction TLB tag search. Search of BRHIS and RAS is also started.
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IF EAG iTLB BRHIS Instruction Buffer RSFA RSFB RSEA RSEB RSBR EAGA EAGB dTLB ccr fsr PC nPC SPARC64 V Pipeline FIGURE 6-2 SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
6.4.2 Issue Stages E (Entry) — Instructions are passed from fetch stages. D (Decode) — Assign resources and dispatch to reservation station (RS.) SPARC64 V is an out-of-order execution CPU. It has six execution units (two of arithmetic and logic unit, two of floating-point unit, two of load/store unit). Each unit except the load/store unit has its own reservation station.
Exception handling is done in the completion stages. Exceptions occurring in execution stages are not handled immediately but are signalled when the instruction is completed. 1. RAS-related exception may be signalled before completion. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
F. C H A P T E R Traps Please refer to Chapter 7 of Commonality. Section numbers in this chapter correspond to those in Chapter 7 of Commonality. This chapter adds SPARC64 V-specific information in the following sections: Processor States, Normal and Special Traps on page 35 RED_state on page 36 error_state on page 36 Trap Categories on page 37...
The processor enters error_state when a trap occurs while the processor is already at its maximum supported trap level (that is, when TL = MAXTL) (impl. dep. #39). SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
Although the standard behavior of the CPU upon an entry into error_state is to internally generate a (WDR), the CPU optionally stays halted upon an watchdog_reset entry to error_state depending on a setting in the OPSR register (impl. dep #40, #254).
, which TABLE 7-1 is specific to SPARC64 V (impl. dep. #35; impl. dep. #36). SPARC64 V Exceptions Specific to TABLE 7-1 Exception or Interrupt Request Priority async_data_error SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
7.4.4 Details of Supported Traps Please refer to Section 7.4.4 in Commonality. SPARC64 V Implementation-Specific Traps SPARC64 V supports the following implementation-specific trap type: async_data_error Trap Processing Please refer to Section 7.5 of Commonality. Exception and Interrupt Descriptions Please refer to Section 7.6 of Commonality. 7.6.4 SPARC V9 Implementation-Dependent, Optional Traps That Are Mandatory in SPARC JPS1...
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TNPC stacked by the exception may indicate the exact instruction, the preceding instruction, or the subsequent instruction inducing the error. See Appendix P for details of the exception in SPARC64 V. async_data_error SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
F. C H A P T E R Memory Models The SPARC V9 architecture is a model that specifies the behavior observable by software on SPARC V9 systems. Therefore, access to memory can be implemented in any manner, as long as the behavior observed by software conforms to that of the models described in Chapter 8 of Commonality and defined in Appendix D, Formal Specification of the Memory Models, also in Commonality.
All caches in a SPARC64 V-based system (uniprocessor or multiprocessor) have a unified cache consistency protocol and implement strong coherence between instruction and data caches. Writes to any data cache cause invalidations to the SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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corresponding locations in all instruction caches; references to any instruction cache cause corresponding modified data to be flushed and corresponding unmodified data to be invalidated from all data caches. The flush operation is still operative in SPARC64 V, however. Since the FLUSH instruction synchronizes the processor, the total latency varies depending on the situation in SPARC64 V.
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SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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F. A P P E N D I X Instruction Definitions: SPARC64 V Extensions This appendix describes the SPARC64 V-specific implementation of the instructions in Appendix A of Commonality. If an instruction is not described in this appendix, then no SPARC64 V implementation-dependency applies. of Commonality for the location at which general information about TABLE A-1 the instruction can be found.
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Prefetch Data on page 57 Read State Register on page 58 SHUTDOWN (VIS I) on page 58 Write State Register on page 59 Deprecated Instructions on page 59 SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
Block Load and Store Instructions (VIS I) The following notes summarize behavior of block load/store instructions in SPARC64 V. 1. Block load and store operations are not atomic, in that they are internally decomposed into eight independent, 8-byte load/store operations in SPARC64 V. Each load/store is always issued and performed in the RMO memory model and obeys all prior MEMBAR and atomic instruction-imposed ordering constraints.
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(see Block Load and Store ASIs on page 120) mem_address_not_aligned (see Block Load and Store ASIs on page 120) data_access_exception (see Block Load and Store ASIs on page 120) LDDF_mem_address_not_aligned data_access_error fast_data_access_MMU_miss fast_data_access_protection SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
A.12 Call and Link SPARC64 V clears the upper 32 bits of the PC value in r[15] when PSTATE.AM is set (impl. dep. #125). The value written into r[15] is visible to the instruction in the delay slot. SPARC64 V has a special hardware table, called the return address stack, to predict the return address from a subroutine.
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Description The Floating-point Multiply-Add instructions multiply the registers specified by the rs1 field times the registers specified by the rs2 field, add that product to the registers specified by the rs3 field, then write the result into the registers specified by the rd field.
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In the tables, the conditions in the shaded columns are all reported as an trap by SPARC64 V. In addition, the conditions with “ ” do not — unfinished_FPop exist. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
Programming Note – The Multiply Add/Subtract instructions are encoded in the SPARC V9 IMPDEP2 opcode space, and they are specific to the SPARC64 V implementation. They cannot be used in any programs that will be executed on any other SPARC V9 processor, unless that implementation exactly matches the SPARC64 V use for the IMPDEP2 opcode.
Quadword Atomic for virtually addressed data (ASIs 24 and 2C The memory access for a load quad instruction with ASI_QUAD_LDD_PHYS{_L} behaves as if the following TTE is set: SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
TTE.NFO = 0 TTE.CP = 1 TTE.CV = 0 TTE.E TTE.P TTE.W Note – TTE.IE depends on the endianness of the ASI. When the ASI is 034 TTE.IE = 0; TTE.IE = 1 when the ASI is 03C Therefore, the atomic quad load physical instruction can only be applied to a cacheable memory area.
