Typing Equations - Tabor Electronics 5064 User Manual

50 / 100 / 200 ms/s four channel arbitrary waveform generator
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Typing Equations

Generating Waveforms Using the Equation Editor
explore your own creativity to generate much more complicated and
complex waveforms.
If you remember from your old high school studies, the simplest
curve of Y as a function of X is defined by the equation Y=aX+b.
You can use the same "technique" to generate straight lines with
the Equation Editor. Assuming first that p=0, try this:
Press [Preview] and see what you get. Of course, you get an
uninteresting line that runs parallel to the X-axis. Now, lets give the
line some angle by typing:
Press [Preview] and see that the line slopes down. It may still be
not very interesting however, pay close attention to the convention
that is used in this equation. You cannot type: Amplitude(p)=-
2p+1000, like you would normally do in your notebook; You must
use the * (multiply) sign, otherwise you'll get a syntax error. Now
we'll try to generate a simple sine waveform. Try this:
Press [Preview] and... sorry, you still get nothing on the screen.
The Wave Composer did not make a mistake! The sine of 10 in
radians is exactly what it shows. You are unable to see the result
because the line on your screen running across the 0 vertical point.
The equation must be a function of a single variable and
that variable must be directly related to the Horizontal
axis Scale setting.
Now try this:
Still no good, but now press the [Adjust] button and here is your
sinewave. So what's wrong? Well, if you'll give it a little amplitude it
might help so, do it now exactly as follows:
There you go. You should now see a perfect sine waveform with a
period of 1000 points. This is because you have asked the Equation
Editor to compute the sine along p points ("p" is the equation
variable, remember?). If you want to create 10 sine waveforms, you
should multiply p by 10. Try this:


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