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Veichi AC10 Series Technical Manual page 146


Parameter details
When the relay function is inactive, the TB-TC is normally closed and the TA-TC is normally open.
Multi-function output setting
0: no output
Indicates that the terminal is invalid. If the terminal function is idle, it is recommended to set it to "0" to prevent malfunction.
1: The drive is running
A valid signal is output when the drive is in operation.
2: The drive is running in reverse
When the drive is in the reverse running state, a valid signal is output.
3: The drive is running in reverse
The valid signal is output when the drive is in forward running state.
4: Fault trip alarm 1 (alarm during fault self-recovery)
When the drive is faulty, including the fault self-recovery period, the output signal.
5: Fault trip alarm 2 (no alarm during self-recovery)
When the drive is faulty, it does not include the fault self-recovery period and outputs a valid signal.
6: External downtime
When the multi-function input terminal inputs an external fault signal and reports the external fault E. EF of the drive, it outputs a valid signal.
7: Drive undervoltage
A valid signal is output when the drive is under voltage.
8: The drive is ready for operation
When the signal is valid, it means that the drive has no fault, the bus voltage is normal, the operation prohibition terminal such as emergency stop or
emergency stop of the drive is invalid, and it can be operated after accepting the start command.
9: Output frequency level detection 1 (FDT1)
When the output frequency of the drive exceeds the set value of F06.40 [Frequency Detection Value 1] 1⁄4 After the hysteresis frequency set by F06.41
[Frequency Detection Range 1], the valid signal is output, when the output frequency of the drive Below the frequency detection level, after the same
hysteresis frequency, an invalid signal is output. For details, see F06.40 [Frequency Detection Value 1] and F06.41 [Frequency Detection Amplitude 1]
parameter description.
10: Output frequency level detection 2 (FDT2)
When the output frequency of the drive exceeds the set value of F06.42 [Frequency Detection Value 2], after the hysteresis frequency set by F06.43
[Frequency Detection Amplitude 2], the valid signal is output, when the output frequency of the drive Below the frequency detection level, after the same
hysteresis frequency, an invalid signal is output. For details, see F06.40 [Frequency Detection Value 2] and F06.41 [Frequency Detection Range 2]
parameter description.
11: A given frequency arrives
When the output frequency of the drive is close to or reaches a given frequency to a certain range (the range is determined by parameter F06.44 [a given
frequency reaches the detection amplitude]), the valid signal is output, otherwise the invalid signal is output. See F06.44 [A given frequency arrival detection
range] for details.
12: Running at zero speed
When the drive is running and the output is 0.00Hz, a valid signal is output.
13: The upper limit frequency arrives
When the drive runs at the upper limit frequency, it outputs a valid signal.
14: Lower limit frequency arrives
When the drive runs at the lower limit frequency, it outputs a valid signal.
15: Program running cycle completion When the program runs one cycle end, it outputs a valid signal of 500ms.
16: program running phase is completed
When the program runs at the end of a phase, a valid signal of 500ms is output.
17: PID feedback exceeds the upper limit
When the PID feedback amount reaches F13.27 [Broken Line Alarm Upper Limit], the feedback signal will exceed the limit after F13.26 [Feedback Line
Detection Time], and the valid signal will be output.
18: PID feedback is below the lower limit
When the PID feedback amount reaches F13.28 [Broken Line Alarm Lower Limit], the feedback signal will exceed the limit after F13.26 [Feedback Line
Detection Time], and the valid signal will be output.
19: PID feedback sensor disconnected
When the PID feedback sensor is disconnected, a valid signal is output. See parameters F13.26~F13.28 [Feedback disconnection detection time,
disconnection alarm upper limit value, feedback disconnection lower limit value].
20: Reserved
21: Timer time is up
When the drive internal timer timing time arrives, the port outputs a valid pulse signal with a width of 1 second. See parameter F08.07 [Timer Time Unit],
F08.08 [Timer Set Value].
22: Counter reaches the maximum value
When the counter reaches the maximum value, the output terminal outputs a valid signal with a width equal to the external clock period, and the counter
is cleared. See parameter F08.02 [Counter Maximum].
23: Counter reaches the set value
When the counter reaches the set value, the output terminal outputs a valid signal, and continues to count until the counter exceeds the maximum value,
causing the counter to be cleared, and the output valid signal is cancelled. See parameter F08.03 [Counter set value].
24: Energy braking
AC10 Series Frequency Inverter Technical Manual
Set the function of the multi-function output relay terminal
Factory setting
(Setting range)
(0 ~ 63)



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