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A store appearing before the MEMBAR must complete before cmask<0> barrier any load following the MEMBAR referencing the same address can be initiated. Equivalent to #Sync in SPARC64 V. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
A.42 Partial Store (VIS I) Please refer A.42 in Commonality for general details. Watchpoint exceptions on partial store instructions occur conservatively on SPARC64 V. The DCUCR Data Watchpoint masks are only checked for nonzero value (watchpoint enabled). The byte store mask (r[rs2]) in the partial store instruction is ignored, and a watchpoint exception can occur even if the mask is zero (that is, no store will take place) (impl.
RDPCR will not cause any access privilege violation exception (impl. dep. #250). A.70 SHUTDOWN (VIS I) In SPARC64 V, SHUTDOWN acts as a NOP in privileged mode (impl. dep. #206). SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
A.70 Write State Register In SPARC64 V, a WRPCR instruction will cause a exception if privileged_action PSTATE.PRIV = 0 and PCR.PRIV = 1. If PSTATE.PRIV = 0 and PCR.PRIV = 0, WRPCR causes a exception only when an attempt is made to change privileged_action (that is, write 1 to) PCR.PRIV (impl.
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SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
F. A P P E N D I X IEEE Std 754-1985 Requirements for SPARC V9 The IEEE Std 754-1985 floating-point standard contains a number of implementation dependencies. Please see Appendix B of Commonality for choices for these implementation dependencies, to ensure that SPARC V9 implementations are as consistent as possible.
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When the result is expected to be a constant, such as an exact zero or an infinity, and an insignificant computation will furnish the result, SPARC64 V tries to calculate the result without signalling an exception. unfinished_FPop SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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Implementation Note – Detecting the exact boundary conditions requires a large amount of hardware. SPARC64 V detects approximate boundary conditions by calculating the exponent intermediate result (the exponent before rounding) from input operands, to avoid the hardware cost. Since the computation of the boundary conditions is approximate, the detection of a zero result or an overflow result shall be pessimistic.
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SPARC64 V generates the result as a pessimistic TABLE B-3 zero, meaning that the result is a denormalized minimum or a zero, depending on the rounding mode (FSR.RD). SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
Conditions for a Pessimistic Zero TABLE B-3 Conditions Operations One operand is denormalized Both are denormalized Both are normal fp-number always — eres FdTOs single precision: Er Always single precision: eres FMULs, FMULd double precision: Er double precision: eres single precision: Er Never single precision: eres FDIVs,...
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4. If the FPop is either FADD{s,d}, or FSUB{s,d} and the operation is 0 ± denormalized number, SPARC64 V does not generate an unfinished_FPop and generates a result according to IEEE754-1985 standard. 5. Nmax = normalized maximum. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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describes how SPARC64 V behaves when FSR.NS = 1 (nonstandard mode). TABLE B-6 Nonarithmetic Operations Under FSR.NS = 1 TABLE B-6 op2= Operations op1= denorm denorm Result — — — — FsTOd — — nx, a signed zero — — —...
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SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
F. A P P E N D I X Implementation Dependencies This appendix summarizes implementation dependencies. In SPARC V9 and SPARC JPS1, the notation “IMPL. DEP. #nn:” identifies the definition of an implementation dependency; the notation “(impl. dep. #nn)” identifies a reference to an implementation dependency.
This dependency is beyond the scope of this publication. It should be SPARC64 V defined in each system that uses RDASR/WRASR target registers — See A.50 and A.70 in Commonality for details of implementation-dependent RDASR/WRASR instructions. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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SPARC64 V Implementation Dependencies (2 of 11) TABLE C-1 SPARC64 V Implementation Notes Page RDASR/WRASR privileged status — See A.50 and A.70 in Commonality for details of implementation-dependent RDASR/WRASR instructions. 10–12 Reserved. VER.impl SPARC64 V VER.impl = 5 for the processor.
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Error_state processor state SPARC64 V optionally takes a watchdog reset trap after entry to error_state. Most error-logging register state will be preserved. (See also impl. dep. #254.) Reserved. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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• Prefetches will work normally if the ASI is ASI_PRIMARY, ASI_SECONDARY, or ASI_NUCLEUS, ASI_PRIMARY_AS_IF_USER, ASI_SECONDARY_AS_IF_USER, and their little-endian pairs. VER.manuf VER.manuf = 0004 . The least significant 8 bits are Fujitsu’s JEDEC manufacturing code. TICK register SPARC64 V implements 63 bits of the TICK register; it increments on every clock cycle.
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Prefetch and nonfaulting Load always succeed when the MMU is disabled. Identifying I/O locations — This dependency is beyond the scope of this publication. It should be SPARC64 V defined in a system that uses SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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SPARC64 V Implementation Dependencies (6 of 11) TABLE C-1 SPARC64 V Implementation Notes Page Unimplemented values for PSTATE.MM Writing 11 into PSTATE.MM causes the machine to use the TSO memory model. However, the encoding 11 should not be used, since future versions SPARC64 V may use this encoding for a new memory model.
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— data_access_error SPARC64 V data_access_error trap is always precise in trap precision — instruction_access_error trap is always precise in SPARC64 V instruction_access_error SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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SPARC64 V Implementation Dependencies (8 of 11) TABLE C-1 SPARC64 V Implementation Notes Page async_data_error SPARC64 V trap is implemented in , using tt = 40 . See async_data_error Appendix P for details. Asynchronous Fault Address Register ( AFAR ) allocation 177, 178 SPARC64 V implements two AFARs:...
