SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (Read these precautions before using this product.) Before using this product, please read this manual and the relevant manuals carefully, and pay full attention to safety to handle the product correctly. The precautions in this manual concern this product only. Regarding the safety precautions as a programmable controller system, refer to the user manual of the module to be used.
Notwithstanding the above restrictions, Mitsubishi Electric may in its sole discretion, authorize use of the PRODUCT in one or more of the Prohibited Applications, provided that the usage of the PRODUCT is limited only for the specific applications agreed to by Mitsubishi Electric and provided further that no special quality assurance or fail-safe, redundant or other safety features which exceed the general specifications of the PRODUCTs are required.
INTRODUCTION Thank you for purchasing the SECS/GEM communication software. This manual describes the necessary system configuration, specifications, wiring, and troubleshooting to use the SECS/GEM communication software. Before using this product, please read this manual and the relevant manuals carefully and develop familiarity with the functions and performance of the SECS/GEM communication software to handle the product correctly.
Controller module (SW3PVC-CCPU), utility operations, and functions and [SH-080767ENG] programming e-Manual refers to the Mitsubishi Electric FA electronic book manuals that can be browsed using a dedicated tool. e-Manual has the following features: • Required information can be cross-searched in multiple manuals.
SPECIFICATIONS This section shows the specifications of the SECS/GEM communication software. SEMI Standards Compliance The SECS/GEM communication software complies with the following SEMI standards. : Compliant : Partially compliant : Not compliant Standard Compliant Standard name SECS/GEM communication software compliance list number version Q12DCCPU-V-/RD55UP06-V-/RD55UP12-V-...
Communication Specifications This section shows the specifications of SECS communication. SECS-I(SEMI E4) Item Description Device ID Number of settings Value 0 to 32767 Communication port RS-232C, 1 port Logical line Single line (full duplex) Communication speed 9600 to 115200bps Number of retries 0 to 31 retries Master/Slave Master/Slave...
Message Specifications This section shows the specifications of messages. SECS-(SEMI E5) Item Description Stream/Function message definition Stream 1 to 127 range Function 0 to 255 Transactions with same Stream/Function Possible (however, must define different transaction name) Variable length message Transmission For L,n, only transmit "n"...
GEM Related Specifications This section shows specifications related to GEM. GEM related performance specifications Item Description Maximum variable setting 65535 Number of Variables that can be linked to 1 list variable 32767, up to 8 layers Maximum number of limits that can be set for 1 variable Limit monitoring cycle 1000 to 4294967294ms Variables subjected to limit monitoring...
PROCEDURE BEFORE OPERATION The following section shows the procedure until operation. Mounting modules on a base unit Install the programmable Controller CPU and SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module on the base module. For the installation on the base module, refer to the following: Module to be used Reference MELSEC iQ-R Module Configuration Manual...
Page 19
MELSEC iQ-R series (version 1.34L or earlier) Files stored in the "Backup/ROM" folder or under the folder MELSEC iQ-R series (RD55UP06-V with version 1.35M or later) Files stored in the "Backup/RD55UP06-V/ROM" folder or under the folder MELSEC iQ-R series (RD55UP12-V with version 1.35M or later) Files stored in the "Backup/RD55UP12-V/ROM"...
Page 20
Procedure for setting a firewall Select [Control Panel] [System and Security] [Windows Firewall ] [Allow a program or feature through Windows Firewall ] from Windows Start. Click the [Change settings] button, and then click the [Allow another program ] button.
Network Setting This section explains the network configuration. Devices Setting method SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module Configure the parameters using GX Works3 or the Setting/monitoring tools for the C Controller module. Host Configure the PC network. Computer for configuration Configure the PC network.
SECS/GEM Communication Settings This section shows the procedure to use a setting tool to configure SECS/GEM communication. Setting transaction information Configure the transaction name, and then select the handshake method. For the configuration procedure, refer to the following: Page 59 Transaction List Setting message information Configure items such as Stream Function, response monitoring setting, and triggers to report sending/reception.
Use the SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module together with the programmable controller CPU. For the system configuration of the MELSEC iQ-R series and the programmable controller CPUs that can use the C intelligent function module, refer to the following: MELSEC iQ-R Module Configuration Manual...
Page 24
■System configuration example for RD55UP12-V (1) Programmable controller CPU (2) MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module (3) Host (4) Computer for configuration (5) SD memory card (6) Ethernet cable MELSEC-Q series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module This section shows a system configuration example when the MELSEC-Q series SECS/GEM communication software pre- installed model module is used.
Software Configuration This section shows the configuration of the SECS/GEM communication software. SECS/GEM Communication Software Software to perform SECS/GEM communication. The software is preinstalled on the SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module before product shipping. Setting tool Tool to configure the interface of SECS/GEM communication. License A license file is necessary to use the SECS/GEM communication software.
This section shows equipment that can be connected to the SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module. SD memory card (need to purchase separately) For SD memory cards that can be used with the MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module, refer to the following: MELSEC iQ-R C Intelligent Function Module User's Manual (Startup)
Operating Environment This section shows the operating environment for a setting tool. Item Description Personal computer A personal computer on which Microsoft Windows operates Free hard disk space Free space of 20 MB or more Windows 10 (Home, Pro, Enterprise) (32-bit version and 64-bit version are supported.) Windows 7 (Service Pack 1 or later) (Starter, Home Premium, Professional, Ultimate, Enterprise) (English language version)
WIRING This section explains the wiring of a SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module. Ethernet cable For Ethernet, a cable that complies with the IEEE802.3 100BASE-TX/10BASE-T standards can be used. For the specifications of cables that can be used, refer to the following: MELSEC iQ-R C Intelligent Function Module User's Manual (Startup) MELSEC-Q C Controller Module User's Manual C Controller Module User's Manual (Hardware Design, Function Explanation)
INSTALLATION AND UNINSTALLATION This section explains installation and uninstallation. Installation This section explains the method for installing a setting tool and the SECS/GEM communication software. Setting tool Preparation for an installation Check the followings before installing a setting tool. • Log in as an administrator user to install the setting tool. •...
Page 31
Check the installation folder setting, and then click the [Next] button. Click the [Next] button. Installation of the setting tool starts. If installation of the setting tool is completed normally, the following screen appears. 5 INSTALLATION AND UNINSTALLATION 5.1 Installation...
Environment after installation This section describes the environment after installation of the setting tool. ■Menus to be registered The menu of the installed setting tool is registered to the start menu of Windows Menu name Description MELSEC CA-SECS E Starts the setting tool of Q12DCCPU-V-BZ11.
Registering a license again Before registering a license again, check the following settings: • For a MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module, have the settings that enable Ethernet communication been configured using GX Works3? • For a MELSEC-Q series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module, has CH1 of the Ethernet port...
Repair Installation Perform a repair installation if a setting tool does not operate normally. A repair installation is a function for restoring an installed file if the file is deleted by mistake. Preparation for a repair installation Check the followings before performing a repair installation on a setting tool. •...
Page 35
Select "Repair CA-SECS for GEM ADVANCED E" and click the [Finish] button. The following screen appears if the repair installation is completed normally. Environment after repair installation For the environment after installing the setting tool and the SECS/GEM communication software, refer to the following: Page 30 Environment after installation 5 INSTALLATION AND UNINSTALLATION 5.3 Repair Installation...
Uninstallation This section explains the method for uninstalling a setting tool and the SECS/GEM communication software. Setting tool A setting tool can be uninstalled from a personal computer by any of the following methods: • Uninstalling from the control panel of Windows •...
Select "Remove CA-SECS for GEM ADVANCED E" and click the [Finish] button. The following screen appears if the removal is completed normally. Environment after uninstallation During uninstallation, registered menus and files are deleted. Page 30 Environment after installation SECS/GEM communication software If the SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module is initialized, the SECS/GEM communication software is deleted.
FUNCTION LIST This section explains the functions of the SECS/GEM communication software and setting tools. SECS communication : Supported : Unsupported Function Overview Q12DCCPU-V- RD55UP06-V- RD55UP12-V- BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 ...
Page 39
Basic Functions : Supported : Unsupported Function Overview Q12DCCPU-V- RD55UP06-V- RD55UP12-V- BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 Transaction Transaction list Display defined transactions as a display list. Defining the Define the names of transactions.
Page 40
Function Overview Q12DCCPU-V- RD55UP06-V- RD55UP12-V- BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 Status Control Ready Reports that the SECS/GEM notification status communication software that started is in a controllable state. Control error Checks the operation state of the status...
Page 41
Function Overview Q12DCCPU-V- RD55UP06-V- RD55UP12-V- BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 SECS Abort Frame Reports that an abort message was communication Reception received from the host. error notification Abort Frame Reports that an abort message was Sending...
Page 42
Logs : Supported : Unsupported Function Overview Q12DCCPU-V- RD55UP06-V- RD55UP12-V- BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 Logging SECS Summary display, list structure transmission log display, detailed display Transmission data file saving (number of retention days specification, one-hour units) Link Test Log...
Page 43
Basic Requirements of GEM : Supported : Unsupported Function Overview Q12DCCPU-V- RD55UP06-V- RD55UP12-V- BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 [State model] Communication Manage the communication state compliance state automatically.
Page 44
Additional GEM performance : Supported : Unsupported Function Overview Q12DCCPU-V- RD55UP06-V- RD55UP12-V- BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 [Communication establishment] Establish communication with a host compliant that complies with GEM. [Dynamic event report setting Enable the change of event reports change] compliant...
