Gate Delay (Spurious Emissions); Gate Length (Spurious Emissions); Adjust Gate; Carr Freq Stability - R&S FSV-K8 Operating Manual

Firmware option bluetooth measurements
Table of Contents


The measurement of the adjacent channels is limited to the available Bluetooth fre-
quency band, which means that at maximum 79 channels (23 channels in France) will
be measured.
Remote command:
CONFigure:​ B TOoth:​ A CLR:​ A CPairs​
CONFigure:​ B TOoth:​ I BSemissions:​ A CPairs​
Gate Delay (Spurious Emissions) ← Spurious Emissions
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the time between trigger event and start of the DPSK
packet. That is the measurement start time.
Remote command:
[SENSe:​ ] SWEep:​ E GATe:​ H OLDoff​
Gate Length (Spurious Emissions) ← Spurious Emissions
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the sweep time in seconds. Usually, this is the length
of the DPSK section.
Remote command:
[SENSe:​ ] SWEep:​ E GATe:​ L ENGth​
Adjust Gate ← Spurious Emissions
Adjusts the gate settings according to the pre–measurement results.
Remote command:
CONFigure:​ B TOoth:​ I BSemissions:​ G ATE:​ A UTO ONCE​

Carr Freq Stability

Opens a submenu to configure the Carr Freq Stability measurement. For further details
refer to
measurement", on page 31.
Remote command:
CALCulate<n>:​ B TOoth:​ C FSTability:​ F ERRor:​ [ TOTal]?​
CALCulate<n>:​ B TOoth:​ C FSTability:​ F ERRor:​ B LOCk?​
CALCulate<n>:​ B TOoth:​ C FSTability:​ F ERRor:​ I NITial?​
CALCulate<n>:​ B TOoth:​ C FSTability:​ D EVM:​ [ RMS]?​
CALCulate<n>:​ B TOoth:​ C FSTability:​ D EVM:​ P EAK?​
CALCulate<n>:​ B TOoth:​ C FSTability:​ D EVM:​ D 99Pct?​
CALCulate<n>:​ B TOoth:​ C FSTability:​ C OUNt?​
Channel ← Carr Freq Stability
Opens an edit dialog box to enter the transmission channel number. From the number
of the channel the center frequency is calculated in accordance to the RF Test Specifi-
cation. The default setting is channel number 0.
Operating Manual 1176.7610.02 ─ 02
Instrument Functions for Bluetooth Measurements (K8)
chapter 3.1.8, "Carrier Frequency Stability and Modulation Accuracy (EDR)
CONFigure:​ B TOoth:​ M EASurement​
Softkeys of the Bluetooth Menu
on page 91
on page 95
on page 116
on page 117
on page 72
on page 71
on page 96
on page 96
on page 73
on page 74
on page 74
on page 71
on page 72


Table of Contents

Table of Contents