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, VA<63:19> of IMMU ASI 55 and DMMU ASI 5D ignored. An access to virtual addresses 40000 to 60FF8 is treated as an access 00000 to 20FF8 SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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SPARC64 V Implementation Dependencies (10 of 11) TABLE C-1 SPARC64 V Implementation Notes Page DCU Control Register bits 47:41 SPARC64 V uses bit 41 for WEAK_SPCA, which enables/disables memory access in speculative paths. Address Masking and DSFAR — SPARC64 V writes zeroes to the more significant 32 bits of DSFAR.
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= 2 (4-byte alignment): exception is LDDF_mem_address_not_aligned generated. 1 ( 2-byte alignment): exception is mem_address_not_aligned generated. ASI_SERIAL_ID SPARC64 V provides an identification code for each processor. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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F. A P P E N D I X Formal Specification of the Memory Models Please refer to Appendix D of Commonality.
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SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
F. A P P E N D I X Opcode Maps Please refer to Appendix E in Commonality. lists the opcode map for the TABLE E-1 SPARC64 V IMPDEP2 instruction. IMPDEP2 (op = 2, op3 = 37 TABLE E-1 var (instruction <8:7>) (not used —...
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SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
F. A P P E N D I X Memory Management Unit The Memory Management Unit (MMU) architecture of SPARC64 V conforms to the MMU architecture defined in Appendix F of Commonality but with some model dependency. See Appendix F in Commonality for the basic definitions of the SPARC64 V MMU.
U2 cache and generates a UPA request for the cacheable access. The urgent error ASI_UGESR.SDC is signalled after the UPA cacheable access is requested. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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The physical address length to be passed to the UPA interface is 41 bits or 43 bits, as designated in the ASI_UPA_CONFIG.AM field. When the 41-bit PA is specified in ASI_UPA_CONFIG.AM, the most significant 2 bits of the CPU internal physical address are discarded and only the remaining least significant 41 bits are passed to the UPA address bus.
8K_POINTER = TSB_Extension[63:14+N] (VA[21+N:13] TSB_Hash) 0000 64K_POINTER = TSB_Extension[63:14+N] (VA[24+N:16] TSB_Hash) 0000 Value of TSB_Hash for both a shared TSB and a split TSB When 0 <= N <= 4, TSB_Hash = context_register[N+8:0] Otherwise, when 5 <= N <= 15, TSB_Hash[ 12:0 ] = context_register[ 12:0 ] TSB_Hash[ N+8:13 ] = 0 ( N-4 bits zero ) Faults and Traps...
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A bus error response from the UPA bus is detected upon an operand access. mDTLB (sDTLB and fDTLB) multiple hits are detected in an mDTLB lookup for an operand access. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
An fDTLB entry parity error is detected in a fDTLB lookup for an instruction operand access. Reset, Disable, and RED_state Behavior : The variability of the width of physical address is implementation IMPL. DEP. #231 dependent in JPS1, and if variable, the initial width of the physical address after reset is also implementation dependent in JPS1.
Field Description MCNTL TABLE F-3 Bits Field Name Description Force instruction caching. When set, the instruction lines fetched from a Data <16> NC_Cache noncacheable area are cached in the instruction cache. The NC_Cache has no effect on operand references. If MCNTL.NC_Cache = 1, the CPU fetches a noncacheable line in four consecutive 16-byte fetches and stores the entire 64 bytes in the I-Cache.
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For fTLB, SPARC64 V implements a pseudo-LRU. For sTLB, LRU is used. : The MMU TLB data access address assignment and the purpose of IMPL. DEP. #235 the address are implementation dependent in JPS1. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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The MMU TLB data access address assignment and the purpose of the address on SPARC64 V are shown in TABLE F-4 MMU TLB Data Access Address Assignment TABLE F-4 VA Bit Field Description 17:16 TLB to be accessed: fTLB or sTLB is designated as follows. TLB# 00: fTLB (32 entries) 01: reserved...
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Kbyte page, bits[21:13] is conscidered as index and compared with the index field of TLB Data Access or Data In Register. In 4-Mbyte page, bits[30:22] when MCNTL.RMD=10, or bits[29:22] when MCNTL.RMD=11, is conscidered as index. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
I/D TSB Base Registers : The width of the TSB_Size field in the TSB Base Register is IMPL. DEP. #236 implementation dependent; the permitted range is from 2 to 6 bits. The least significant bit of TSB_Size is always at bit 0 of the TSB Base Register. Any bits unimplemented at the most significant end of TSB_Size read as 0, and writes to them are ignored.
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This field is valid for the exception in which the ISFSR.FV bit is set. A recorded ASI is 80 (ASI_PRIMARY) or 04 (ASI_NUCLEUS) depending on the trap level (when TL > 0, the ASI is ASI_NUCLEUS.). SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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Bit Description -SFSR TABLE F-5 Bits Field Name Description Data <15> Translation miss. When TM = 1, it signifies an occurrence of a mITLB miss upon an instruction reference. Data <13:7> Fault type. Saves and indicates an exact condition that caused the recorded FT<6:0>...
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TLB. The priority of error logging for multiple error conditions (parity error and multiple-hit error) is as follows: fTLB parity high sTLB parity sTLB-multihit fTLB-multihit The smaller index number is selected for multiple hits. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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D-SFSR Bit Description (2 of 3) TABLE F-8 Bits Field Name Description Data <46> Marked . On SPARC64 V, all uncorrectable errors are reported as marked, so this bit is always set whenever DSFSR.UE = 1. See Section P.2.4 for details. Data <45:32>...