Page 45
Function Overview Q12DCCPU-V- RD55UP06-V- RD55UP12-V- BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 BZ11 BZ13 BZ15 [Limit Monitoring of Monitor the transfer of the upper and monitoring] upper and lower lower limits of variables. compliant limits of variables Event notification...
MELSEC iQ-R series Projects of the SECS/GEM communication software are managed by .xml files that define transactions and other environment setting files. There are two methods to create a new project: open an existing transaction and then arrange it following company use or create a new transaction.
Save / Save as New Save an edited project. [File] [Overwrite Save] or [Save As] Conversion The following shows methods for converting the version and target module type of a project by using conversion functions. Both version and target module type are converted if both of them need to be converted. For details, refer to the following: Page 46 Version conversion, Page 47 Target module type conversion *1 The 'target module type conversion' function is not available in the setting tool with version 1.34L or earlier.
Page 48
Precautions • To convert a project, it is required to use a newer version of the setting tool than the one in which the project was created. • When opening a project which is created with the Japanese version setting tool in the English version setting tool, some characters may be garbled.
Page 49
Target module type conversion Convert the module type of a specified project to the one that is applicable in the setting tool which uses the conversion functions. The following table shows the availability of conversion for each module type. : Conversion available, : Conversion not available Conversion source Conversion destination project project...
Procedure for converting a project with version 1.34L or earlier Use a setting tool with the version 1.35M or later for procedures shown below. ■Converting from a Q12DCCPU-V project to an RD55UP12-V project Upgrade a project version to 1.35M or later. Convert a project with the version 1.34L or earlier using the Q12DCCPU-V setting tool.
MELSEC iQ-R series Select whether to start the MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software setting tool as the RD55UP06-V setting tool or the RD55UP12-V setting tool. The setting can also be switched after starting up the setting tool.
Switching a target module after starting the setting tool Select either RD55UP06-V or RD55UP12-V as the target module of a project to be set in the setting tool. Window [File] [Target Module Change] Displayed items Item Description Target module Select a module to be set in the setting tool.
MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series A relay must be linked between the programmable controller CPU and the SECS/GEM communication software when messages are transmitted. There are three methods to link the relay. • Handshake (for each transaction) •...
Page 54
The following diagram shows the timing to link relays in each method. Reception Handshake (for each message) Transmission Transmission Handshake (for each transaction) Reception Reception None handshake Trigger keep time (11) (10) Transmission (12) Processing by Programmable Controller CPU Processing by SECS/GEM communication software (1) SECS/GEM communication software starts.
Handshake (for each transaction) This section shows the operation flow to link trigger relays by handshakes for each transaction. The following section is an example of when receiving a message from the host. SECS/GEM communication Host Programmable Shared memory/ software controller CPU Device The trigger relay is...
Handshake (for each message) This section shows the operation flow to link trigger relays by handshakes for each message. The following section is an example of when receiving a message from the host. SECS/GEM communication Host Programmable software controller CPU Shared memory/ Device The receive...
Page 57
Important points when configuring to Handshake (for each message) ■Reception delay Configure a 20 ms trigger hold time in the settings of secondary message sending for transactions during primary message reception. Programmable Shared memory/ SECS/GEM communication Host controller CPU Device software Primary message reception Receive notification...
Page 58
Handshaking operations for each message This section shows the handshake operations when message sending was successful, unsuccessful, and canceled. Event Description Operation Transmission completed The message was transmitted. Sending request trigger relay: OFF Spooling succeeded The spool message was spooled. Sending failure The message was not transmitted (including the Sending request trigger relay: Not OFF...
None handshake This section shows the operation flow to send messages without using handshakes. SECS/GEM communication software that receives a message from the host turns the trigger relay for reception notification ON and then OFF. Similarly, the transmission request relay turned ON by the Programmable Controller CPU should be turned OFF by the Programmable Controller CPU itself.
Periodic message transmission to the host Message transmission from the Programmable Controller CPU to the host at fixed intervals does not involve trigger handshake. The following shows the flow: The programmable controller CPU turns ON the sending request trigger relay of a message for which periodic sending is configured after sending data is stored in the shared memory/device of the programmable controller CPU.
GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Display defined transactions as a list. In the non-GEM version, the main screen is the "Transaction definition" screen. For the GEM version and GEM advanced version, select the [Transaction] tab of the Main screen, and then switch to the "Transaction definition"...
Page 62
Operations of transaction list Operation Description Right-click shortcut menu [Modify] Display the Scenario Explorer screen to edit the content of the selected transaction. Right-click shortcut menu [Insert] Insert a new transaction. Right-click shortcut menu [Duplicate] Copy the selected transaction, and then copy the copied transaction to the row below. Right-click ...
MELSEC iQ-R series Display the message (primary/secondary) information and item information that belong to transactions. Window Select a transaction from the transaction list, right-click shortcut menu [Modify] Operations of the Scenario Explorer screen Operation Description Right-click ...
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Edit the transaction information. Window Select a transaction in the "Scenario Explorer" screen, right-click shortcut menu [Property] ■Non-GEM version ■GEM / GEM advanced version Displayed items Item...
Page 65
Cache settings This section explains the cache settings. Configure cache when using a large volume of registers, which are defined by CA-SECS device assignment (I/O assignment), for item data. Window [Transaction Information] screen [Detail] Displayed items Item Description Select the setting number by Handshake (for each transaction). When cache settings will be used, select the checkbox.
MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Send a reserved transaction frame or special transaction frame configured for the SECS/GEM communication software using an arbitrary frame. Window For details on reserved transactions, refer to the following: Page 288 List of reserved transactions and format For details on special transactions, refer to the following: Page 289 Special transactions...
GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Edit the message information. Window Select a message in the "Scenario Explorer" screen, right-click shortcut menu [Property] 7 BASIC FUNCTIONS 7.4 Transaction List...
Page 68
Displayed items Item Description Name Configure the message name. Comments Configure the comment. Stream Select a stream (SECS message section: 1 to 127). Function Select a function (designated message within stream: 1 to 255). Response Monitoring Select this checkbox to monitor the secondary message response corresponding to the primary message sending.
Page 69
Interval unit and configuration range The following table shows the configurable range of each interval unit. Interval unit Setting range Fixed Value Registers Used msec millisecond 1000 to 86400000 1000 to 65535 Second 1 to 86400 1 to 65535 Minute 1 to 1440 1 to 1440 hour...
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Edit the item information. Window Select an item in the "Scenario Explorer" screen, right-click shortcut menu [Property] Displayed items Item Description Name Configure the item name.
Page 71
Item Description Control Register Select when a control register will be used for transmission. • During sending: Refers to the control register value, and then sends it as item data. • During receipt: Refers to the value of the received item data, and then writes it to the prescribed control register.
Page 72
NULL D1000 D1001 D1002 Data types (item format codes) Item Description Number of units of available data MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Non-GEM version GEM version, GEM Non-GEM version GEM version, GEM advanced version (Ver.1.28E or later) advanced version LIST...
Page 73
Variable Length The following shows the details on the variable length setting for each selected data type. ■"LIST" is selected The following table shows the operations when "LIST" is selected for "Data Type" and the checkbox of "Variable Length" is selected: Message type Operation...
Page 74
■Extended mode (when the start value of the control register is 65535) Data type: U2 (2-byte integer (unsigned)) Control register: D0 Value of D0: 65535 (0xFFFF) Data to send and receive: 0x0123, 0x4567, 0x89AB, ...0x89AB (131072 words) 0xFFFF 0x0000 0x0002 0x0123 0x4567 0x89AB...
Calculate the byte length of the actual item data, and then configure the maximum length of the message using up to 5 MB as reference. When the MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module is used, the maximum item count of one message is 3000.
Non-GEM version GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Configure the SECS communication method, various timer times, and other parameters. Window [Setting] [Communication Setting] 7 BASIC FUNCTIONS 7.5 Communication Setting...
Page 77
Displayed items Item Description Port Type Select the communication method used for SECS communication (SECS1 /HSMS). Device ID Configure the device ID of the SECS/GEM communication software. SECS- Serial Port Select the COM port number used for SECS communication (COM1 only). Master/Slave Select the master or slave of serial communication.
MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Change the communication setting by the value acquired from the register. The parameters of the communication method selected by "Port type" of the "Communication settings" screen can be configured. Window [Setting] [Communication Setting By PLC]...
Page 79
Precautions Configure register settings on the programmable controller CPU management side or the CA-SECS device assignment (I/O assignment) section. SECS-I configuration The following section shows the SECS- parameter values stored to registers. Item Setting value Device ID 0 to 32767 Setting Request Trig Trigger relay to apply setting information.
MELSEC iQ-R series When the auto refresh area in the CPU shared memory of a programmable controller CPU and MELSEC-Q series SECS/ GEM communication software pre-installed model module is used by the SECS/GEM communication software, configure the range of the auto refresh area for "Shared Memory."...
Page 81
Setting example In a two-module configuration of a programmable controller CPU and a MELSEC-Q series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module, set 256 points and 1024 points for M device and D device respectively for the auto refresh area of the CPU shared memory in each module. This setting example is explained by comparing with settings in GX Works2.
Page 82
■PLC No.1 in the setting 2 Communication area setting (refresh setting) Shared memory setting ■PLC No.2 in the setting 2 Communication area setting (refresh setting) Shared memory setting Using Shared Memory The following section shows the advisability of using the shared memory by the type of transmission message. Refresh range Device setting Transmission message...
