Overview; Help; Mail; Logoff - General DataComm Megamux Plus 036M241 Operator Instructions Manual

Time division multiplexer
Table of Contents




This section describes the routines involved with the proper management of the MEGAMUX
PLUS supervisory port CRT Interface, rather than the multiplexer system. These routines, all ac-
cessible from the Main Menu, are necessary for optimal use of the CRT interface.


When selected, this routine displays operating information concerning CRT key functions. This
display is only accessible from the Main Menu.


Mail allows you to send a message of up to 66 characters to the opposite-end node. This routine
may be initiated from either Node M or Node S. You may only send one message at a time; if you
send subsequent messages before the first message sent is displayed, these subsequent messages
are lost. The best way to use Mail is as an exchange of messages; an operator at one end sends a
message, and waits for a response before sending any further messages.
To send or read a message, select Mail from the Main Menu. If no messages have been sent from
the opposite end, the prompt:
is displayed, with the cursor positioned next to the prompt. To send a message, simply type in the
message, and press the RETURN key or the right cursor key; the message is transmitted to the
opposite end. The message is transmitted automatically when a 66th character is typed (a CRT
warning "beep" is heard when the 60th character is entered). If you make a mistake, use the left
cursor position key or the BACK SPACE key to move the cursor to a position before the mistake;
then retype the message.
If a message has been sent to your node, the prompt:
is displayed below the MAIL prompt; the message follows the NEW MAIL prompt. Once you
have displayed the message, it is deleted from memory, and you are prepared to receive another


When you select this routine from the Main Menu, the CRT interface is placed in a protected
mode. The Alarm Scan, Status Scan, Mail and Help routines will be the only routines that can be
directly selected from the Main Menu. All other routines will require entry of a password before
the routine may be entered. This feature prevents unauthorized personnel from entering those rou-
tines that can interfere with system functions.
036R660-000, Issue 10


Table of Contents

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