Instrument Functions For Bluetooth Measurements (K8) - R&S FSV-K8 Operating Manual

Firmware option bluetooth measurements
Table of Contents


3 Instrument Functions for Bluetooth Meas-
urements (K8)
This option provides measurements to test the conformity of signal sources to the
Bluetooth RF Test Specification (Bluetooth SIG).
For background information on Bluetooth measurements refer to
tion to Bluetooth Measurements
To open the Bluetooth menu
If the "Bluetooth" mode is not the active measurement mode, press the MODE key
and activate the "Bluetooth" option.
If the "Bluetooth" mode is already active, press the MENU key.
The "Bluetooth" menu is displayed.
Menu and softkey description
The following softkey menus are specific to the R&S FSV-K8 option and are described
chapter 3.3, "Softkeys of the Bluetooth
chapter 3.4, "Softkeys of the MEAS CONFIG
chapter 3.7, "Softkeys of the Frequency Menu (option R&S
chapter 3.5, "Softkeys of the Amplitude Menu (Bluetooth
chapter 3.6, "Softkeys of the Bandwidth Menu (option R&S
chapter 3.8, "Softkeys of the Sweep Menu (Bluetooth
chapter 3.9, "Softkeys of the Trigger Menu (Option R&S
The span menu is not available in the "Bluetooth" mode. All other menus are provided
as described for the base unit. For details refer to the corresponding menu descrip-
To display help to a softkey, press the HELP key and then the softkey for which you
want to display help. To close the help window, press the ESC key. For further infor-
mation refer to
chapter 3.2, "Adapting the settings to the characteristics of the
Measurement settings
Various measurement types are available with the Bluetooth option, see
"Measurement Types and Result
The basic parameter settings are described in
the characteristics of the
vidually for each measurement are the following:
Operating Manual 1176.7610.02 ─ 02

Instrument Functions for Bluetooth Measurements (K8)

(K8)", on page 10.
chapter 1.3, "How to Use the Help
Display", on page 22.
DUT", on page 33. The settings that can be configured indi-
chapter 2, "Introduc-
Menu", on page 34
menu", on page 49
FSV-K8)", on page 55
Mode)", on page 49
FSV-K8)", on page 53
mode)", on page 56
FSV-K8)", on page 60
System", on page 8.
chapter 3.2, "Adapting the settings to
DUT", on page 33
chapter 3.1,


Table of Contents

Table of Contents