L3Harris NARDA AMS-8061 User Manual page 70

Area monitor selective
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3.6.5 Answering
8061SW-02 - User's guide and Data Display
By enabling the command PC Answering, at the scheduled time, the station
enabled for Point-to-point communication calls the modem connected to the
PC and automatically downloads all its data.
To program the station to do that, proceed as follows:
access the station by pressing Call;
wait for the connection to be established;
when the software displays the configuration of the station, use the
command Enable Setting and enter the Setting Password;
Eventually, in the window Schedule for MODEM, write the telephone
number the station has to call (PC modem). Ten different telephone
numbers can be entered, that will be called in sequence. The first of
these number that will answer and secure a communication will receive
the data. This means that the data will be downloaded only on a PC that
is switched on, with the modem enabled, and that is running the
In the Time window, enter the time when the call has to be made (of
course the PC and modem must be on at that time);
In the Stand BY (H) window write for how long the GSM modem must
stay on. To save battery power, select the shortest possible time.
Writing 00, the station switches the modem on, sends the data and
switches it off immediately;
In the window Every (H) enter a submultiple of 24 hours defining the
daily rate at which the operation has to be repeated;
The function Originate CALL should be ON. If OFF is selected, the
modem will be switched on but no call will be made.
On receiving a call via modem from a station, the 8061SW-02 software
requests that the calling station identifies itself and on the basis of the
response string, it proceeds as follows:
If the ID (Name assigned to the station) of the calling station is on the
list of known stations, the 8061SW-02 prepares to receive the data in
the corresponding directories;
If the ID is not in the list of known stations, the 8061SW-02 adds the
new station to the list (leaving the telephone number field empty) and
creates the directories to receive the corresponding data;
If the ID is not provided or does not respect the protocol (e.g. a call by a
telephone), the 8061SW-02 put itself in stand-by.
After having identified the calling station, all the parameters are requested
in order to trace the call in the proper log, and after that all the field data
since the latest successful link are requested, so as to ensure continuity of
the downloaded data.
After the download of the data, the software sends the hang-up command to
the station to minimize link time and make itself available for another call.


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