evertz 4025TR Instruction Manual page 83

Film footage encoder
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generator time and the film edge numbers are put into the user
This mode may be used when you are performing
assemble or insert edit during the transfer process or when
transferring to pre striped tape. The reader input should be
connected to the time code output of the record VTR. Use the
RDR MAPPING menu item to select which reader the Video
time will be slaved to. When the Video time is slaved to one of
the readers, a programmable offset (VOFS) allows you to adjust
for delays in the video path between the VTR and the 4025TR.
See section 3.1.1.
There are 2 two-line modes available. In these modes the video time is
placed into the time bits of the LTC and VITC 1 generators. The Audio
Time is placed into the user bits. The full edge number (KeyKode) data
which consists of a manufacturer's code, and emulsion code, a six digit
prefix, a four digit footage number plus the frame offset is placed in a
second set of VITC lines known as the secondary VITC (or VITC2) lines.
Select CINE VRDR + KEYKODE to slave the video time to the
telecine's biphase, and the audio time to the VITC reader. This
mode would typically be used when the audio code is being fed
to the 4025TR through an LTC to VITC translator such as the
video time to the telecine's biphase, and the audio time to the
LTC reader. Use the RDR MAPPING menu item to select which
reader the Audio time will be slaved to. When the Audio time is
slaved to one of the readers, a programmable offset (AOFS)
allows you to adjust for delays in the path between the ATR and
the 4025TR.
Select LRDR VRDR + KEYKODE to slave the video time to
the LTC reader, and the audio time to the VITC reader. This
mode would typically be used when the audio code is being fed
to the 4025TR through an LTC to VITC translator such as the
S621D-TLR. Select VRDR LRDR + KEYKODE to slave the
video time to the VITC reader, and the audio time to the LTC
reader. Use the RDR MAPPING menu item to select which
reader the Video and Audio time will be slaved to. When the
Video and Audio time are slaved to the readers, a
programmable offset (VOFS or AOFS respectively) allows you
to adjust for delays in the path between the VTR or ATR and the
There are 2 three-line modes available. In these modes the video time is
placed into the time bits of the LTC and the first line of the 3-line VITC
generators, and the user bits are set to zero.
(KeyKode) is placed in the second line of the 3-line VITC lines. The Audio
time and user bits are placed into the time and user bits or the third line of
the 3-line VITC.
Model 4025TR Film Footage Encoder Manual
Select CINE LRDR + KEYKODE to slave the
The full edge number
Page 3-15


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