BRUEL & KJAER 2032 Instruction Manual page 52

Dual channel signal analyzer
Table of Contents


Dual Spectrum Averaging
2 x 2048 sample Time Functions
2 x 1024 line Autospectra
1 x 1024 line Cross Spectrum
Dual Spectrum Averaging Zero Pad
2 x 1024 sample Time Functions
2 x 1024 line Autospectra
1 x 1024 line Cross Spectrum
Dual Signal Enhancement
2 x 2048 sample Time Functions
2 x 2048 sample Enhanced Time Functions
Dual Amplitude Probability
2 x 2048 sample Time Functions
2 x512 class Amplitude Probability Densities
Pressing DIGITAL 1/0 "Output" causes:
The "Output" L.E.D. to come on, indicating that the 2032 is a
The Display to be switched to single trace format with the MEA-
SUREMENT SETUP. If the Display was previously in dual trace
format, the trace containing the Field Selector is chosen for read-
Read-out of the information as one file.
On completion of the read-out, the "Output" L.E.D. to go off,
indicating that the 2032 is no longer a talker.
For details of the formats of Total Documentation and other files digi-
tally output by the 2032, refer to the separate 2032 IEC Interface
For details of digital output under manual control of files other than
Total Documentation files, refer to Section 12. 7.1.
"Plot" -
causes the 2032 to digitally output a "Plot" file for plotting
the screen picture plus alphanumerics on a Graphics Recorder Type
2313, see Section 8.1. The "Plot" L.E.D. comes on during the plot, to
indicate that the 2032 is a talker. "Plot" files may also be output to a
Digital Cassette Recorder Type 7400, see Section 8.2.3.
For details of the format of a "Plot" file, refer to the separate 2032
IEC Interface Manual.
"Stop" -
stops a digital data transmission, and clears any interface
error message appearing on the 2032 Display. The interface is re-
turned to its condition on power on.
"Local" -
for use when the 2032 is connected to an IEC Interface
Bus-controller. For details refer to the separate 2032 IEC Interface


Table of Contents

Table of Contents