If Spectrum (Option); Data Lamp - R&S EB200 Manual

Miniport receiver
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EB200 Manual

3.3.4 IF spectrum (option)

The width of the IF panorama display can be adjusted by the SPAN parameter.
The setting range is 150 Hz up to 1000 kHz in 17 steps. Additionally the width of the IF-panorama
display can be set to COUPLED. In that case the width of the IF-panorama display corresponds always
to the set IF-bandwidth.
Appearance of the IF spectrum in the IF-PAN display
Above this panorama display, the reference level REF, the displayable level range RNG and the current
frequency span are displayed. The reference level corresponds to the highest display limit. The lowest
display limit results from REF minus RNG.
With switched on squelch a horizontal line is indicated according to the squelch value in the spectrum.
This line can be used for the measuring of the level of individual signals.
The level range RNG is represented by a vertical resolution of 30 pixels. The frequency span SPAN is
represented by a horizontal resolution of 127 pixels.
Appearance of the IF spectrum in the DEFAULT display
Below this panorama display the current frequency span (SPAN) is indicated.
The level range RNG is represented vertically with a resolution of 30 pixels. The frequency span SPAN
is represented horizontally with a resolution of 63 pixels.

3.3.5 DATA lamp

DATA Indicates a data transmission in progress
The DATA lamp (remote data traffic) only appears in the KEYLOCK menu.


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