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An attempt was made to access a noncacheable page or an internal ASI by an atomic instruction (CASA, CASXA, SWAP, SWAPA, LDSTUB, LDSTUBA) or an atomic quad load instruction (LDDA with ASI = 024 , 02C , 034 , or 03C SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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MMU Synchronous Fault Status Register FT (Fault Type) Field (Continued) TABLE F-9 FT<6:0> Error Description An attempt was made to access an alternate address space with an illegal ASI value, an illegal VA, an invalid read/write attribute, or an illegally sized operand.
F.11.10 TLB Replacement Policy Automatic TLB Replacement Rule On an automatic replacement write to the TLB, the MMU picks the entry to write according to the following rules: 1. If the following conditions are satisfied— the new entry maps to an 8-Kbyte or an 4-Mbyte unlocked page and ASI_MCNTRL.fw_fITLB = 0 for IMMU automatic replacement and ASI_MCNTRL.fw_fDTLB = 0 for DMMU automatic replacement —then the replacement is directed to the sTLB (2-way TLB).
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= 1 should be satisfied. Only if this condition is satisfied can the 4-Mbyte sTLB entry be replaced as designated. Otherwise, the stxa instruction is ignored without notification to software. The preceding restriction is SPARC64 V specific. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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F. A P P E N D I X Assembly Language Syntax Please refer to Appendix G of Commonality.
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F. A P P E N D I X Software Considerations Please refer to Appendix H of Commonality.
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F. A P P E N D I X Extending the SPARC V9 Architecture Please refer to Appendix I of Commonality.
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F. A P P E N D I X Changes from SPARC V8 to SPARC Please refer to Appendix K of Commonality.
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F. A P P E N D I X Programming with the Memory Models Please refer to Appendix J of Commonality.
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F. A P P E N D I X Address Space Identifiers Every load or store address in a SPARC V9 processor has an 8-bit Address Space Identifier (ASI) appended to the VA. The VA plus the ASI fully specifies the address. For instruction loads and for data loads or stores that do not use the load or store alternate instructions, the ASI is an implicit ASI generated by the hardware.
SPARC64 V ASI Assignments (3 of 3) TABLE L-1 Value ASI Name (Suggested Macro Syntax) Type Description Page ASI_C_BSTWBUSY –EE (JPS1) ASI_LBSYR0 ASI_LBSYR1 ASI_BSTW0 ASI_BSTW1 –FF (JPS1) L.3.2 Special Memory Access ASIs Please refer to Section L.3.3 in Commonality. In addition to the ASIs described in Commonality, SPARC64 V supports the ASIs described below.
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2 byte boundary, a SPARC64 V processor behaves as follows: 3 ( 8-byte alignment): no exception related to memory address alignment is generated. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
n = 2 (4-byte alignment): LDDF_mem_address_not_aligned exception is generated. 1 ( 2-byte alignment): mem_address_not_aligned exception is generated. 2. If the memory address is correctly aligned, SPARC64 V generates a data_access_exception with AFSR.FTYPE = “invalid ASI.” Barrier Assist for Parallel Processing SPARC64 V has a barrier-assist feature that works in concert with the barrier mechanism in the memory system to enable high-speed synchronization among CPUs in the system.
LBSY selected by BL_num and SB_BPU_num is read. SB BPU relative number on the SB. SB_BPU_num BL number in the selected SB BPU. BL_num SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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BSTW Control Register (ASI_C_BSTW0, ASI_C_BSTW1) Register Name: , ASI_C_BSTW1 ASI_C_BSTW0 ASI: ASI_C_BSTW0 ASI_C_BSTW1 Supervisor read/write The BSTW control register designates which bit in LBSY is written through ASI_BSTWx. Name Description Valid. When V = 0, BL_num and SB_BPU_num are ignored and a write to ASI_BSTWx is discarded. When V = 1, data in the ASI_BSTWx is written to the selected bit in SB_BPU.
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Write (0 is returned on read) ASI_BSTWx is a write interface to LBSY on the SB. On read, 0 is returned. Name Description Write value. The bit designated by ASI_C_BSTWx is written. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
F. A P P E N D I X Cache Organization This appendix describes SPARC64 V cache organization in the following sections: Cache Types on page 125 Cache Coherency Protocols on page 128 Cache Control/Status Instructions on page 128 Cache Types SPARC64 V has two levels of on-chip caches, with these characteristics: Level-1 cache is split for instruction and data;...
Programming Note – This feature is intended to be used by the OBP to facilitate diagnostics procedures. When the OBP uses this feature, it must clear MCNTL.NC_CACHE and invalidate all L1I data by ASI_FLUSH_L1I before it exits. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
M.1.2 Level-1 Data Cache (L1D Cache) The level-1 data cache is a writeback cache. Its characteristics are shown in TABLE M-2 L1D Cache Characteristics TABLE M-2 Feature Value Size 128 Kbytes Associativity 2-way Line Size 64-byte Indexing Virtually indexed, physically tagged (VIPT) Tag Protection Parity and duplicate Data Protection...
Several ASI instructions are defined to manipulate the caches. The following conventions are common to all of the load and store alternate instructions defined in this section: SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
1. The opcode of the instructions should be ldda, ldxa, lddfa, stda, stxa, or stdfa. Otherwise, a exception with D-SFSR.FT = 08 data_access_exception (Invalid ASI) is generated. 2. No operand address translation is performed for these instructions. 3. VA<2:0> of all of the operand address should be 0. Otherwise, a exception is generated.
