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Config: Tx: Tx Modulation: Frame Size; Config: Tx: Code Rate; Config: Tx: Symrate - Comtech EF Data CDM-710 Installation And Operation Manual

Broadcast satellite modem


CDM-710 Broadcast Satellite Modem
Front Panel Operation

Config: Tx: Tx Modulation: Frame Size

This menu is only available when the Mode selection is DVB-S2.
Tx Frame Size:
Long Short
This menu is active only in the DVB-S2 mode. The selection Long enables the standard
FECFRAME = 64,800 bits and selecting Short enables the 16,200 bit frame. Only DVB-S2
allows a FECRAME choice. The default value is

Config: Tx: Code Rate

CodeRate:1/2 3/5 2/3
3/4 4/5 5/6 7/8 8/9 9/10
Refer to data rate menu for valid code rates.
All possible choices are presented at all times.
If an option is not installed (either Hardware or FAST) is valid, or if a code
rate is not available for the Mode selected, the  arrow keys will force
the cursor to skip past the unavailable choice.
This is accomplished by selecting the digit to be edited, using the
should then press

Config: Tx: SymRate

Data: 038.723635 Mbps
Sym: 017.379483 Msps(E)
Use the
arrow keys to select the desired digit of the Symbol Rate. The value of the digit
is then changed using the
The Data Rate digits also change as the Symbol Rate values are edited. The value of the
Data Rate depends upon the code rate, modulation type, and the Mode type selected.
arrow keys. The user should then press
Revision 9
arrow keys. The user

