Burst Offset; Search Len Auto - R&S FSV-K8 Operating Manual

Firmware option bluetooth measurements
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If the
"BURST NOT FOUND" is displayed, and the corresponding bit in the
STATus:QUEStionable:SYNC register is set during remote operation.
Remote command:
[SENSe:​ ] DDEMod:​ S EARch:​ P ULSe[:​ S TATe]​
Burst Offset ← Find Sync ← Output Power
Opens an edit dialog box to define the time to be displayed before the identified burst.
The values range from –10 ms to + 10 ms, with negative values moving the burst to the
left, positive values to the right. The default setting for the burst offset is 0.
If the burst is identified, but the selected measurement time cannot be displayed due to
the selected burst offset, the message "BURST OFFSET INVALID" is displayed.
This softkey is only available if the
On/Off (Output Power)
Remote command:
[SENSe:​ ] DDEMod:​ S EARch:​ P ULSe:​ O FFSet​
Search Len Auto ← Find Sync ← Output Power
Activates or deactivates the automatic selection of the search length for the search of
the sync word or the burst, depending on the selected packet type. The automatic
search length is determined as follows:
Trigger free run:
search length = 3 * packet length + | sync offset or burst offset |
All other trigger modes:
search length = 1 * packet length + 1 Slot + | sync offset or burst offset |
If the selected measurement time is higher than the packet length, the following differ-
ence is added to the search length:
measurement time – packet length
In the default setting, the automatic calculation of the search length is activated.
Remote command:
[SENSe:​ ] DDEMod:​ S EARch:​ T IME:​ A UTO​
Operating Manual 1176.7610.02 ─ 02
Instrument Functions for Bluetooth Measurements (K8)
Find Sync On/Off
softkey is not activated and no burst is identified, the message
softkey is activated.
Softkeys of the Bluetooth Menu
on page 121
Find Sync On/Off
is deactivated and the
on page 121
on page 123
Find Burst


Table of Contents

Table of Contents