Page 83
■When it is not possible to secure a region for transmission messages by shared memory Set programmable controller CPU devices in "CA-SECS Device Assignment(I/O Assignment)" to use them. In the CA-SECS device assignment (I/O assignment) area, the SECS/GEM communication software controls devices directly. Configure the cache settings to ensure performance.
MELSEC iQ-R series Devices of a programmable controller CPU, a SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module, and an I/O module need to be configured in "CA-SECS Device Assignment(I/O assignment)" to use them in the SECS/GEM communication software.
Page 85
Series Number of CA-SECS work areas MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series The following shows the correspondence between the number of points (the number of words) for the CA-SECS device assignment (I/O assignment) and the number of consumed CA-SECS work areas.
Page 86
D0 to 1023 (Points: 1024 words) In this example, word devices (D0 to 1024) cannot be used due to exceeding the number of CA-SECS work areas. ■MELSEC iQ-R series M0 to 255 (Points: 16 words) CA-SECS work area 1 CA-SECS work area 1...
Page 87
Set devices for the CA-SECS device assignment (I/O assignment) within the following range: Module SECS/GEM communication Device range software MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM Non-GEM version M, B, X, Y: 0 to 32767 communication software pre-installed D, W, R, ZR: 0 to 2147483647...
SECS/GEM communication software Non-GEM version GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Window [Setting] [Option Setting] [Control] tab ■MELSEC-Q series ■MELSEC iQ-R series 7 BASIC FUNCTIONS 7.7 Option Setting...
Page 89
Displayed items Item Description PLC Response Monitoring Timer Configure the monitoring time from when the SECS/GEM communication software turns ON the programmable controller CPU reception notification relay to when the programmable controller CPU turns the relay OFF to confirm the handshake. If the relay is ON after the specified time passes, the SECS/GEM communication software turns the relay OFF.
Page 90
Item Description Use S1F13 For The Select this checkbox to consider a communication request transaction (S1F13/14) as the necessary Communication condition for establishing communication between the equipment and host. Establishment Sequence The following operations are performed depending on the checkbox state. •...
Page 91
PLC Response Monitoring Timer and Secondary Monitoring Timer ■Handshake for each transaction The PLC Response Monitoring Timer monitors the time from "(2) Reception notification trigger relay ON" to "(6) Sending request detection". The Secondary Monitoring Timer is not used for a handshake for each transaction. Programmable Shared memory/ SECS/GEM communication...
Page 92
Configuration of number of multi-transaction queues For multi-transactions, the next primary message is issued without waiting for the arrival of the prescribed secondary message. (In the case of single transactions, the next transaction is never issued until a secondary message is sent for a primary message.
Page 93
■Operation when the "Number of Multi-Transaction Queues For PLC Receiving" has been configured multiple times Messages of the number of specified by "Number of Multi-Transaction Queues For PLC Receiving" are interleaved (accumulated). Interleaved messages are processed after transactions being processed are completed. Programmable Device SECS/GEM communication...
Page 94
■Operation during sending when multiple items are set for "Number Of Transaction Queues For PLC Transmission" Messages of the number of specified by "Number of Transaction Queues For PLC Transaction" are interleaved (accumulated). In the case of interleaved messages, the number configured by "Number of Multi-Transaction Queues For PLC Transmission" for each transaction is sent.
Page 95
■Operation during reception when multiple items are set for "Number Of Transaction Queues For PLC Transmission" SECS/GEM communication Host Programmable Device controller CPU software Primary A Receive notification A Receive Primary B notification A detection Abort notification B Transmission request The transaction will relay A on be aborted until the...
SECS/GEM communication software Non-GEM version GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Window [Setting] [Option Setting] [Control Detail] tab ■MELSEC-Q series ■MELSEC iQ-R series 7 BASIC FUNCTIONS 7.7 Option Setting...
Page 97
Page 288 List of reserved transactions and format Change C Intelligent Function Module's Clock Select this checkbox to configure the time of the MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software Upon S2F31/S2F18 Reception pre-installed model module when an S2F31 or S2F18 is received.
Page 98
HOST/GATEWAY mode operations Name Operation HOST mode setting • S9 messages are not sent automatically. However, there is notification when there is a setting of the S9 sending notification relay. • During S9 message receipt, messages are not discarded. • The spool is normally disabled. GATEWAY mode setting •...
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Window [Setting] [Option Setting] [Retry] tab Displayed items Item Description Sending retry function Select this checkbox to enable the SECS/GEM communication software function to resend automatically when an equipment-issued transaction has failed.
Page 100
Item Description Number of HSMS Number of HSMS Configure the register to store the number of times Select.req was sent from a line disconnection state. connection attempts connection attempts setting Counting method Select the counting method for the number of HSMS connection attempts. •...
SECS/GEM communication software Non-GEM version GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Window [Setting] [Option Setting] [CA Status] tab ■MELSEC-Q series ■MELSEC iQ-R series 7 BASIC FUNCTIONS 7.7 Option Setting...
Page 102
*1 Can be configured only by a non-GEM version. *2 Can be configured for only the MELSEC-Q series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module. *3 Can be configured for only the MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module. 7 BASIC FUNCTIONS...
Page 103
Precautions ■Setting an X device for each relay It is possible to configure "OWN (host station)" as the CPU number and device to "X" when the MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/ GEM communication software pre-installed model module is being used. 7 BASIC FUNCTIONS...
SECS/GEM communication software Non-GEM version GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Window [Setting] [Option Setting] [Control Request] tab ■MELSEC-Q series ■MELSEC iQ-R series 7 BASIC FUNCTIONS 7.7 Option Setting...
Page 105
Displayed items Item Description Line Connection Configure the line connection relay. In case of an HSMS connection, the line is connected, and a Select request is sent by the line connection relay trigger. In case of an SECS- connection, the port is opened. The mode can be configured to specify an automatic connection attempt (AUTO) or a connection attempt based on a request from the programmable controller CPU (MANUAL) during startup and upon line disconnection detection.
Page 106
*1 Can be configured for only the MELSEC-Q series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module. *2 Can be configured for only the MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module. *3 Can be configured only by a non-GEM version.
Page 107
Precautions ■Setting a Y device for each relay It is possible to configure "OWN (host station)" as the CPU number and device to "Y" when the MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/ GEM communication software pre-installed model module is being used. When "Y" has been configured for the device, the SECS/GEM communication software does not switch the output signal (Y) from ON to OFF.
Page 108
About forced offline during emergencies When the offline relay was switched ON, any unsent messages in the sending queue are discarded. When there is an emergency offline transition after an offline report message was sent, the format specified "OFFLINE" function is used. When multiple messages that have accumulated in the sending queue are discarded, an offline report only is sent, and there is a transition to offline Setting: Configure the S6F101 format mode to "OFFLINE"...
Non-GEM version GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Window [Setting] [Option Setting] [SECS Error Notification Setting] tab ■MELSEC-Q series ■MELSEC iQ-R series 7 BASIC FUNCTIONS 7.7 Option Setting...
Page 110
Displayed items Item Description Abort Frame Reception Configure the relay to notify the programmable controller CPU that the SECS/GEM communication software has received an abort message. Abort Frame Sending Configure the relay to notify the programmable controller CPU that an abort message has been sent from the SECS/GEM communication software.
MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Window [Setting] [Option Setting] [S9 Transmission Notification] tab Displayed items Item Description S9F1 Configure the register to notify the programmable controller CPU of sending of an undefined device ID message.
Page 112
Precautions • To send S9F7 when the data received from the host is illogical, enable the S9F7 return relay setting. • Detect S9F9 by notification of the T3 timer timeout. • Detect S9F13 by notification of the T9 timer timeout. Note that a message needs to be created by the programmable controller CPU since S9F13 is not automatically sent.
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Window [Setting] [Option Setting] [Console] tab Displayed items Item Description Console Setting Select this checkbox to acquire log data of the SECS/GEM communication software from the MELSEC- Q series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module through serial communication.
Page 114
How to use the console Use HyperTerminal, which is included with the Windows operating system, to connect the MELSEC-Q series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module via serial communication. HyperTerminal can be used with Windows 2000 and Windows XP. ■Start-up and login of HyperTerminal Select Windows Start ...
MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Window [Setting] [Option Setting] [Version Information] tab Displayed items Item Description Version Information Configure the register to store the version of the SECS/GEM communication software currently running.
Non-GEM version GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Defining a scenario allows sequential operation of two or more transactions with a single bit trigger. Window [Setting] [Scenario Setting] Operations of the Scenario List...
Scenario setting Modify the scenario selected at the "Scenario" screen. Window Select a scenario in the "Scenario" screen, right-click shortcut menu [Modify] Displayed items Item Description Scenario name Configure the scenario name. Scenario Start Request Trigger Configure the trigger relay to request a scenario start from the programmable controller CPU. Trigger hold time When the scenario start request trigger is held for the configured time, a scenario start trigger results.
Page 118
Scenario transaction operation sequence Programmable Shared memory/ SECS/GEM communication Host software controller CPU Device Scenario start request trigger on Start request trigger on detection Scenario transaction Ò Transmission data SECS message transmission SECS message Scenario reception transaction Ó Reception data registration SECS message reception...
Alarm Definition (non-GEM version) Alarm notification definitions allow arbitrary definition and sending of the content of the alarm notification used by S5F1. This is completed just by controlling the alarm occurrence/recovery trigger and the register that corresponds to the prescribed alarm at the programmable controller CPU.
