Storage And Recall Of Measurement Setups; Definition Of The Measurement Setup In Use; Documentation, Stored, And Working Setups - BRUEL & KJAER 2032 Instruction Manual

Dual channel signal analyzer
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3.4.1. Storage and Recall of MEASUREMENT SETUPS
The 2032 stores 23 MEASUREMENT SETUPS named Dn, Sn, Wn, 1, 2, 3, ...... , 19, 20, (n
1, 2, 3, .... , 19, 20). The setup in use is identified by the MEASUREMENT SETUP label
field, at the head of the MEASUREMENT SETUP. All 23 setups are stored when electri-
cal power to the 2032 is switched off. Setups 1 to 10 are user-defined, and are stored
using the SAVE SETUP pushkeys, see Section,4.2.3. Setups 11 to 20 are factory de-
fined and held in read-only memories, see Chapter 10. Setups 1 to 20 can be recalled
by pressing SETUP LABEL "Measurement", entering the number of the required setup
via the FIELD ENTRY numeric keyboard, and pressing "ENT", or by pressing SETUP
LABEL "Measurement" and using the FIELD ENTRY knob or increment/decrement
pushkeys. As an aid to selection, the setups can be listed (Fig.3.4) by pressing SETUP
LABEL "Measurement" and then pressing the upper right hand (blank) key of the FIELD
ENTRY numeric keyboard. This key can then be used to toggle the Display between a
listing of the MEASUREMENT SETUPs and the selected MEASUREMENT SETUP.
A listing of the available MEASUREMENT SETUPS on the 2032 Display
3.4.2. Definition of the MEASUREMENT SETUP in use
The 2032 always displays the MEASUREMENT SETUP being used for an ongoing mea-
surement, and when a measurement is started, it will always be with the displayed
MEASUREMENT SETUP. Should a display format be used where the MEASUREMENT
SETUP is absent, then an ongoing or just started measurement will be defined by the
MEASUREMENT SETUP last displayed. This setup will be returned to the 2032 Display
the next time a display format with the MEASUREMENT SETUP is selected.
3.4.3. Documentation, Stored, and Working Setups
Dn, Sn, and Wn denote Documentation Setup, Stored Setup, and Working Setup, n
being the MEASUREMENT SETUP from which they were derived. When a MEASURE-
MENT SETUP is recalled, it is identified by the label "Setup n" on the 2032 Display.
Should any parameter in the setup be changed either before or during a measurement
it becomes a Working Setup, identified as "Setup Wn". Should any parameter in the
Measurement Setup be changed after the measurement has been completed, the setup
used to obtain the displayed results becomes a Documentation Setup, labelled "Setup
Dn". Should a measurement be stored in the 2032 memory, then the accompanying
setup becomes a Stored Setup, labelled "Setup Sn" when it is recalled to the Display.
The Documentation, Stored, and Working Setups may be accessed using the FIELD
ENTRY knob or increment I decrement push keys, or the numeric keyboard entry codes
-2, -1, or 0, respectively.


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