M.3.3 L2 Diagnostics Tag Read (ASI_L2_DIAG_TAG_READ) This ASI instruction is a diagnostic read of L2 cache tag, as well as tag 2 of L1I and L1D. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
ASI_L2_DIAG_TAG_READ works in concert with ASI_L2_DIAG_TAG_READ_REG. A read to ASI_L2_DIAG_TAG_READ returns 0, with the side effect of setting the tag to ASI_L2_DIAG_TAG_READ_REG0-6. Register Name: ASI_L2_DIAG_TAG ASI: VA<18:6>: Index number of the tag. 0000 –7FFC0 Supervisor read Data 0 is read. M.3.4 L2 Diagnostics Tag Read Registers (ASI_L2_DIAG_TAG_READ_REG)
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F. A P P E N D I X Interrupt Handling Interrupt handling in SPARC64 V is described in these sections: Interrupt Dispatch on page 133 Interrupt Receive on page 135 Interrupt-Related ASR Registers on page 136 Interrupt Dispatch When a processor wants to dispatch an interrupt to another UPA port, it first sets up the interrupt data registers (ASI_INTR_W data 0-7) with the outgoing interrupt packet data by using ASI instructions.
Interrupt Receive When an interrupt packet is received, eight interrupt data registers are updated with the associated incoming data and the BUSY bit in the ASI_INTR_RECEIVE register is set. If interrupts are enabled (PSTATE.IE = 1), then the processor takes a trap and the interrupt data registers are read by the software to determine the appropriate trap handler.
SPARC64 V sets a 5-bit physical module ID (MID) value in the SID_L field of the Interrupt Vector Receive Register. The SID_U field always reads as zero. SPARC64 V obtains the interrupt source identifier SID_L from the UPA packet (impl. dep. #247). SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
F. A P P E N D I X Reset, RED_state, and error_state The appendix contains these sections: Reset Types on page 137 RED_state and error_state on page 139 Processor State after Reset and in RED_state on page 141 Reset Types This section describes the four reset types: power-on reset, watchdog reset, externally initiated reset, and software-initiated reset.
RSTVaddr + 80 and enter RED_state. If a processor executes an SIR instruction while TL = 5, it enters error_state and ultimately generates a watchdog reset trap. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
(WDR) and transitions to RED_state. Otherwise, the OPSR (Operating Status Register) specifies the stop on error_state, that is, the processor does not generate a watchdog reset after error_state transition and remains in the error_state. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
O.2.3 CPU Fatal Error state The processor enters CPU fatal error state when a fatal error is detected on the processor. A fatal error is one that breaks the cache coherency or the system data integrity and is not reported as the SDC (small data corruption) error. See Appendix P, Error Handling, for details of the SDC error.
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@ TL = MAX_TL are taken in RED_state. See Section O.1.2, Watchdog Reset (WDR), on page 138 for more details. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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ASR State after Reset and in RED_state TABLE O-2 RED_state Name Unknown/Unchanged Unchanged Unknown/Unchanged Unchanged Unknown/Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged Unchanged TICK Restart at 0 Unchanged Restart at 0 Unchanged Counter Unchanged Unchanged Unknown/Unchanged Others Unknown/Unchanged Unchanged Always 0 Unchanged Unchanged Unknown/Unchanged Unchanged thers...
2. The value of UPA_configuration_register.MCAP field. OPSR can be set so that when error_state is entered, the processor remains halted in error_state instead of generating a (impl. dep. #254). watchdog_reset SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
O.3.2 Hardware Power-On Reset Sequence To be defined later. O.3.3 Firmware Initialization Sequence To be defined later. Release 1.0, 1 July 2002 F. Chapter O Reset, RED_state, and error_state...
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F. A P P E N D I X Error Handling This appendix describes processor behavior to a programmer writing operating system, firmware, and recovery code for SPARC64 V. Section headings differ from those of Appendix P of Commonality. Error Classification On SPARC64 V, an error is classified into one of the following four categories, depending on the degree to which it obstructs program execution: 1.
POST/OBP reset routine, one of the following actions occurs: Whenever possible, the CPU writes an unpredictable value to the target of the damaged instruction and the instruction ends. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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Otherwise, an error exception is generated and the damaged instruction is executed as when ASI_ERROR_CONTROL.WEAK_ED = 0 is set. The three types of instruction-obstructing errors are described below. (instruction urgent error) — All of the instruction-obstructing errors except I_UGE (instruction access error) and (data access error).
Uncorrectable error without direct damage to the currently executing instruction sequence. An error detected in cache line writeback or copyback data is of this type. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
Degradation SPARC64 V can isolate an internal hardware resource that generates frequent errors and continue processing without deleterious effect on software during program execution. However, performance is degraded by the resource isolation. This degradation is reported as a restrainable error. The restrainable error can be reported to privileged software by the trap.
RTE_xx is RTE_CEDG or causes the trap when the RTE_UE. trap is enabled. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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Action Upon Detection of an Error (2 of 4) TABLE P-2 Error State Transition Fatal Error (FE) Error (EE) Urgent Error (UGE) Restrainable Error (RE) Action upon the 1. CPU enters 1. CPU enters Detection of I_UGE Ideal specification error detection CPU fatal 1.
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RETRY DONE A_UGE None. The instruction pointed to by caused the error. Register that I_UGE A_UGE ASI_STCHG_ ASI_STCHG_ ASI_AFSR indicates the ERROR_INFO ERROR_INFO ASI_UGESR error ASI_ISFSR ASI_DSFSR SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
Action Upon Detection of an Error (4 of 4) TABLE P-2 Error State Transition Fatal Error (FE) Error (EE) Urgent Error (UGE) Restrainable Error (RE) Number of All FEs are All EEs are All restrainable errors Single-ADE trap errors detected and detected and detected and accumulated s and...