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Displays a list of defined alarms. Up to 4096 alarms can be defined. Window [Setting] [Alarm Data Setting] Operations of the Alarm List Operation Description Right-click ...
MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Window Select an alarm in the "Alarm List" screen, right-click shortcut menu [Modify] Displayed items Item Description Alarm No. Configure the number that corresponds to the prescribed alarm state register. (Start from 1) Alarm code Configure the content of the alarm code <ALCD >...
GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Window [Setting] [Alarm Setting] Displayed items Item Description Alarm Setting Select this checkbox to use the alarm notification setting. Alarm Set Notification Configure the trigger relay to notify the SECS/GEM communication software of an alarm occurrence.
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Precautions ■Alarm report sending (S5F1/F2) Alarm report sending (S5F1/F2) is a reserved transaction and is automatically sent. Configuring a transaction for this purpose is not required. For details on reserved transactions, refer to the following: Page 288 List of reserved transactions and format ■The number of alarm status registers When multiple registers are used, the consecutive registers from the specified start alarm status register up to the configured quantity targeted.
Page 124
Alarm Cancel Notification The SECS/GEM communication software may be affected when a large number of alarms occur at the same time. To prevent this, the SECS/GEM communication software cancels alarms when 33 or more alarm reports are sent at the same time.
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Spool common settings Window [Setting] [Spool Setting] [Spool Common Setting] tab Displayed items Item Description Maximum Counts Configure the maximum number of messages to be spooled.
Page 126
Item Description Operation Of Spool Full Select the spooling operation after the spool buffer becomes full. • Complete Transmitting Spool/Complete Removing Spool: After the number of spool items reaches the maximum, spooling is not possible again if the entire spool has not been transferred or deleted. •...
Page 127
Spool message settings Window [Setting] [Spool Setting] [Spool Message] tab Displayed items Item Description Message Selection Select the defined message name and Stream/Function number. Item Select an item. Use when a spool flag is included in the item of a message subject to spool. In this way, the spool flag distinguishes between normal sending and spooling sending.
MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series For messages subject spooling, operations are performed particular to the status. The following section shows operations of messages that can and cannot be sent due to status. Message classification Online Spooling online...
Page 129
Operation sequence during spool message sending All spool sending is performed by the SECS/GEM communication software. The spool outputting relay is ON during spool sending, and then switches OFF when complete. At this time, the spooling relay is also OFF. Programmable SECS/GEM communication Host...
For software versions supporting ZIP extension, refer to the following: Page 299 Added and Changed Functions In the case of a MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module, replace the term "C Controller" with "C intelligent function module."...
MELSEC-Q series SECS/GEM Non-GEM version NON-GEM communication software pre-installed GEM version CASECS model module GEM advanced version GEM ADVANCED • MELSEC iQ-R series Module SECS/GEM communication Source Detailed event log information software MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM Non-GEM version RD55UP06-V Detail information: [CAS] NON-GEM...
Page 132
Window [Setting] [Update Module] (When using a MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module) [Setting] [Update Module] (When using a MELSEC-Q series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module) Displayed items Item Description C Intelligent Function Module Select this to transfer the setting file to the Standard ROM or memory card.
Page 133
Operation After Updating The following section shows the operations after an update of the SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module. ■No Operation (Only Update) The setting file is updated. The setting content is applied the next time the SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module is started. ■Restart (Restart Application) Update the setting file, and then restart only the SECS/GEM communication software.
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series An IP address of the SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module can be changed using the setting tool. The IP address can also be changed by storing the address in the register of a programmable controller CPU and using the ladder program which uses the register.
Page 135
When changing the IP address of MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module by using this function, the module operates with the IP address set in GX Works3 from when the power is turned ON to when SECS/GEM communication software is started.
Page 136
• MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module Method Applicable condition Description Copy the following file into the root of an SD card using a card reader. Deleting an IP address setting file When setting ROM or SD as a...
Operating procedure Select the Ethernet port to change the IP address. For a MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module, the unselected Ethernet port operates with an IP address set by GX Works3. For a MELSEC-Q series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module, the unselected Ethernet port operates with an IP address managed by the Setting/monitoring tools for the C Controller module.
Page 138
Series Network setting MELSEC iQ-R series • When an IP address set in GX Works3 and an IP address set from a setting tool are duplicated • When an IP address set in GX Works3 and the network segment of an IP address set from a setting tool are...
SECS/GEM communication software. Use this procedure, for example, when changing the IP address from the equipment display. In the case of a MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module, replace the term "C Controller" with "C intelligent function module."...
Page 140
Operating procedure Configure "Setting Request" and "Start Register" in the "IP Address Setting By PLC" screen. The IP address information is configured by the ladder program as shown below. Storage destination register Description 0 to +3 IP Address +4 to +7 Subnet Mask +8 to +11 Default gateway...
MELSEC iQ-R series The mapping function can add sending request trigger relays and reception notification trigger relays to the selected transactions and map offsets to the data control register as a command. In this way, it is possible to configure as shown below for one transaction definition.
Command setting Window Select a command setting in the "Command List" screen, right-click shortcut menu [Modify] Displayed items Item Description Message Select the message to configure the command setting. Use The Key Item Select this checkbox to use the item property defined in the transaction as the key item. The checkbox selection is fixed when a primary message to be received is selected.
Parameter setting Window Select a parameter to be configured at the "Parameter List" screen, right-click shortcut menu [Modify] Displayed items Item Description Comment Enter a comment. Parameter Configure the value of the key item defined in the command setting. The value depends on the item property data type specified as the key item.
Mapping setting example The following section describes an example of the register configuration and settings of the mapping by command function. In this example, transmission messages have the following structure. Message format Notes <Message> <L, 2> A <KeyItem> <L, 256> U2 <Item1>...
Page 145
Reception message example Select the transactions of trigger settings below for targets of command settings. Because this is a primary message receiving example, the sending request trigger of the primary message and the reception notification trigger of the secondary message are not defined. Primary message information Secondary message information Sending request trigger...
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series The data before and after replacement can be registered to the conversion table. Flexible data transfer between the programmable controller CPU and SECS/GEM communication software is possible by applying a conversion table to the message items.
[Conversion Data] button Configure the details when "Table" or "Format" was selected at "Conversion Definition". *1 Cannot be configured by a GEM or GEM advanced version of the MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre- installed model module. Precautions Comparison with the conversion table is determined after removing the space padding of the received item value.
Conversion data list Register data of before and after conversion to a conversion table. Up to 32767 units of conversion data can be registered. Window Click the [Conversion Data] button in the "Conversion Table" screen. Operations of the Conversion Data List Operation Description Right-click ...
Usage example of a conversion table Message sending Register Value Description Send START. Send STOP. Send ABORT. Other than above Send DEF (default value). When a default value (SECS data) has not been entered, sending fails. Message reception Reception Data Operation START Configures "1"...
Format conversion definition setting While normally BIN → ASCII conversion format is left-aligned with space padding, using the format conversion definition setting function enables the format to be freely defined, such as right-aligned with zeros suppressed. In the "Conversion Table Setting" screen, configure all items below, and then click [Conversion Data]. The "Format Conversion Definition Setting"...
Page 151
Conversion string format The format is as follows: %[Flag][Field width].[Accuracy][h/l modification][Conversion string]. The following table indicates the details of each item. ■Flag Flag Description Outputs the conversion string justified to the right when the field width is specified. Outputs the conversion string with a leading positive or negative (+/-) sign. Blank Outputs the conversion string with a leading space (single-byte space) for positive values, and aligns the conversion string with a negative sign for negative values.
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series This section explains the find and replace method for devices used in the project. The following table shows the ranges of devices that can be found/replaced.
Page 153
Displayed items Item Description Device List For details of items displayed in the device list, refer to the following: Page 151 Device list Find device Find Device Top Configure devices to be found. Find Tgt. Displays the top of the device to be found. Find Option Range Find Configure the search range.
Display all devices in use Display all devices in use in the project. Replacement is not possible while devices are being displayed by this function. Operating procedure Click [Use All Device]. Device search Search for devices. Search by device Find specified devices. Operating procedure Configure "Find Device Top".
Replace device Replace found devices. The correspondence of device types that can be replaced is as follows. Before replacement After replacement B, M B, M B, M, X B, M, Y D, R, W, ZR D, R, W, ZR Precautions Devices cannot be replaced while all devices in use are displayed.
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Configure the common settings of the log output function. Window [Log] [Log Output Setting] [Common Setting] tab Displayed items Item Description Log Storage Period Configure the number of days to store log data.
Page 157
Item Description SECS Log Setting Select this checkbox to enable SECS log collection. SECS Log Output Select this checkbox to control the start or end of log collection by a trigger from the programmable controller CPU. By specifying the trigger relay, SECS log collection will be started when the specified trigger relay turns ON and will be terminated when the trigger relay turns OFF.
Page 158
MELSEC iQ-R series Configure the details for access the FTP server. By using this setting, it is possible to output logs to the FTP server. By outputting the logs to the FTP server, the number of writes to the memory card can be mitigated.
Page 159
• When a subdirectory has not been created in the FTP server, Action After FTP Disconnection results, even when an FTP subdirectory has been configured. However, the FTP error notification relay does not turn ON. • When the MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module is used, FTP log output uses the same network as SECS communication.
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MELSEC iQ-R series The user log settings allow string data stored in the specified register to be output as a log when the specified trigger switching ON is detected and browse data using the "Log View" screen in the setting tool.
