How Callers Use Fax On Demand - Ricoh FAX4800L Operator's Manual

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How Callers Use Fax on Demand

The sequence in which the machine plays back messages is outlined below.
The table below shows the sequence that a caller to the fax service follows, and
how the machine will respond.
Note that the caller must wait until a message has completely finished playing
before pressing a key. If a key is pressed too early, or a mistake is made while
entering a box number, message number 6 (enter again) will be played.
Message 6 (please enter again) is played when:
— The box number has not been entered properly.
— The box number has not been entered within 5 seconds.
— The password has not been entered within 5 seconds
Message 7 (please call again) is played when:
— The wrong password has been entered 3 times in a row.
— A box with no information programmed in it has been selected 3 times
— A tone signal hasn't been detected and the machine has played message 6
Caller Action
The caller dials.
The caller enters the
password followed by a #
(if turned on).
The caller enters a box
number followed by a #.
The caller specifies another
box or enters # twice.
The caller presses Start.
* Step 2 is skipped if the password is turned off.
Machine Action
The machine answers.
Message 1 is played.
If the password is turned on,
Message 2 is played
Message 3 is played.
Message 4 is played.
Message 5 is played.
The contents of the
specified box(es) are
Example Message
"This is the ZYX Fax Information Service"
"Please enter the password followed by a #"
(If the password is turned on)
"Press # twice to get box one, or enter the box
number you need followed by a #"
"If you require another box, enter a box number
followed by a #. To finish press # twice"
"Please press the Start key to begin transmission"


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