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ECC are replaced in the data by error marking, as listed in TABLE P-4 Format of Error-Marked Data TABLE P-4 Data/ECC Value data Error bit. The value is unpredictable. 62:56 0 (7 bits). 55:42 ERROR_MARK_ID (14 bits). SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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Format of Error-Marked Data TABLE P-4 Data/ECC Value 41:36 0 (6 bits). Error bit. The value is unpredictable. 34:23 0 (12 bits). Error bit. The value is unpredictable. 21:14 0 (8 bits). 13:0 ERROR_MARK_ID (14 bits). The pattern indicates 3-bit error in bits 63, 35, and 22, that is, the pattern causing the 7F syndrome.
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ERROR_MARK_ID. On SPARC64 V, error marking is not applied to incoming interrupt packet data. On SPARC64 IV, error marking is applied even for incoming interrupt packet data. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
P.2.5 ASI_EIDR The ASI_EIDR register designates the source ID in the ERROR_MARK_ID of the CPU. Register name: ASI_EIDR ASI: Error checking: Parity. Format & function: TABLE P-8 Bit Description ASI_EIDR TABLE P-8 Name Description 63:14 Reserved Always 0. 13:0 ERROR_MARK_ID for the error caused by the CPU. ERROR_MARK_ID P.2.6 Control of Error Action (ASI_ERROR_CONTROL)
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UGE_HANDLER is set to 1. async_data_error When a RETRY or DONE instruction is completed, UGE_HANDLER is set to 0. Other Reserved Always reads as 0. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
Fatal Error and error_state Transition Error P.3.1 ASI_STCHG_ERROR_INFO The ASI_STCHG_ERROR_INFO register stores detected FATAL error and error_state transition error information, for access by OBP (Open Boot PROM) software. Register name: ASI_STCHG_ERROR_INFO ASI: Error checking: None Format & function: TABLE P-10 Initial value at reset: Hard POR: All fields are set to 0.
Current SPARC64 V implementation When hardware detects an error_state transition error other than those described above, it causes a watchdog reset without setting any EE_xxxx bits in ASI_STCHG_ERROR_INFO. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
Ideal specification (not implemented) The EE_OTHER bit is specified in ASI_STCHG_ERROR_INFO bit 14. When hardware detects error_state transition errors other than those described above, it sets ASI_STCHG_ERROR_INFO.EE_OTHER = 1. Urgent Error This section presents details about urgent errors: status monitoring, actions, and end-methods.
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Uncorrectable error in any floating-point register or in the FPRS, FSR, or GSR IUG_%F register. Uncorrectable error in any general-purpose (integer) register, or in the Y, CCR, IUG_%R or ASI register. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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Bit Description (3 of 4) ASI_UGESR TABLE P-11 Name Description System data corruption. Indicates the occurrence of the following system data AUG_SDC corruption: Small data corruption: Data in the cacheable area with an unpredictable address is destroyed. The destroyed area is some number of 64-byte blocks. Invalid physical address usage by software: On SPARC64 V, the following invalid physical address usage by software causes system data corruption: •...
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When ASI_ERROR_CONTROL.UGE_HANDLER = 1 and , and/or I_UGEs are detected, a multiple- trap is generated. 2. State change, trap target address calculation, and TL manipulation. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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The following actions are executed in this order: a. State transition if (TL = MAXTL), the CPU enters error_state and abandons the trap; else if (CPU is in execution state && (TL = MAXTL 1)), then the CPU enters RED_state. b.
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Precise Retryable but not precise (not included in JPS1) Not retryable (not included in JPS1) Upon a single-ADE trap, the trapped instruction end-method is indicated in ASI_UGESR.INSTEND. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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defines each instruction end-method after an trap. TABLE P-14 Instruction End-Method After Exception async_data_error TABLE P-14 Precise Retryable But Not Precise Not Retryable Instructions executed after Ended (Committed). the last , or The instructions without complete as defined in the architecture. The trap and before the trapped instruction with was unpredictable value to its output (destination register or,...
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DTLB; /* A locked fDTLB entry with uncorrectable error is not removed by this operation. A locked fDTLB entry with UE never detects its tag match or SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
causes the data_access_error trap when its tag matches at the DTLB reference for address translation. */ if (ASI_UGESR.IUG_ITLB == 1) { execute demap_all for ITLB; /* A locked fITLB entry with uncorrectable error is not removed by this operation. A locked fITLB entry with UE never detects its tag match or causes the data access error trap when its tag matches at the ITLB reference for address translation.
ASI_AFAR_D1 and ASI_AFAR_D1 is unchanged. column — Indicates the ASI_AFAR_U2 recording priority for each error Prio_U2 shown in the row as follows: TABLE P-15 SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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If the column for the error shown in the table row is blank, the error is Prio_U2 never recorded into ASI_AFAR_U2. Otherwise, the column for the error shown in the table row indicates Prio_U2 the ASI_AFAR_U2 recording priority, as follows. Let P_U2 be the Prio_U2 column value for the error .
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The doubleword containing a raw in the outgoing data and that in D1 cache are marked with ERROR_MARK_ID = ASI_EIDR Other Reserved Always reads as 0; writes are ignored. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
P.7.2 ASI_ASYNC_FAULT_ADDR_D1 Register name: ASI_ASYNC_FAULT_ADDR_D1 (ASI_AFAR_D1) ASI: Error checking: Parity Format & function: TABLE P-16 Initial value at reset: Hard POR: All fields in ASI_AFAR_D1 are set to 0. Other reset: Value in ASI_AFAR_D1 is unchanged. Update: When a new restrainable error is detected, ASI_AFAR_D1 is updated as defined in Section P.7.1 in the notes on the AFSR Prio_D1 column of TABLE P-15...
