L3Harris NARDA AMS-8061 User Manual page 223

Area monitor selective
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Check the station operation.
Windows HyperTerminal (or similar programs like Putty or TeraTerm) and a
serial port monitor could be useful tools to check the station operation when
connected to the controller PC through any wired connection (RS232, USB
Ethernet cable).
You can also check attempts of the station to connect to the GPRS network
and its operation.
Any terminal and Serial Port Monitor show activity of the station being it
connected to the PC RS232 or USB port.
To allow communication between the Hyper Terminal software and the area
monitor, its has to be set with following configuration:
Baud-rate: 115200
Data: 8 bit
Parity: None
Stop: 1 bit
Flow control: None
In this way it is possible to send all commands described in the user's
manual chapter 5 and also verify the answer from the monitor station.
The example below shows that the station received an SMS from the user's
mobile phone and, executes the received CGN command by connecting
immediately to the ftp server.
Please be aware that GPRS service, as well as, generally, all mobile
services, may be sometimes not available depending on the station
installation site and on the GSM service condition.
Everytime a station is not able, for any reason, to access the ftp server,
no measurement result will be lost, as soon as the station will be able
to establish a connection to the server it will download all data that
have not been downloaded till then.


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