Inoblender Test Using The Inomax Ds Ir To Analyze Output - Mallinckrodt INOMAX DSir Plus Operation Manual

800 ppm inomax (nitric oxide) for inhalation series 3 software
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INOblender Test Using the INOmax DS
• The purge procedure must be followed to help ensure NO
system before the manual resuscitator bag is connected to the patient.
• The manual bag should be squeezed repeatedly during use to avoid NO
up in the bag.
• If the bag is not squeezed repeatedly while delivering INOMAX, the bag should
be removed from the patient and the bag purge procedure performed before
• The INOblender should be upright when setting the oxygen flowrate for accurate
• Do not use pneumatically powered nebulizers with the INOblender. This will result
in significant over delivery of INOMAX in excess of 80 parts per million (ppm).
- The INOblender outlet pressure has been validated for use up to 400 millibar
- In addition, the INOblender flowmeter is not back-pressure compensated
• When not in use, the oxygen flowmeter and the INOMAX cylinder valve should be turned off.
• When the INOblender is used with an oxygen/air blender:
- The specification for INOMAX delivery when using the INOblender with 100% oxygen is
+/- 20% of setting or two ppm (whichever is greater). The use of 100% oxygen at 50 psig
is the labeled specification for the INOblender.
- A user may determine that some clinical conditions may necessitate the use of an
oxygen/air blender with the INOblender to achieve FiO
- Using oxygen/air mixtures (21% to 95% v/v) will reduce the delivered NO concentration
by up to 10% of setting or 1 ppm (whichever is greater) compared to using 100% oxygen
alone, resulting in a cumulative error up to +/- 30% of setting or three ppm (whichever is
• Refer to the manufacturer's procedures when using the manual resuscitator bag.
• When finished, turn the NO cylinder valve OFF and allow the oxygen to flow until the NO
pressure gauge reads zero, then turn the oxygen flow OFF.
(5.8 psig) pressure. The amount of back-pressure generated by pneumatic
nebulizers is significantly greater (20-30 psig) and will result in over delivery
of INOMAX in excess of 80 ppm. The user adjusted dose setting on the
INOblender will not correlate with, or have an effect on the actual delivered
and will display a lower flow rate than actual when pressure is applied to the
to Analyze Output
levels less than 100%.
is purged from the
Part No. 20717 Rev-01


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