Syndrome of incoming data at L2$ fill. When ASI_AFAR_U2.CONTENTS SYNDROME indicates CE_INCOMED or UE_L2$FILL, this field indicates the syndrome of the doubleword with error incoming from UPA bus. Otherwise, this field indicates the unpredictable value. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
ASI_ASYNC_FAULT_ADDR_U2 (ASI_AFAR_U2) Register Bit Description (Continued) TABLE P-17 Name Description 42:3 Physical address bit 42:3. Contains the value indicated by PA_BIT42_3 ASI_AFAR_U2.CONTENTS, as shown below: Error Name Contents of PA_BIT42_3 ASI_AFAR_U2.CONTENTS The physical address of the CE_INCOMED doubleword with the error. UE_RAW_L2$FILL The physical address of the doubleword with the error.
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This situation may occur at the condition described in the on page 154 TABLE P-2 (see the third row, last column, and “Deviation from the ideal specification”). SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
Handling of Internal Register Errors This section describes error handling for the following: Most registers ASR registers ASI registers P.8.1 Register Error Handling (Excluding ASRs and ASI Registers) The terminology used in is defined as follows: TABLE P-18 Column Term Meaning Error Detect InstAccess...
ASR Error Handling (Continued) TABLE P-19 Number Register Name Error Protect Error Detect Condition Error Type Correction Parity Always trap IUG_PSTATE RW Parity Always IUG_%F trap, W FPRS — 8-15 — RW None — — — RW None — — —...
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ASI_INTR_RECEIVE.BUSY = 0. BV interface Uncorrected error in the Barrier Variable transfer interface between the processor and the memory system is checked during the AUG_always period. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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(3 of 3) Column Term Meaning Error Type error_state transition error. error_state The error is indicated by ASI_UGESR.IAUG_xxxx = 1, and the error class is AUG_xxxx autonomous urgent error. The error is indicated by ASI_UGESR.IAUG_xxxx = 1, and the error class is I(A) UG_xxxx instruction urgent error.
U2 (unified level 2) cache. The D1 cache tags, the D1 cache tags copy, the I1 cache tags, and the I1 cache tags copy are each protected by parity. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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When a parity error is detected in a D1 cache tag entry or in a D1 cache tag copy entry, hardware automatically corrects the error by copying the correct tag entry from the other copy of the tag entry. If the error can be corrected in this way, program execution is unaffected.
When a correctable error is detected in D1 cache data, the data is corrected automatically by hardware. There is no direct report to software for a D1 cache correctable error. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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Marked Uncorrectable Error in D1 Cache Data When a marked uncorrectable error ( ) in D1 cache data is detected during the D1 cache line writeback to the U2 cache, the D1 cache data and its ECC are written to the target U2 cache data and its ECC without modification.
UPA, or writeback to UPA, then error marking is applied for the doubleword with the raw , using ERROR_MARK_ID = ASI_EIDR. Both the SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
doubleword and its ECC in the read data and those in the source U2 cache line are changed to marked data. The restrainable error ASI_AFSR.UE_RAW_L2$INSD detected. Implementation Note – SPARC64 V detects only on ASI_AFSR.UE_FAW_L2$INSD writeback. P.9.5 Automatic Way Reduction of I1 Cache, D1 Cache, and U2 Cache When frequent errors occur in the I1, D1, or U2 cache, hardware automatically detects that condition and reduces the way, maintaining cache consistency.
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U2 cache way. The U2 cache data is invalidated to retain system consistency. The restrainable error is reported to software, even ASI_AFSR.DG_L1$U2$STLB though the available U2 cache configuration is not changed as a result of the error. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
2. Otherwise: All entries in available U2 cache ways, including way W, are invalidated to retain system consistency. Way W becomes unavailable and is never refilled. The restrainable error is reported to software. ASI_AFSR.DG_L1$U2$STLB P.10 TLB Error Handling This section describes how TLB entry errors and sTLB way reduction are handled. P.10.1 Handling of TLB Entry Errors Error protection and error detection in TLB entries are described in...
Hardware counts TLB entry parity error occurrences for each sITLB way and sDTLB way. If the error count per unit of time exceeds a predefined threshold, hardware recognizes an sTLB way reduction condition. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
sTLB Way Reduction When a way reduction condition is recognized for the sTLB way W (W = 0 or 1), hardware executes the following way reduction procedures: 1. When only one way in sTLB is active because of previous way reductions: The previously reduced way is reactivated.
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) coming from the extended UPA bus depends on whether the access was to cacheable or noncacheable data and whether the access was an instruction fetch, load, or store instruction, as follows: SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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Incoming noncacheable data fetched by an instruction fetch. When a detected in such data, an with marked is detected at the instruction_access_error time the fetched instruction is executed. Incoming noncacheable data loaded by a load instruction. When the detected in such data, a with marked is detected at the time data_access_error...
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F. A P P E N D I X Performance Instrumentation This appendix describes and specifies performance monitors that have been implemented in the SPARC64 V processor. The appendix contains these sections: Performance Monitor Overview on page 201 Performance Monitor Description on page 203 Instruction Statistics on page 204 Trap-Related Statistics on page 206 MMU Event Counters on page 207...
for(i=0; i<; i++) { /* assume rest of pcr data has been preserved */ = i; wr_pcr(pcr); pic = rd_pic(); picl[i] = pic.picl; picu[i] = pic.picu; Performance Monitor Description The performance monitors can be divided into the following groups: 1.
Counts the cycles when the performance monitor is enabled. This counter is similar to the %tick register but can separate user cycles from system cycles, based on PCR.UT and PCR.ST selection. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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Instruction Count (instruction_counts) Counter Encoding 000001 Counts the number of committed instructions. For user or system mode counts, this counter is exact. Combined with the cycle_counts, it provides instructions per cycle. IPC = instruction_counts / cycle_counts If Instruction_counts and cycle_counts are both collected for user or system mode, IPC in user or system mode can be derived.
