FE MONITOUCH V8 SERIES Reference: Additional Functions page 277

Table of Contents


Remote Desktop
[Remote Desktop Display] dialog
Double-clicking or clicking the remote desktop item brings up the [Remote Desktop Display] dialog.
• [Main] tab window
Remote Desktop
Table No.
• [Detail] tab window
Display on-startup
Auto-reduction on
ID (0 - 255)
*1 With [Display on-startup] unchecked, the window of the connected server (computer) can be
displayed by a switch that is explained in the next section.
*2 The [
For more information, refer to "[Remote Desktop Table Setting] Dialog" (page 19-14).
Specify the table number of the target server (computer) that has been
registered in the [Remote Desktop Table Setting] dialog.
The window of the connected server (computer) appears at V8
A computer screen is automatically zoomed out for its entire display.
This is enabled when the screen of the connected computer is
displayed initially on the V8 unit.
From the second display and after, the computer screen will be
displayed at the same magnification.
Specify the ID. For more information, refer to the V8 Series Operation
Auto-reduction] box requires to be checked in the [Remote Desktop Table Setting]
[Main] tab window


Table of Contents

Table of Contents