Page 161
Page 168 View the log on display device (GOT) Precautions • The display log file is saved to the SD memory card when the MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module is being used. • When a MELSEC-Q series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module is being used, the display log file is saved to the directory configured by the following setting: [CF Setting] ...
MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series The real-time trace function allows the SECS communication status and device I/O information to be displayed in real-time using a GOT. Window [Log] [Real Time Trace Setting] Displayed items...
Page 163
■Example of output messages of device I/O trace Type Message example Device relay ON M101 ON(EQ) 2008/10/21 17:06:05:100 CA-SECS relay ON M1024 ON(CA-SECS) 2008/10/21 17:06:05:100 Device relay OFF OFF(EQ) 2008/10/21 17:06:05:100 CA-SECS relay OFF OFF(CA-SECS) 2008/10/21 17:06:05:100 Registry read error D2049 READ ERROR 2008/10/21 17:06:05:100...
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Display the log acquired from the SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module. Window [Log] [Log View] Displayed items Item Description Find Select to find all logs.
Page 165
Item Description [Save] button Save the log data currently displayed. The following file formats can be selected. • Binary log file (file extension: .log): The binary log data is saved as it is. Use the [Load] button on the screen to view the log later. •...
Page 166
Programmable controller log The following section shows the display of SUMMARY. Item Description CPU No. Channel number (0: 0xFF, other than 0: Channel number for communication function) STA# Device type Device number and status (ON/OFF display) If a programmable controller log is selected in the Log list, the content of the I/O log appears in the Data View. User Log The following section shows the display of SUMMARY.
Page 167
SECS status message Log to display the SECS status managed by the SECS/GEM communication software. The following table shows the item content to be displayed. Message Description Notes CIMREADY CIM control is ready. Output is enabled only when the SECS communication log output trigger is not used (SECS logs are always acquired).
Page 168
Error Log Error logs are displayed in red characters. The following table shows the details of error messages. ■Programmable controller CPU error messages Message Description Notes READ_ERR(error code) Data was not read. An error code is added at the end of the message. WRITE_ERR(error code) Data was not written.
Page 169
Message Description Notes Message discarded because spooling A spooled sending message requested during spooling was Check the Enable spooling relay. Note that the is disabled discarded because spooling is disabled. Enable spooling relay can be configured only by a non-GEM version. Cyclic measurement cancelled Although the cyclic message sending request trigger is ON, •...
MELSEC iQ-R series Using a register, display logs saved to the memory card on the display. Since the data has been displayed via a register, configuring the script in GOT is not required. If the SECS/GEM communication software receives an operation instruction by an operation register, the logs are deployed to the display register.
Page 171
Operation Register List Name Description Programmable Display Setting Operation Prev_Time ON = Move to the previous hour. Bit set Next_Time ON = Move to the next hour. Prev_Page ON = Move to the previous page. Next_Page ON = Move to the next page. Top_Line ON = Move to the top line.
• Make sure that the log output bit is OFF. • Unmount the SD card of the MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module (by moving the Mode switch of the MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module from the center to SELECT for 3 seconds or more) •...
MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series The definition information of the SECS/GEM communication software is output as electronic data. The SECS message definitions, device assignment definitions, and other setting content can be checked as a list. Window [Documentation] [Documentation]...
GEM advanced version The following files can be output by an advanced GEM version. File name Form Description Notes GEM settings Output GEM settings as a list. GEM Compliant Table Output GEM performance definitions as a list. Alarm Definition Output alarms as a list.
Device assignment definition Output devices configured by device assignment as a .csv file. Because the files are sorted in order of device number before output, it is possible to check for duplicate settings. The following section describes the keywords listed in each line of the file. Keyword Description PM-SND...
MELSEC iQ-R series Configure the GEM performance definition conditions implemented by the SECS/GEM communication software. Select the checkboxes of performances to be implemented at the "GEM Performance Definition" screen. Window Main screen [GEM Performance] tab Displayed items ■Messages used in basic requirements of GEM...
Page 177
Performance Used message Message name Directio Notes Error message S9F1 Unrecognized Device ID H←E Automatic SECS/GEM communication software transmission upon detection S9F3 Unrecognized Stream Type H←E Automatic SECS/GEM communication software transmission upon detection S9F5 Unrecognized Function Type H←E Automatic SECS/GEM communication software transmission upon detection S9F7 Illegal Data...
Page 178
Control (started by the host) S1F15/16 Request OFF-LINE/OFF-LINE H→E Acknowledge S1F17/18 Request ON-LINE/ON-LINE H→E Acknowledge *1 Software version 1.29F or later supports the MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module. 8 GEM COMPLIANT FUNCTIONS 8.1 GEM Performance Definition Setting...
MELSEC iQ-R series Of the state models required by GEM, communication state, control state, and spooling state are managed automatically by the SECS/GEM communication software. Therefore, define the notification destination register of the default state (state arbitrarily definable by the equipment) and state number for the setting content.
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series The model state notification setting is used to display the model state, such as the communication state or control state, on an external display device such as a GOT.
Page 181
Details of state notification relays ■State notification relays used in communication state model Relay (from top) Value DISABLED (Communication disabled) ENABLED(Communication enabled) NOT COMMUNICATING Communication interrupted) WAIT CR FROM HOST WAIT CRA WAIT DELAY COMMUNICATING (Communication in progress) Reserved ■State notification relays used in control state model Relay (from top) Value OFF-LINE...
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Communication link state between host and SECS- level is managed using the following state model. Communication between the device and the host is established once the state becomes COMMUNICATING (communication in progress).
Page 183
Current state Trigger New state Operation Comments WAIT DELAY A message other than WAIT CRA Message is discarded (no It means that there is a (Awaiting delay timer S1F13 is received (Awaiting communication response) possibility of communication timeout) establishment request Communication delay timer is establishment confirmation)
Communication state model setting Configure the details of the communication state model. Default Window [GEMFunction] [Communication State] [Default] tab Displayed items Item Description Communication State Select the default communication state of the SECS/GEM communication software upon power. This setting is reflected in the equipment variable DefaultCommunicationsState. Communication Establishment Configure the timeout value for communication delay timer.
Page 185
State Change Window [GEMFunction] [Communication State] [State Change] tab Displayed items Item Description ENABLED/DISABLED This relay enables the Programmable Controller CPU to change the communication state of the SECS/ GEM communication software. When this setting is enabled, turn the trigger ON to configure an ENABLED state and turn the trigger OFF to configure a DISABLED state.
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series The following state model is used by the host to manage the state of the 3 control levels (high: remote, medium: local, low: offline) of the equipment.
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Current state Trigger New state Operation Comments REMOTE Operator sets the switch LOCAL Disabled "Control state local" event (Remote) to local (Local) (Event occurrence) occurs (10) ON-LINE S1F15 (transition to HOST OFF-LINE Disabled "Host offline" event occurs (Online) offline) is received (Host offline) (Event occurrence) (11)
Control state model setting Configure the details of the control state model. Default Window [GEMFunction] [Control State] [Default] tab Displayed items Item Description Default Control State Select the control state of the SECS/GEM communication software when the power is turned ON. This cannot be changed from the Programmable Controller CPU.
Page 189
State Change Window [GEMFunction] [Control State] [State Change] tab Displayed items Item Description ON-LINE/OFF-LINE Set the relay used to notify the SECS/GEM communication software about the transition to ON-LINE/ OFF-LINE from the Programmable Controller CPU. When this setting is enabled, turn the trigger ON to configure an ON-LINE state and turn the trigger OFF to configure an OFF-LINE state.
Page 190
Displayed items Item Description On-Line Establishment Select whether online establishment is to be attempted automatically by the SECS/GEM Trial communication software or upon request from the programmable controller CPU. • AUTO: SECS/GEM communication software attempts to establish an online state automatically. •...
MELSEC iQ-R series The processing state of the equipment is managed with the following model. When the equipment enters a PROCESS state, it indicates that the process is ready or executing. When it enters an EXECUTING state, it means that the process is running.
Process state model setting Configure the details of the processing state model. Default Window [GEMFunction] [Processing state] [Default] tab Displayed items Item Description No. Of Processing Sections Configure the number of processing sections in the equipment. Up to 99 sections can be set. This setting is reflected in the equipment variable ProcessPartsCount.
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State Change Window [GEMFunction] [Processing state] [State Change] tab Displayed items Item Description State Change Set the replay used by the Programmable Controller CPU to notify SECS/GEM communication software about the transition of the processing state. The processor and processing state changes are reported when the trigger was detected. Processing Section Configure the register to notify the SECS/GEM communication software from the programmable controller CPU of a processor number that changed its processing state.
MELSEC iQ-R series Displays a list of defined alarms. Up to 4096 alarms can be defined. Window [GEM Function] [Alarm] Operations of the Alarm List The following section explains the operations of the "Alarm List" screen.
Page 195
The content of the alarm list is saved to the following file. (Project save destination)\GEMALM.CSV When the alarm content is large or redundant, it is convenient to use Microsoft Excel or another external editor to modify this file. After the corresponding file is edited, the content is updated by opening the same project again. 8 GEM COMPLIANT FUNCTIONS 8.7 Alarm Definition (GEM / GEM advanced version)
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Edit the alarm definition. Window Select an alarm in the "Alarm List" screen, right-click shortcut menu [Modify] Displayed items Item Description Enable Alarm Select this checkbox to use alarms.
