Belarus 2022.6 Operator's Manual page 191

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End of table 6.3.1
external manifestation, cause
After engine start or after switching reduction unit passes, indicating lamp for reduc-
Oil pressure in the control hydraulic
system is less than 0.8 MPa
Faulty sensor of GB reduction unit
higher or lower pass respectively, or
the pilot lamp for GB reduction unit
actuation has burnt out, or GB re-
duction unit led lamp has burnt out
Circuit breakage from the sensor to
the pilot lamp or circuit breakage
from the sensor to the led lamp
FDA drive is constantly engaged at any of three positions of the switch
Jamming of the FDA drive distribu-
tion valve spool in the open position
Rear axle DL or FDA drive is constantly engaged in an automated mode (fail to disen-
Breakage in the supply circuit "plus"
of left or, correspondingly, right sen-
sor for turning angle
1, 3, 4 – brackets; 2 – sensor for turning angle (±13°, DL); 5 – sensor for turning angle (±25°,
FDA); 6 – outer nut; 7 – inner nut; 8 – front axle (view from above).
Figure 6.3.1 – Adjustment of sensors for guide wheels turning angle
tion unit passes fails to light up
Check oil pressure value according to the oil pres-
sure gauge in the transmission on the dashboard.
Eliminate the failure in the transmission hydraulic
system according to subsection 6.10 "Possible fail-
ures in the transmission hydraulic system and in-
structions for their troubleshooting"
Replace faulty parts (sensor or pilot lamp or led
According to the diagram, check the circuit "sensor-
pilot lamp" or "sensor-led lamp" operability and elimi-
nate the breakage in the faulty circuit
Rinse FDA drive distribution valve
gage during guide wheels turn)
Check the sensor supply circuit "plus" according to
the electric circuit diagram
Installation of left sensor
Installation of right sensor
2022.6-0000010 OM


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