Possible Failures In Front Power Take-Off Shaft And Instructions For Their Troubleshooting - Belarus 2022.6 Operator's Manual

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6.6 Possible failures in front power take-off shaft and instructions for their
The list of possible failures of front power take-off shaft and instructions for their
troubleshooting are shown in table 6.6.1.
Table 6.6.1
Failure, external manifestations,
Front PTO shaft can not be engaged and its end extension fails to rotate
While the FPTO engagement, the
indicating lamp does not light up, the
unit does not operate or FPTO can
be engaged only for a short period
No pressure in the FPTO control
Front PTO fails to transmit the required power, the FPTO shaft end extension is ro-
Operation at lower pressure in the
transmission hydraulic system, skid-
ding of FPTO band-brake
Control cylinder rod is moving but
FPTO does not transmit full torque
or while FPTO shaft disengagement
the PTO shaft end extension goes
on rotating. Cylinder rod overstroke
FPTO does not transmit full torque or while FPTO shaft disengagement the PTO shaft
If the clearances in band-brakes are
adjusted, it proves significant wear
of band-brakes
Reduction gear parts breakdown
Follow the instructions of subsection 6.3 "Possible
failures in the electronic control system for rear axle
differential lock, front driving axle drive, front power
take off shaft control, GB reduction unit and instruc-
tions for their troubleshooting"
FPTO distribution valve spool jamming is possible.
Check the distribution valve operability by pressing
the spool pusher. Depending on the distribution valve
configuration, it is required to press the pusher cov-
ered with a rubber cap on the solenoid kit or through
the opening in the solenoid kit butt end. While press-
ing the spool pusher, the cylinder rod shall be shifted.
If the distribution valve spool does not move - replace
the distribution valve. If the distribution valve spool
shifts and the cylinder rod remains fixed, check pres-
sure in the tractor transmission hydraulic system.
Operating pressure shall be within 1.1 to 1.2 MPa. In
case the pressure is below the required value, elimi-
nate the transmission hydraulic system failure as
specified in subsection 6.10 "Possible failures of the
transmission hydraulic system and instructions for
their troubleshooting"
Operation with FPTO at lower pressure in the trans-
mission hydraulic system is not allowed! Eliminate
the transmission hydraulic system failure as specified
in subsection 6.10 "Possible failures of transmission
hydraulic system and instructions for their trouble-
Adjust clearances in band brakes
end extension goes on rotating
Replace the PTO shaft bands
Noise in FPTO reduction unit
Dismount reduction unit from the tractor, replace
bearings and worn-out parts causing failure
2022.6-0000010 OM


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