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Configure the common settings to control the content configured by the Alarm list. Common Window [GEM Function] [Common Alarm] [Common] tab Displayed items Item Description Alarm Occurrence Notification Configure the trigger relay to notify the SECS/GEM communication software of an alarm occurrence.
Page 198
SECS Item Window [GEM Function] [Common Alarm] [SECS Item] tab Displayed items Item Description Item Configure the data type and data count of items used by the message. Data Type Select the data type of the item. Data Count Configure the data count of the item.
Page 199
Reply setting Window [GEM Function] [Common Alarm] [Reply Setting] tab Displayed items Item Description W-bit Select this checkbox to send an S5F1 message with a W-bit. If this checkbox is cleared, the Alarm Processing Notification relay cannot be used because its original function is no longer satisfied.
SECS/GEM communication software Non-GEM version GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Shows a list of messages subject to spooling. Window [GEM Function] [Spool] Operations of the Spool List Operation Description Right-click ...
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Edit the spool definition. Window Select a message in the "Spool list" screen, right-click Shortcut menu [Modify] Displayed items Item Description Stream/Function Select when setting spool targets by Stream/Function.
GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Common Window [GEM Function] [Common Spool] [Common] Displayed items Item Description System Default Settings Maximum No. of Spool Specify the maximum number of spool data items to be sent at once from the equipment for an S6F23 Transmission (spooled data request) from the host.
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SECS Item Window [GEM Function] [Common Alarm] [SECS Item] Displayed items Item Description Item Configure the data type and data count of items used by the message. Data Type Select the data type of the item. Data Counts Configure the data count of the item.
Page 204
Important points about spooling • If spool transmission and trace and fixed cycle sending messages are implemented at the same time, performance may drop. It is recommended that trace / fixed-cycle sending messages are stopped during spool transmission. • Spool data is saved as files on a memory card so the data is retained even after a power reset. However, if the power is cut suddenly during spooling, the spool files may be corrupted.
MELSEC iQ-R series The following actions are possible: an automatic return of S7F20 (current EPPD data) for an S7F19 (current EPPD request) from the host, deletion of a process program set by an S7F17 (process program deletion command) from the host, and automatic return of S7F18 (confirmation of deletion of process program).
Page 206
■Directory entry information of process program Name Required no. of devices Description USE flag 0 (disabled)/1 (enabled) DevNo Device no. of the EPPD to be associated ■Directory information of process program Name Required no. of devices Description PPID Process program ID ChangeStatus 0 (no state change)/1 (create)/2 (edit)/ 3 (delete) Host delete instruction...
Page 207
Item Description Enable S7F17 Scenario Select this checkbox to enable the S7F17 (Process program deletion instruction). Process Program Configure the trigger to report that an S7F17 (process program deletion command) was received from Deletion Notification the host to the programmable controller CPU. Process Program Configure the trigger to report that the process program was deleted to the SECS/GEM communication Deletion Completion...
Page 208
SECS Item Configure the SECS-data item-format related to process programs. Window Displayed items Item Description Item Configure the data type and data count of items used by the message. Data Type Select the data type of the item. Data Counts Configure the data count of the item.
MELSEC iQ-R series Clock function is used to synchronize internal time of the equipment with the host time. The SECS/GEM communication software registers the time data received by an S2F18 (date and time data) or an S2F31 (date and time set request) from the host to the clock data storage destination register.
Clock setting Configure the details of the clock function. Common Window [GEMFunction] [Clock] [Common] tab Displayed items Item Description Clock Data Format Selects whether clock data received in SECS message is of ASCII12Byte or ASCII16Byte. This setting is reflected in the equipment variable TimeFormat. Clock Data Storage Destination Configure the register to notify the programmable controller CPU about the received clock data.
Page 211
Detail Window [GEMFunction] [Clock] [Details] tab Displayed items Item Description Request From Device to Select this checkbox to send an S2F17 (date and time synchronization request) from the equipment to The Host (S2F17) the host. It is necessary to also define the Time Synchronization Request relay of the Common settings. Transmit S9F7 When Select this checkbox when it is necessary to send a S9F7 (incorrect format) message to the host when Clock Data Is Incorrect...
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Configure the various state variable data and equipment variables stored in the equipment. Variable data can be reported as an event report. Furthermore, it is possible to change settings via instructions from the host and report list data.
Cache settings variables If there are many storage registers of registered variables and these are defined by CA-SECS device assignment (I/O assignment), configure the cache settings to ensure performance. Window [GEMData] [Variable Cache] Operating procedure Select the variable cache number to be configured by "Setting". Select the "Use"...
Variable definition Configure the variables. Basic Window Select a variable in the "Variable list" screen, right-click shortcut menu [Modify] [Basic] tab Displayed items Item Description Class Configure the variable attribute. • SV: state variable • ECV: Equipment constant •...
Page 215
Item Description Variable Value Settings Variable Type Select the handling method of the value configured to "Variable Value". • Fixed value: "Variable Value" is the fixed value of the variable. This setting cannot be changed from the programmable controller CPU or host. •...
Page 216
Precautions If the limit monitoring function is enabled, a sampling operation of the device that is storing the variable value is performed. Pay sufficient attention to performance when using this function. Changing default variables • Variables with [System] as the management classification cannot be deleted. •...
List setting When the data type is "LIST", it is possible to add member variables to the list. It is necessary to predefine the variables to be added in the variable list. Variables that do not have the class of MEMBER can also be added to member variables.
Variables defined by default The following section shows predefined variables of the SECS/GEM communication software. These include variables independently defined by SECS/GEM communication software also. Name Classi Description Format Variable value Notes ficatio stan setting dard MDLN Module name ASCII ...
Page 219
Name Classi Description Format Variable value Notes ficatio stan setting dard ProcessChangeStatus DVVAL Process state change state Register reference It is defined in processing state model Can be set settings. State number related to the processor with the changed state is reported from the programmable controller CPU 1: IDLE 2: SETUP...
Page 220
Name Classi Description Format Variable value Notes ficatio stan setting dard SpoolingState Spooling state Register notification It is defined in spool settings. Can be set 00H: spool stopped 01H: active, no input, empty spool 02H: active, spool transmission, empty spool 03H: active, purge spool, empty spool 81H: active, no output, full spool...
Page 221
Name Classi Description Format Variable value Notes ficatio stan setting dard PPDeleteResult DVVAL Process program deletion Can be set It is used in S7F18 return results PPEnabled Effective process program Cannot be set It is managed within SECS/GEM communication software.
GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series If limit attributes are defined, events can be reported to the host when the variable value crosses the region configured by the limit attribute.
Limit attribute definition Define the limit attribute. Window Select the limit attribute at the "Limit Attribute List" screen, right-click shortcut menu [Modify] Displayed items Item Description LIMITID Configure the management number of the limit attribute. Comment Configure the comment of the limit attribute. Information Of Variable To Be The variable name, and the upper and lower values are displayed.
GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Event report data transmitted from the equipment consists of one or more reports, and a report consists of one or more collections of variables.
Report definition Define the report. Window Select a report at the "Report List" screen, right-click shortcut menu [Modify] Displayed items Item Description RPTID Configure the report ID. Report Name Configure the report name. Comment Configure the comment. [Create Report] button Display the "Create Report"...
Operations of Create Report ■Add Add a variable. Select the report to be edited from "Report". When the [Create Report] button was clicked on the "Report Definition" screen, and the "Create Report" screen was opened, the report is fixed to report selected at the "Report Definition" screen. Select the variable to be added to the report by using "Variable".
MELSEC iQ-R series Events are created by combining the timing of the event occurrence and the defined report. The event timing can be configured as the time of occurrence of an event recognized by the SECS/GEM communication software, such as online confirmation or an alarm occurrence, or an arbitrary timing from the programmable controller CPU.
Event definition Define the event. Window Select an event at the "Event List" screen, right-click shortcut menu [Modify] Displayed items Item Description Enable Event Select this checkbox to enable the event. CEID Configure the event ID based on communication specifications. Event Name Configure the event name based on communication specifications.
Create event Configure the report to be sent by the event. Up to 64 reports can be configured for one event. Window Click the [Create Event] button at the "Event Definition" screen. Alternatively, select [GEM Data] [Create Event] Operations of Create Event ■Add Add a report.
Events defined by default The following table shows events that are predefined in the SECS/GEM communication software. Event name Trigger Link report and remarks EQUIPMENT OFF-LINE Automatic (ON-LINE->OFF-LINE) Control state report CONTROL STATE LOCAL Automatic (OFF-LINE->ON-LINE, REMOTE- Control state report >LOCAL) CONTROL STATE REMOTE Automatic (OFF-LINE->ON-LINE, LOCAL-...
MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series The SECS/GEM communication software can change settings dynamically from the host by using the following messages. • S2F33 (Define Report) • S2F35 (Link Event Report) • S2F37 (Enable/Disable Event Report) • S2F43 (Reset Spooling Streams and Functions (RSSF)) •...
GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Configure the necessary settings to change equipment variables (ECV) from the host and report changes of equipment variables from the equipment to the host.
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Change from host Configure the settings when the equipment constant is changed from the host. Window [GEMData] [Device Constant] [Change From Host] tab Displayed items Item Description Enable S2F15 Select this checkbox to change the equipment constant from the host. Scenario Device Constant Change Defines the relay used by SECS/GEM communication software to notify the...
GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Make settings required to implement the various scenarios defined in GEM. Multi-block If messages from device or host are exchanged across multiple blocks, it is necessary to implement multi-block inquiry in advance.
