Digi IX40 User Manual page 907

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The default is v10.
1. Enable flow sampling by selecting a sampling technique. Flow sampling can reduce flow
processing and transmission overhead by providing a representative subset of all flows.
(config)> monitoring netflow sampler type
where type is one of:
none— No flow sampling method is used. Each flow is accounted.
deterministic— Selects every nth flow, where n is the value of the flow sample
random—Randomly selects one out of every n flows, where n is the value of the flow
sample population.
hash— Randomly selects one out of every n flows using the hash of the flow key, where
n is the value of the flow sample population.
5. If you are using a flow sampler, set the number of flows for the sampler:
(config)> monitoring netflow sampler_population value
where value is any number between 2 and 16383. The default is 100.
6. Set the number of seconds that a flow can be inactive before sent to a collector:
(config)> monitoring netflow inactive_timeout value
where value is any is any number between 1 and 15. The default is 15.
7. Set the number of seconds that a flow can be active before sent to a collector:
(config)> monitoring netflow active_timeout value
where value is any is any number between 1 and 1800. The default is 1800.
8. Set the maximum number of flows to probe simultaneously:
(config)> monitoring netflow max_flows value
where value is any is any number between 0 and 2000000. The default is 2000000.
9. Add collectors:
a. Add a collector:
(config)> add monitoring netflow collector end
(config monitoring netflow collector 0)>
b. Set the IP address of the collector:
(config monitoring netflow collector 0)> address ip_address
(config monitoring netflow collector 0)>
IX40 User Guide
Configure NetFlow Probe


Table of Contents

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