Encoding 110000 Counts the number of cycles from the occurrence of an L2 cache miss to data returned, caused by both software prefetch and hardware prefetch access. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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L2 Cache Miss Count by Demand Access (sx_miss_count_dm) Counter picu1 Encoding 110000 Counts the occurrences of L2 cache miss by demand access. L2 Cache Miss Count by Prefetch (sx_miss_count_pf) Counter picl1 Encoding 110000 Counts the occurrences of L2 cache miss by both software prefetch and hardware prefetch access.
Counter picl2 Encoding 110001 Counts the number of bus-busy cycles of the UPA data bus, in units of UPA bus clocks, not in units of CPU clocks. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
Q.2.6 Miscellaneous Counters Barrier-Assist ASI Read Count (asi_rd_bar) Counter picu3 Encoding 110001 Counts the number of read accesses to the barrier-assist ASI registers. Barrier-Assist ASI Write Count (asi_wr_bar) Counter picl3 Encoding 110001 Counts the number of write accesses to the barrier-assist ASI registers. Release 1.0, 1 July 2002 F.
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F. A P P E N D I X UPA Programmer ’s Model This chapter describes the programmers model of the UPA interface of the SPARC64 V. The registers for the UPA interface and the access method for those registers are described. The appendix contains the following sections: Mapping of the CPU’s UPA Port Slave Area on page 213 UPA PortID Register on page 214 UPA Config Register on page 215...
P_REQ transaction request packets the UPA slave can receive. Set to 1, since only one incoming P_REQ to the UPC can be outstanding at a time. SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
UPA PortID Register Fields (Continued) TABLE R-2 Field Description 20:16 UPACAP<4:0>. Indicates the UPA module capability type, as UPACAP follows: UPACAP<4> Set; CPU is an interrupt handler. UPACAP<3> Set; CPU is an interrupter. UPACAP<2> Clear; CPU does not use UPA Slave_Int_L signal. UPACAP<1>...
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Specify the ratio between CPU clock and UPA’ clock. CLK_MODE 0000 – 0011 : Reserved 0100 0101 0110 0111 1000 1001 1010 10:1 1011 11:1 1100 12:1 1101 13:1 1110 14:1 1111 15:1 SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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UPA Config Register Description (Continued) TABLE R-3 Bits Field Description 29:23 Processor Configuration. Separated into PCON<6:4> and PCON<3:0>. PCON PCON<6:4> (UPA_CONFIG<29:27>) represents the size of class 1 request queue in the System Controller (SC). – 010 1, but should not be specified for the extension –...
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SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
F. A P P E N D I X Summary of Differences between SPARC64 V and UltraSPARC-III The following table summarizes differences between SPARC64 V and UltraSPARC-III ISAs. This list is a summary, not an exhaustive list. SPARC64 V and UltraSPARC-III Differences (1 of 3) TABLE T-1 SPARC64 V...
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ASIs 4B , 4E , 74 , 75 , 76 L.3.2 cache diagnostic access. and 7E support control over the E-cache. Many differences. Many differences. P.4.2 ASI_AFSR SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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SPARC64 V and UltraSPARC-III Differences (3 of 3) TABLE T-1 SPARC64 V UltraSPARC- Feature SPARC64 V Page UltraSPARC-III III Section Error status ASI 4C (ASI_UGESR): Not implemented. — SPARC64 V implements an error status register to indicate where an error was detected. Error Control ASI 4C (ASI_ECR):...
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SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
F. C H A P T E R Index A_UGE categories152 error detection action155 error detection mask154 specification of151 address mask (AM) field of PSTATE register49 address space identifier (ASI) complete list117 conditions causing168 end-method170 registers written for update/validation169 software handling171 state transition169 AFSR FTYPE field120...
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partial ordering, specification56 partial store instruction UPA transaction57 watchpoint exceptions57 partial store instructions120 partial store order (PSO) memory model41 PC register169 accessibility20 counter events, selection202 error handling183 NC field21 OVF field21 OVRO field21 PRIV field20 SC field21 SL field202 ST field204 SU field202 UT field204 performance monitor...
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XIR138 entry trap17 processor states140 restricted environment36 setting of PSTATE.RED20 trap vector36 trap vector address (RSTVaddr)74 registers BSTW busy status123 BSTW control123 clean windows (CLEANWIN)75 SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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clock-tick (TICK)73 current window pointer (CWP)75 Data Cache Unit Control (DCUCR)23 LBSY control122 other windows (OTHERWIN)75 privileged19 renaming10 restorable windows (CANRESTORE)75 savable windows (CANSAVE)75 relaxed memory order (RMO) memory model41 reservation station11 reserved fields in instructions45 reset (XIR)138 externally_initiated_reset (POR)72 power_on_reset (SIR)138 software_initiated_reset...
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STXA instruction ASI read method178 stxa instruction ASI designation105 virtual address designation105 superscalar11 SWAP instruction37 SWAPA instruction102 sync (machine)11 Sync MEMBAR relationship56 synchronizing caches42 syncing instruction11 system controller122 SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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Tag Access Register96 Tcc instruction, counting207 TICK register19 TICK_COMPARE register183 TL register138 CP field126 data characteristics77 in TLB organization85 data access address95 Data Access/Data In Register96 index95 instruction characteristics77 in TLB organization85 main10 multiple hit detection86 replacement algorithm93 TNP register166 total store order (TSO) memory model41 TPC register166 transition error150...
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(ver) field of FSR register71 watchdog timeout164 (WDR)37 watchdog_reset watchpoint exception on block load-store48 on partial store instructions57 quad-load physical instruction55 WDR reset155 writeback cache127 WRPCR instruction20 WRPR instruction140 SPARC JPS1 Implementation Supplement: Fujitsu SPARC64 V • Release 1.0, 1 July 2002...
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