Limit monitoring The SECS/GEM communication software configures the sampling cycle to monitor the limits of variables. Window [GEMData] [Details] [Limit Monitoring] tab Displayed items Item Description Sampling Cycle Configure the cycle to monitor devices that store variable values. The sampling cycle can be configured from 1000 through 4294967295 ms.
SECS items Configure the SECS-data item-format used by the SECS/GEM communication software. Window [GEMData] [Details] [SECS Item] tab Displayed items Item Description Item Select an item to be defined. Data Type Select the data type of the item. Data Counts Configure the data count of the item.
Dynamic setting exclusion This setting is used to enable host to notify Programmable Controller CPU that event report pertaining to the equipment etc. is subjected to dynamic changes, and in order to enable Programmable Controller CPU to prohibit host from introducing dynamic changes.
Data acquisition exclusion Configure to notify the programmable controller CPU that data, such as equipment variables, is being collected from the host to the equipment and to prohibit data collection by the host from the programmable controller CPU. Window [GEMData] [Details] [Data Acquisition Exclusion] tab Displayed items Item Description...
DVVAL Configure the conditions to disable the variables of the DVVAL class. Window [GEMData] [Details] [DVVAL] tab Displayed items Item Description DVVAL Disable Settings Always Enabled Select to have the variables of the DVVAL class always enabled. Actual data is sent when sending an S6F11/S6F16/S6F20. Enabled Only During Select to have the variables of the DVVAL class enabled only for S6F11 sending.
Reply setting Set the W-bit of S6F1 message. Window [GEMData] [Details] [Reply Setting] tab Displayed items Item Description W-bit Select this checkbox to send an S6F1 message with a W-bit. 8 GEM COMPLIANT FUNCTIONS 8.17 Advanced Settings...
MELSEC iQ-R series Configure whether to comply with the items of the basic requirements and additional performance of GEM. This setting is applied to the GEM compliant table that is output by the documentation function. GEM compliant table is created based on the functions specified in "GEM performance definition" screen and based on contents specified in the original GEM compliant table.
GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series In the case of a ladder program of a programmable controller CPU, always first make sure that the [CIM Control READY] relay that reports from the SECS/GEM communication software is ON after starting the SECS/GEM communication software.
MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series The SECS/GEM communication software license is pre-installed on the SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module, but the license is erased when the SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module has been initialized. In such a case, the license must be registered again using the license file stored on the product CD-ROM.
GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series The SECS/GEM communication software sends and receives SECS messages by handshakes of trigger relays from the Programmable Controller CPU and the data register. The format of messages to be sent and received, sending and receiving trigger relays, and mapping of sending and receiving message items with storage registers must be defined in advance using the setting tool.
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■Sending SECS messages When an SECS message is sent from programmable controller CPU to the host, the sent data is stored in the prescribed register mapped to the corresponding sending message item, and then the sending request trigger relay configured for the corresponding message is switched ON.
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Important points regarding message sending and receiving handshakes • When sending consecutive messages, make sure that the sending request trigger relay of the previous message is OFF before switching ON the sending request trigger relay of the next message. • Set a 20 ms trigger hold time for the transmission request trigger of the secondary message after receipt of the primary message.
MELSEC iQ-R series When an alarm message (S5F1) is sent from the Programmable Controller CPU, the SECS/GEM communication software notifies the host of the alarm message automatically simply by Alert Status and a handshake operation of Alert Set/Reset Notification, without defining multiple alarm messages as transactions.
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Alarm status The alarm information retains the alarm states as bits. Each word retains 16 alarm statuses, and the alarm Status 0 and 1 indicate reset and occurrence, respectively. Register No.16 No.15 No.14 No.13 No.12 No.11 No.10 No.9 No.8 No.7 No.6 No.5 No.4...
MELSEC iQ-R series Of the messages to be reported to the host, the spool function temporarily saves messages that must not be lost due to communication failure at the equipment, and then reports the saved messages to the host when communication is restored.
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Usage method (non-GEM version) ■Configuring messages for spooling Set messages subject to spooling at the [Spool Message] tab of the "Spool" screen. (Page 125 Spool message settings) Select a message to be subject to spooling from the pull-down list of [Message selection] and click the [Add] button to configure the selected message for spooling.
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Usage method (GEM version and GEM ADVANCED version) ■Configuring messages for spooling Set messages subject to spooling in the "Spool List" screen. Double-click a row inserted by using the shortcut menu of the spool list to display the "Spool Definition" screen, and then define the messages subject to spooling. (Page 198 Spool list) ■Configuring the spooling function Configure the spooling function at the [Common] tab of the "Spool Settings"...
MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series The SECS communication settings can be changed via a handshake with the SECS/GEM communication software. Use this procedure when changing the communication settings from the equipment. Usage method ■Communication settings change handshake settings Configure the handshake interface for a communication setting change at the "Communication Setting By PLC"...
MELSEC iQ-R series For example, host command sending messages (S2F41) have different parameter (CPNAME, CPVAL) numbers and targets due to the remote command (RCMD), even when the message structure is the same. If the mapping function is applied to these messages, message sending request trigger relays and reception notification trigger relays of each parameter of key items and offsets for control registers of message items can be configured in one transaction definition.
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Usage example The host controls the equipment using the four host command sending messages (S2F41) described below. Each message has different command parameters <CPNAME> and <CPVAL> for each remote command <RCMD>. A remote command <RCMD> is set as a key item, and reception notification trigger relays, sending request trigger relays, and offsets of control registers are mapped to each remote command <RCMD>.
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■Processing-stop message The equipment stops current processing at the processing unit specified by the host. The message has one parameter. Message format Item value Notes <HCS> <L, 2> 1. ASCII <RCMD> STOP Processing-stop command 2. <L, 1> Number of parameters 1.
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Command mapping setting example ■Definitions of messages • Define the transactions of base host command sending messages (S2F41). • Because the number of parameters is variable, the number of parameters in the list is defined by a variable length list. •...
MELSEC iQ-R series Table conversion definitions are used to switch to the relevant data during message transmission between SECS message items and control registers data. For example, an ASCII character string of the remote command of host message sending (S2F41) can be converted automatically to code easily processed by the Programmable Controller CPU.
MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Format conversion definitions are used to change data stored in control registers to data that follow format definitions and send the data as an SECS message. Usage method Add a conversion table at the "Conversion Table List" screen, and then configure a conversion table to be used at the "Item Information"...
MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Index conversion definitions are used to send floating-point number data stored as integers in control registers as a decimal- point format ASCII string by an SECS message. Usage method ■Adding a conversion table Configure the index conversion settings at the "Conversion Table Setting"...
MELSEC iQ-R series Use the selection list function to select items to be sent within the limit of the defined message structure or distinguish only items received in messages to change the item list number by the conditions.
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■Received parameters are distinguished upon receipt of a host command sending message (S2F41) When there is a parameter list that differs by remote command, such as with a host command sending message (S2F41), it is possible to send and receive messages by simply defining one message that includes all parameter elements without defining messages for each remote command if the selection list function is used.
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■Configuring selection registers Configure "Select Register" for each parameter list. In the case of a sending message, configure as shown below at the programmable controller CPU. Sending message In case of a register In the case of a relay Sending target Not 0 Not sending target In the case of a reception message, the SECS/GEM communication software configures in the following manner.
MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Three time synchronization scenarios can be used through settings. Time synchronization scenarios ■Time request from equipment to host Scenario Function S2F17 A date and time request message (S2F17) is sent from the equipment, and the host time is received by a date and time (Date and time request) data message (S2F18) from the host.
GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series The communication state is managed according to the communication model state of GEM. The following three control methods can be selected by SECS/GEM communication software.
MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series The control state is managed according to the control model state of GEM. The following two control methods can be selected by SECS/GEM communication software. Control method Function AUTO The SECS/GEM communication software controls the control state automatically according to the control state model of GEM.
GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series Events are made up of report lists, and reports are made up of variable lists. Both are configured by the setting tool. Events and reports are identified by event IDs and report IDs.
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■Event notification method Automatic and manual notifications can be selected at the "Event Definition" settings screen. • Automatic notification: If "Automatic Event Transmission" is selected, and a GEM automatic notification time is selected via the pull-down list just below, the selected event is reported to the host at the specified timing. •...
GEM version GEM advanced version MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series The GEM advanced version of the SECS/GEM communication software provides functions that assist the management of the process program directory (PPID list). The three helper functions are as follows.
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Example of management by the equipment Equipment Host S6F11 (Process Program Change Notification) S6F12 (Prosess Program Change Confirmation) S7F23 (Process Program Send) S7F24 (Process Program Acknowledge) S7F25 (Process Program Request) S7F26 (Process Program Data) Equipment → Host Equipment operation Description Change of process program S6F11 When a process program is created, modified, or...
Usage method Directory settings The directory of the process program (EPPD) is configured by the setting tool. Configure the settings at the [Directory] tab of the "Process program settings" screen. ( Page 203 Directory) Configure the number of directory entries, and the start register for the directory entry and directory information. ■Directory entry information For the directory entry (start), configure the first register of the directory entry information table.
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■Structure of directory information The following section shows the structure of each directory information item. Directory information of the amount specified by the number of directory entries is assigned. The entry of each directory information item is linked and defined by each directory entry of the directory entry information table.
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Directory request from host When a current EPPD request message (S7F19) was received from the host, the SECS/GEM communication software creates a current EPPD data message (S7F20) from the current directory information content, and then sends it to the host automatically.
