Omron CS1G/H-CPUxxH Instructions Manual page 586

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Floating-point Math Instructions
a) Decimal Notation (C = 0000 Hex)
• When there is no fractional part (C+2 = 0000 Hex):
1 ≤ Number of Integer Digits ≤ 24
• When there is a fractional part (C+2 = 0001 to 0007 Hex):
1 ≤ Number of Integer Digits ≤ (24 − Fractional digits − 2)
b) Scientific Notation (C = 0001 Hex)
1 digit (fixed)
3. Limits on the Number of Digits in the Fractional Part
a) Decimal Notation (C = 0000 Hex)
• Fractional Digits ≤ 7
• Also: Fractional Digits ≤ (Total Number of ASCII Characters − 3)
b) Scientific Notation (C = 0001 Hex)
• Fractional Digits ≤ 7
• Also: Fractional Digits ≤ (Total Number of ASCII Characters − 3)
Error Flag
Equals Flag
Converting to ASCII Text in Decimal Notation
When CIO 000000 is ON in the following example, FSTR(448) converts the
floating-point data in D00001 and D00000 to decimal-notation ASCII text and
writes the ASCII text to the destination words beginning with D00100. The
contents of the control words (D00010 to D00012) specify the details on the
data format (decimal notation, 7 characters total, 3 fractional digits).
ON if the data in S+1 and S is not a valid floating-point
number (NaN).
ON if the data in S+1 and S is +
ON if the Data Format setting in C is not 0000 or 0001.
ON if the Total Characters setting in C+1 is not within the
allowed range. (See 1. Limits on the Total Number of
ASCII Characters above for details.)
ON if the Fractional Digits setting in C+2 is not within the
allowed range. (See 3. Limits on the Number of Digits in
the Fractional Part above for details.)
OFF in all other cases.
ON if the conversion result is 0.
OFF in all other cases.
Section 3-15
– ∞


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