Fuel Pump Test - Taylor-Dunn G0-010-00 Service And Replacement Parts Manual

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Fuel Pump Power (+)
Fuel Pump Power Ground (-)
2. With the sender float in the empty position, the
meter should read 6 ohms.
3. With the float arm in the full position, the meter
should now read 90 ohms.
4. If the readings are not between 6 ohms and 90
ohms, or if the reading is erratic or LCD display
"sticks", check the following before replacing the tank
• Loose float
• Float contact with tank
• Bent Float Rod
If the float/arm are not damaged or contacting the
tank restricting movement, and resistance is out of
specification, the sender assembly is faulty. The
sender is not serviceable separately, the Fuel Pump
Module must be replaced as an assembly.


If a fuel delivery problem is suspected, make certain the
fuel pump filters are not plugged, that the pump is being
activated through the ECU, all electrical connections are
properly secured, the fuses are good, and a minimum of
7.0 volts is being supplied. If during starting the battery
voltage drops below 7.0 volts, the ECU will fail to operate
the system.
Gasoline is extremely flammable and explosive under
certain conditions.
Always stop the engine and refuel outdoors or in a well
ventilated area.
Do not smoke or allow open flames or sparks in or near
the area where refueling is performed or where
gasoline is stored.
Do not overfill the tank. Do not fill the tank neck.
If you get gasoline in your eyes or if you swallow
gasoline, seek medical attention immediately. Do not
induce vomiting.
If you spill gasoline on your skin or clothing,
immediately wash it off with soap and water and
change clothing.
Never start the engine or let it run in an enclosed area.
Engine exhaust fumes are poisonous and can result
loss of consciousness or death in a short time.
Never drain the fuel when the engine is hot. Severe
burns may result.
Always wear safety goggles when working with high
pressure or flammable fluids. Failure to do so could
result in serious injury or complications.
9929758 R01 - 2019 TAYLOR-DUNN G-100 Service Manual
© Copyright TAYLOR-DUNN
1. Access the top of the fuel pump. Refer to "Fuel
Pump Replacement" page
2. Cover the fuel line connection at the fuel tank with a
shop towel and disconnect the line from the fuel
pump outlet.
3. Install the Fuel Pressure Gauge Adaptor (PV-48656)
in-line between the fuel pump outlet and fuel line.
4. Connect the hose from the Fuel Pressure Gauge Kit
(PU-43506-A) to the test valve on the Fuel Pressure
Gauge Adaptor (PV-48656). Route the clear hose into
a portable gasoline container or the vehicle's fuel
for more detail.


Table of Contents

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