Communication Control Function Parameters - Veichi AC100-T3-1R5G Manual

High-performance vc frequency inverter
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O u tp u t fre q ue n cy
U pper sw ing frequency
C e n tra l sw in g fre q ue ncy
Low er sw ing frequency
S w in g fre q u en cy a m p litud e
(F C .50 )
R u n n in g co m m an d

8.13 Communication Control Function Parameters

Main-slave machine Modbus and CAN
Choose inverter as main machine or slave machine when Modbus communication. Details for Modbus, refer to
Appendix 2:RS485 communication protocol.
LED "0" digit: Modbus Communication Main and Slave Selection
0: Slave machine Inverter is slave machine. Communication address is decided by [Fd.01]. Inverter receives order
from main machine and decides whether to reply or not when writing operation according to [Fd.08] setting. Reply delay
time is set by [Fd.05].
1: Main machine Inverter, as main machine, sends data to communication network by broadcast orders. All slave
machines accept orders from main machine. The data sending of main machine is set by [Fd.09].
LED "00" digit: CAN Communication Main and Slave Selection
0: Slave machine Inverter is CAN self-defined protocol slave machine or CANopen slave machine, receiving data from
main machine on the network.
1: Main machine Inverter, as main machine, sends data to communication network by broadcast orders. All slave
machines accept orders from main machine. The data sending of main machine is set by [Fd.09].
Note: when inverter is regarded as the main machine setting an network, all slave machines can only be
connected to the network when using inverters of VEICHI; The main machine sends broadcast data by
self-defined free protocol.
Modbus communication
slave machine address
It sets communication address when inverter is slave machine. If inverter is main machine, this parameter has no
meaning. 0 is the broadcast address.
S w in g fre quency
ra nge ( F C .52 )
T 2
T 1
T 1
S w in g fre que ncy chart
Setting range: 1-247
S tart-up fre quency
ran ge ( F C .53 )
T 4
T 3
T 4
T 3
Setting range: 0000-0011
T 1 : A C C b y A C C tim e
T 2 : p re se t freq u e n cy la sting tim e
T 3 : sw ing fre q u e ncy risin g tim e
T 4 : sw ing fre q u e ncy fa lling tim e
T 5 : D E C b y D E C tim e
tim e
T 5
Factory default: 0000
Factory default: 1

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