TROUBLESHOOTING This section explains the troubleshooting of a SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module. 10.1 Troubleshooting by Symptom This section shows the troubleshooting by phenomenon for a SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module. Symptom Check item Corrective action A multi-CPU error occurred with a Do the multi-CPU settings of the During use with a multi-CPU configuration, the settings of the parameters of programmable controller CPU and...
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Symptom Check item Corrective action The SECS/GEM communication Is there a response from the SECS/ Check for problems with the LAN cable connection. software pre-installed model module GEM communication software pre- From the command prompt of the PC, etc., issue a ping command. cannot be updated.
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For the specifications of CF cards, see the website of the product. Is an SD memory card installed in the SECS/GEM communication software requires a SD memory card. MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM For SD memory cards with confirmed operation, refer to the following: MELSEC iQ-R C Controller Module User's Manual (Startup) communication software pre-installed Technical bulletin No.
Page 276
Overlapped. CA-SECS Operates MELSEC-Q series: Current settings are maintained. With The IP Address Set In GX MELSEC iQ-R series: Operates with an IP address set in GX Works3. Works3."? Is either of the following messages The changed channel is invalid.
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Symptom Check item Corrective action SECS communication via HSMS is Is the SECS/GEM communication Refer to "The SECS/GEM communication software transferred to the SECS/ not possible between SECS/GEM software started? GEM communication software pre-installed model module does not start" in communication software and host "Troubleshooting", and then check that the SECS/GEM communication software has started.
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Symptom Check item Corrective action An SECS message is not sent even Is the communication-established SECS/GEM communication software manages the communication when the sending request trigger is relay ON? establishment state, and establishing an S1F13/14 transaction results in a communication establishment state, and the communication-established relay switches ON.
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Symptom Check item Corrective action The reception notification trigger Has an S9 related error occurred? Check whether an S9 related error has occurred in the SECS communication does not switch ON even when log. receiving an SECS message. If an error has occurred, remove the cause of the error. For the log reference method, refer to the following: Page 154 Log Output The transaction created with the...
Page 280
Symptom Check item Corrective action The log cannot be accessed by the Are the log output settings Browse to [Log] [Log Output Setting], and then check the settings to output settings tool of the SECS/GEM configured? the log. communication software. For log output settings, refer to the following: Page 154 Log Output Is the log output trigger ON before...
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Symptom Check item Corrective action An IP address cannot be changed in Are the values of the IP address, The setting range is a range that can be set in each module. "IP Address Setting By PLC." subnet mask, and default gateway For the applicable address range, refer to the manual of each module.
APPENDIX Appendix 1 Input/Output Signals This section explains the input/output signals of a MELSEC iQ-R series SECS/GEM communication software pre-installed model module. Only specifications that differ with the C intelligent function module are explained. For common specifications, refer to the following: MELSEC iQ-R C Intelligent Function Module User's Manual (Application)
Appendix 2 Data Type Conversion This section explains data type conversion. Conversion from SECS/GEM communication software to programmable controller CPU ■Binary→ASCII Source Dest • I1, I2, U1, or U2 • ASCII I1 or U1 Ten thousands Sign Hundred Thousand I2 or U2 •...
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Source Dest • ASCII • I4 or U4 Low-order word Sign High-order word Billion Hundred millions Ten millions Million Hundred thousands Ten thousands Thousand Hundred From the sign, specify a numerical character string to the stopper. Signs can be omitted. Treated as + when signs were omitted. ■ASCII→DATE-A Source Dest...
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■ASCII→DATE-Q Source Dest • ASCII • DATE-Q Year (2000 to xxxx) Month (1 to 12) Date (1 to 31) Hour (0 to 23) Minute (0 to 59) Second (0 to 59) (0 to 6: Sun to Day of week Sat) cc is not registered to a register.
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■Float→ASCII Source Dest • F4 • ASCII Number 1 Sign Float type Number 3 Number 2 Number 5 Number 4 Decimal point Number m (Decimal) Number 2 (Decimal) Number 1 (Decimal) Number 4 (Decimal) Number 3 (Decimal) Number n Signs can be omitted. Treated as + when signs were omitted. 0 is the stopper.
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Conversion from programmable controller CPU to SECS/GEM communication software ■Binary→ASCII Source Dest • I1, I2, U1, or U2 • ASCII I1, U1, I2, or U2 Sign Number 1 Number 2 Number 3 Number n Signs (+) are omitted. • I4 or U4 •...
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■DATE-A→ASCII Source Dest • DATE-A • ASCII Year (0 to 99) Month (1 to 12) Date (1 to 31) Hour (0 to 23) Minute (0 to 59) Second (0 to 59) (0 to 6: Sunday Day of week to Saturday) ■DATE-Q→ASCII Source Dest...
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■Float→ASCII Source Dest • F4 • ASCII Float type: Bit 0 to Bit 15 Sign Float type: Bit 16 to Bit 31 Number 1 Number 2 Number 3 Number m Decimal point (Decimal) Number 1 (Decimal) Number 2 (Decimal) Number n •...
Appendix 3 Reserved Transactions This section shows transactions and message formats used internally by the SECS/GEM communication software. List of reserved transactions and format This section shows reserved transactions and message formats. The names and formats of reserved transactions are reserved and defined by the SECS/GEM communication software and cannot be used for user definitions.
Special transactions This section shows special transactions and message formats. The special transactions shown below are user definable transactions but are specially processed by the SECS/GEM communication software internally at the same time as a notification to the programmable controller CPU. Name Transaction Description...
4. DTS (Date and time setting) <S2F31>(H→E) The time data given in <TIME> is configured in the clock of the of the SECS/ *1,*2 A<TIME>YYYYMMDDhhmmsscc GEM communication software pre-installed model module. <S2F32>(H←E) However, for a MELSEC-Q series SECS/GEM communication software pre- B<TIACK>...
Appendix 4 SECS Item List This section is a list of items the SECS/GEM communication software uses with GEM scenarios. Item name Description Item format Supported data type Supported data size Changeability (Byte) ACKC5 Confirmation code ACKC6 Confirmation code ...
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Item name Description Item format Supported data type Supported data size Changeability (Byte) RSDA Spooled data request confirmation RSDC Spooled data request code RSPACK Spooled data setting confirmation SMPLN Sample number U1, U2, U4 SOFTREV Revision code of software ASCII Maximum of 20 ...
Appendix 5 Communication Specifications Check Sheet The check sheet shows what to check in definition of SECS communication. The check sheet is useful for checking the specifications. Setting item Setting content Notes Communication port SECS-/HSMS Device ID SECS-...
Appendix 6 SEMI E30(GEM) Support Message This section shows a list of SEMI E30(GEM) compliant messages. Stream1 Equipment Status : Defined, : Definition required Message Sender Name Supp S1F0 H↔E Abort Transaction (S1F0) S1F1 H↔E Are You There Request (R) ...
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S5F7 H→E List Enabled Alarm Request (LEAR) S5F8 H←E List Enabled Alarm Data (LEAD) *1 A MELSEC iQ-R series requires a definition. Stream6 Data Collection : Defined, : Definition required Message Sender Name Supp S6F0 H↔E...
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Message Sender Name Supp S7F2 H↔E Process Program Load Grant (PPG) S7F3 H↔E Process Program Send (PPS) S7F4 H↔E Process Program Acknowledge (PPA) S7F5 H↔E Process Program Request (PPR) S7F6 H↔E Process Program Data (PPD) ...
Appendix 7 SECS/GEM communication software unique ACK code list This section shows the list of ACK codes. Name Item Description Value Applicati Format E5-1107 SECS/GEM communication Code software inherent ACKC5 Confirmation code, 0 = Agreement 1 = ALID does not exist S5F2, F4 1 byte >0 = Error, cannot be comprehended...
Appendix 8 Open Source Software Zlib, which is open source software, is included in this software. Zlib is software copyrighted by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler. The copyright notice and permission notice of zlib are shown below. Copyright (C) 1995-2012 Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
The event history can be checked by the following methods: • MELSEC-Q series: Check the event history of the Setting/monitoring tools for the C Controller module. • MELSEC iQ-R series: Check the event history of GX Works3. : Not supported...
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Added/changed Software version of SECS/GEM communication software Reference contents MELSEC-Q series MELSEC iQ-R series RD55UP06-V RD55UP12-V Non- Non- Non- version advanc version advanc version advanc version version version version version version A true value for CEED Ver.1.35 Ver.1.35...
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MEMO APPX Appendix 9 Added and Changed Functions...
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WARRANTY Please confirm the following product warranty details before using this product. 1. Gratis Warranty Term and Gratis Warranty Range If any faults or defects (hereinafter "Failure") found to be the responsibility of Mitsubishi occurs during use of the product within the gratis warranty term, the product shall be repaired at no cost via the sales representative or Mitsubishi Service Company.
TRADEMARKS Microsoft, Excel, Windows, and Windows XP are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. SEMI is a trademark or registered trademark of Semiconductor Equipment and Materials International in the United States and other countries. The company names, system names and product names mentioned in this manual are either registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.
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SH(NA)-082483ENG-A(2204)KWIX MODEL:SECSGEM-CCPU-U-E HEAD OFFICE : TOKYO BUILDING, 2-7-3 MARUNOUCHI, CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 100-8310, JAPAN NAGOYA WORKS : 1-14 , YADA-MINAMI 5-CHOME , HIGASHI-KU, NAGOYA , JAPAN When exported from Japan, this manual does not require application to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for service transaction permission. Specifications subject to change without notice.
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